Yas Forums BTFO

Yas Forums BTFO


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Counterpoint: Isn't a Nigger the exact opposite of a Human?

the goofy hand gestures mean i should take him more seriously, right?

Good thing I'm not an American than

He definitely doesn't look like he's in good enough health to survive Covid, and he lives in NYC, so there's a pretty good chance he will die. That makes me smile

>retarded boomer "Italian-American"
>having an opinion worth shit
I'll admit that the tendency to use some of the same symbols as German Natsoc movements is a bit meh but America was founded by Celto-Germanic Anglos, 90% of it's population up until the late 1800's was English, Scottish, Irish, German, Frence, Belgian, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Austrian, Swedish, etc with some negros in the south east and some spatterings of Chinese, Injuns, in major cities or where big companies wanted to devalue white American labor and chose to bring in those fucks. Then we opened up immigration to southern and eastern europe and we ended up with millions of Jews and within a generation it got fucked, we ended up drawn into both wars in large part to the Jews, by the end of the two wars we became nothing but a golem for the Jewish race.

Anyone who says we're a melting pot, a nation of immigrants, or some other bullshit, one of these days you'll either learn or you won't have to worry about paying your bills.

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*Chinese, etc in major cities and injuns on reservations


Oh No its this same exact thread again!

These boomers are forever brainwashed. Their dads were ww2 vets so by having any kinda opinions that go against the narrative, you’re going against their dads. There’s no hope for this entire generation

seig heil!
seig heil!
Heil Hitler

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Yeah, that basically supports my point. Also note that all the non-white immigration after the late 60's. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, ie the Hart–Celler Act. Who was this Celler character anyway?
>Celler was born in Brooklyn, the son of Josephine (née Müller) and Henry H. Celler. All of his grandparents immigrated from Germany. His paternal grandparents and maternal grandmother were Jewish
Oh, a Jew, purely a cohencidence.

>What does america have to do with Nazis

anyways >kike, fecal obsession
checks out

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>In the 1940s, Celler opposed both the isolationists and the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration by forcefully advocating that the United States relax immigration laws on an emergency basis to rescue those fleeing the Holocaust.

Rockwell was what was needed at the time but he and his movement weren't about leadership but about spreading a message and trying to get white America to open their eyes.

oh look its that guy who shouts about coffee and makes italian americans look even more fucking retarded

Reminder that most modern Italians proper are just retarded Jews that couldn't cut it.

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yeah he wasn't enough to redpill normies. I don't really know what would have worked against the kike media at that time. But it's still sad you gringos fought the war for der iuden.

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You know this nigga has gotta be a hardcore Fox News/Zionist OUR GREATEST ALLY fag

Leave your pity at the door, Juan.

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hes deleting comments

he's italian right

Weird you chose Arnald Schwarzenegger when he has a thing for Mexican women.

Italian American.

That guy has OD'd on kikepills.

I don't need to pity you to be sad about your circumstances, for example the kikes sold you on the niggers and now you can't do anything about it.
GLR was decent and he wanted what's best for his country, he could not make it so, that's sad.
Taking half of mexico and having a beaner problem, that's not sad that's just desserts.

>the kikes sold you on the niggers
To be fair to the kikes, niggers aren't that bad.

We're a nation of settlers, pioneers, and explorers.

I'm Italian and Jewish by blood, and I feel like I don't belong here. It's the country of those people who's ancestors settled 400 years, or of Swedish and Irish farmers who claimed the great plains, not a bunch of metropolitan Italians and Jews.

They mostly make me feel fear, I really believe you can't relax around them, maybe black men when they're being civil, but niggers! fuck no!

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>maybe black men when they're being civil
When they're not then what are they? Like, I think I get what you're saying. But, the way you worded it made it sound like those civil ones are like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.