How Do We Stop It, Yas Forums?

We need a new meme, similar to the ‘Der Coomer’ meme, in order to prevent the growing issue surrounding white women acting like whores online.

Any suggestions, Yas Forums?

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How about we just overthrow our corrupt and illegitimate governments and then take women's rights away?

Here is a list of things you will ever do:
>1. Jack shit
End of list.

The market will correct the problem idiot. Only fans is subversion at its best. Millions of girls drop out to college to whore on online and they end up making $15 each on average.

Hopefully fifth wave feminism will be less retarded.

Hell yeah I'll jack my shit to her pics.

The Simper. Cut this epidemic off at its source, hit em where it hurts. Target the customers.

Yeah, I figured it was too early for that. I'll check back in another 10 years.

Hopefully men will run out of money and come to their senses if they ever had any.

Been saying this for almost a year now and nobody ever cares. Always get the same response here

>huehuehue simps get what they deserve cucks gonna cuck

30k a day?
Who the fuck is paying for this when porn is free?

Stop being a simp by paying for nudes from women who will never fuck you. Women aren’t the prob. Simps are

der simper

I mean didntbwe cover this with american idol? Cant we just start casting agencies in hollywood, get these women signing contracts and take 15% of their stuff due to exposure causing interest in them?

rich shitskins

None of you can say with a straight face you wouldn't do the same thing if you had the opportunity to make 7 figures a day showing pictures of your feet to prince abdul mohammed. The problem is that those fucking porn starved idiots exist thanks to sharia law.

So, our meme must target simps. At the same time, I can't think of a meme to target the suppliers. Doxing can work, as it has been decided years ago that that's acceptable.

Jesus who is that whale in the op?

why does it make you so mad? Oh, I know. Women have started to execute successful business plans and provide serious income for themselves, while you haven't. You have always believed that women are inferior, yet here they are, out-earning you, understanding supply and demand better than you and leveraging capitalism in their favor better than you. It makes you mad because you feel personally slighted that people you thought were inferior are actually much more successful than you.

So maybe it's time to grow up. Instead of mindlessly hating women, feel humbled. Instead of being angry at women entrepreneurs, learn from them. Come up with your own business and succeed. That's what western civilization is about.

>similar to the ‘Der Coomer’ meme,
Aside from shitting up instathot threads on Yas Forums last year that forced meme did fuck all. It was a reincarnation of sneedposting.

Go back to posting empty egg cartons on their twitter pages and stop making these forced memes.

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by shutting down onlyfans

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Ask and push and imply they are trannys

Lol brown people don’t pay for shit
We know it’s white boys throwing their inheritance
Rollo tomasi did a podcast with Tate on it

Why contain it? It only accelerates the society toward the end faster

Ugly rich shitskins who can't get a white woman because not even being rich will make the white woman want them when they can just get a hot rich white guy instead.

Go to dubai and see how quickly that opinion changes. The amount of stinking rich arabs that have a 3-6 arab wife and a 9 or 10 white mistress they spoil the fuck out of is staggering. The only good thing I can say is that they're not interested in breeding the white girls. They just want to fuck them then throw them away when they turn 25 and get a new one.

Don't pay for it.
Sadly it's milenials that help this trend rolling.

I swear i hate my generation,the most pathetic generation to ever exist.
I should have become a serial killer.

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>how do we find a way to utilize social shaming to stop a demonstrably dysgenic behavior?

You better fucking not be a glowie, if my tax dollars are being spent on this level of incompetence I demand a refund.

Theres still time user.

this only affects simps and people who care about what whores do in their spare time though

>those fucking porn starved idiots exist thanks to sharia law
And that's why "white sharia" is a horrible idea.

There isn't.
Women should be treated with a iron fist.
Either via shaming or small nudges on the head.

Thank God i did that(almost did prison for it) and my lady friends turned out pretty ok(married with kids)...i still "ghost"(i think that's the word) some of them.
My friends never treated girls with kidness but we did with respect.

But simp behaviour and encouraging of it are strictly a milenial problem.

We need to profit off of this.

Starting today we set plans into motion to becoming e-pimps. If you see a girl irl without a only fans account you get her on it. And you manage/market her while getting 20% back.

Soon the market will be oversatuated and onlyfans will be no more.

Gas yourself.

I let my wife have an onlyfans.
It's alright. It gives her something to do when she's not cooking, cleaning, or having sex with me.

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I'm a gym rat with a pretty big dick. I could pimp pics and vids of myself to homos online for money but I don't because I'm not a degenerate faggot.

inb4 you say its not possible. I've talked to other guys online who have done this and made up to 4 grand a month doing it casually to pay for their steroid stacks and other expenses.

gotta have big ol pussy lips

Kill yourself or have your wife's boyfriend do it you pathetic pencil wristed faggot

based. I never thought of doing that, but I have always been too paranoid to get into steroids.

Maybe you'll think differently when you consider the fact that your coworker in the next office may be buying videos where your teenage daughter friends are dancing to drake with the snapchat filter on and licking their freshly extracted buttplugs... and it's seen as normal.


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legendary post earlier today

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