The new world is here. Welcome

The new world is here. Welcome.

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this fucking guy, wasting our precious helium

i hope someone kept the CP meme of this guy.

Are you prepared for the new world Yas Forums?

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epic instagram photo spot

>tfw it has being longer than 2 months since I've been productive

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I’m still working though wtf

Does that mean the Globalist kikes will leave the OTG innawoods trad folk alone? Finally?
Or are we gunna have to making you regret all this bullshit?

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He's actually right. Government workers and the rich are in full seethe mode. Society and people are realizing it's better to stay home and get money instead of dying for scraps and pennies. This is a societal collapse.

Slaves are either paid to work, or forced to work senpai.

In 30 years we will all still be in the rooms we are shit in now. Dressed in gothic rags with gas lights on wondering what the fuck just happened.

Jesus what a fucking shame about those trees.

I love the power of our industry, but holy shit.

>Shit in
*shit in
Will do. Totally shit in.
Hey everyone. Goodnight.

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I’m paid to do neither.

a world of attention seeking betas?

>Does that mean the Globalist kikes will leave the OTG innawoods trad folk alone? Finally?
go be Amish, user.
they'd love you, im sure.

And when all the slaves rise up and realize it's not worth it anymore?

>People who don't worry about money think they're the abused working class and gloat about being able to take months long vacations instead of waiting in line at food banks with the threat of being turned away

Has Corona exposed the left as the rich parasites they pretend to hate?

We have the best slaves. The best. All the other places might have slaves but not as good as ours. We have the smartest and most easy going slaves. We love our slaves.

>Has Corona exposed the left as the rich parasites they pretend to hate?
you tell me. projection is the greatest asset of the left, and they've convince a ton of faggots that they are actually the proletariat for buying iphones to "fit in".

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Then, you truly are a slave
Nature compels enslavement. It is not within the purview of man to alter that arrangement.

The world has been through far more deadlier pandemics and “normalcy” has been almost always been achieved. What makes these retards think things won’t ever go back to normal?

Fuck those trees. They were nigger trees

>Nature compels enslavement
Where did you pull that from?

because a gazillion Boomers are laying off people, restructuring, and changing their business practices to take advantage of the crisis, cementing our new reality in place.


Ive been a neet for four years and i loved staying inside my place, i was always happy as a clam. But since the quarintine i legit hate being inside my place. Something changed. I hate it

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Truly the opposite. I do whatever I want :) anything else is COPE.

Because everyone thinks we live in some kind of weird post-history bubble where nothing ever rocks the boat

Coward that you are; you lie even to yourself

oh shut the fuck up

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i have been unproductive for years. this virus has not affected my productivity at all. but i know how to spend my time without wasting it making inspirational balloon messages for instagram

hey bernout! looks like he folded to the DNC :^(

But he TOTALLY wouldn't have folded to big business like every politician! because he super pinky-promised you, right?
The government is corrupt! So let's put more trust into the government!

you idiots are correct theres a problem, but its right wingers.

Sorry for calling you out so accurately bro. Hope I didn't ruin your months long staycation, maybe holding a mug of coffee with non-dairy milk with both hands in the cool morning will make you feel better.

ohhh sick burrnn there, bernout.

how do you know he didn't just use sticky tape?

I hope you realize no one on your chart's "Far right"
People who impose tariffs and taxes and sanctions aren't far right, they take a direct government action to control the economy.

stop complaining about everything if you are just going to keep voting for right wingers.

>"What I have to say isn't very intersting, but I still want people to pay attention

I don't vote for right wingers because right wingers are never on the ballot. The only people that get on there are thieves that disagree on how to rob me, fuck with my business and how to further abuse the closed economy.

>People who impose tariffs and taxes and sanctions aren't far right
no duh retard, its all the other stuff that makes them far right

>Oh shit you read a book? Woooow civilization is saved
>Book read. Progress Secured.

you are thinking like a mentally disabled person

But they don't do that other stuff either. They suck at doing the other stuff. They're just bashful leftists that gleefully endorse theft that they call taxation.

But I'm not a leftist.

now with reduced s o y

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it the 2nd most abundant thing out there.

There it is!
thank you, based user.

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