What should be the punishment for saying this?

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1 month having a tranny in your workplace


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Imagine if there really was a military coup and the US government got overthrown. That seems incomprehensible.

can see the onions seeping from his pores

Would be good tv

Id shoot every leftist in sight

Against the bloated legislative branch? It would be a dream.

The price a traitor pays.

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>punishment for asking a question

Up to 20 years in prison

FBI at his door

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ah but see how he put a question mark at the end? that could hardly be defined as 'advocating'.

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>advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States

Doesn't apply. He's posing a question, not calling for a coup.

Suboring a coup d'etat is felony conspiracy to commit sedition.
1 The FBI is backing the same Coup.
2 Jews are above the law.
So, this is okay.
Goyim, don't try this yourself against a jew installed representative.

>stunning and brave revolutionaries infiltrate and organize a coup d'état from within the military
>training is dogshit, so worthless
>can't steal equipment because ETS jews keep doing it first
>joes too retarded to be recruited
>NCOs a toss up between kiss ass and shitbag
>command too busy making their new mottos to have any effect
>day of the second american revolution, stolen explosives are duds, guns aren't zeroed, key leadership on both sides stuck in SHARP classes, chosen one to strike the first blow is intercepted by an MP for running a yellow light
>boogaloo boomers and waivered felons mow them down within a week

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cause u all are cucks, the past dem fucked you, now even the reps are fucking you, making you a slave forever , bailing out wall-street, the average US citizen is a modern day slave, granted we all are in some ways or form but i just look at the US system and like wow, they fuck you so openly and you eat it up just like that.

Public beheading

Just another kike calling for a coup against Trump.

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Being turned into soap.

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Literally impossible. The US military chain of command is a deliberately byzantine morass designed to fall apart before it could ever be used any single faction to seize power. Each branch is functionally separate. Each regional command is functionally separate. No one is really in charge. It's all minnows swimming in the same direction for the moment.

Reminder to report all seditionists to the US government.

Eh. Let's see him organize one.

Just reply "Hanging seditious agitators in front of their family?"

You should be fair game to counter revolutionaries

Obviously gas.

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What if you beat him with a wooden cutout of a question mark? That wouldnt count as assault right?

Jewish opposition to Donald Trump (pre election)

Attached: Jeffrey Guterman.png (2500x899, 477.22K)

>feces obsession
What IS the TDS left's deal with that?

I don't see why they couldn't contact each other if need be.

He should be forced to actually try to do it.

treason and sedition, isnt that death penalty in the US?, its at least 25 years at gitmo

It's a Jewish thing. You wouldn't understand.

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Like it or not, 1st amendment goes both ways. Stop being such snowflake faggots like the left.

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all funds to their organization pulled, tax on organization increased due to increase in security surveillance of now newely deemed hostile domestic terrorist.

Treason is absolutely not covered by free speech

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im now seeing this is the same shit that rolled in with old Russia. pieces of shit not getting their way, so they push this shit

There should unironically be another civil war.

Chuckled at that quite sensibley

Ok Qoomer. All I see is some washed up Jew posing an edgy question on twatter. Hardly treason. Just some old fuck trying to be relevant. You really think he's going to turn the military against our President?


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Tthe military already rule, why would they want a coup?

A mental health counselor that acts crazy, who would have thought...

He was just being sarcastic.
I thought you Trumptards understand that.....

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Death. That's literally advocating treason. Someone report that to the FBI.

FEMA fascist detected.


Bingo. Rats will be rats

Trump has all the military support, what are these stupid fucks going on about?