Come enjoy the white mans music, heres an American classic to start things off
Take a break from all the kike demoralization threads
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Based guy
One for my leafbros
What are they, Irish? How do they all know this obscure shanty
>he doesnt know
Thats from the Portsmouth New Hampshire maritime folk festival, its almost like Europeans built this country or something
Anything from NZ worth showing off?
>Anything from NZ worth showing off?
You really like this guy, eh burger bro? No joke, you can still go to kitchen parties just like if you know the right people. Hope you make it to one someday.
>Thats from the Portsmouth New Hampshire maritime folk festival
Okay so they're all maritime folk music enthusiaists...that explains it.
I really do fren, hes one of my favorites. A personal goal of mine to remind kike infested nu/pol/ that North American culture is still alive and well.
Would unironically like to hear it
Shills get their nap break at midnight and the shilling will subside drastically
>Would unironically like to hear it
Why bother? You'll just shoot shit down and care less about it than I do about the picture of some shithole you posted.
There are still those of us on here who enjoy common cultures. Be bitter all you want, dont post anything, whatever, but if you do Ill give it a shot.
Why is black music so superior? I mean I come on here and post in nigger hate threads daily and spout my hate for nogs but as soon as I log off and put the headphones it, it is almost exclusively the black mans music, and this type of music almost never fails to put me in a good, alpha, upbeat mood.
I mean seriously, alot of white music is centered around heartbreaks and being depressed. Meanwhile blacks always have an alpha attitude and sing about being happy, rich, and getting tons of girls. It's the most masculine music available right now and it's not a surprise black men are dominating the music industry and the charts while white men are now going unnoticed.
I know I'm not the only one here that's into alpha music, I'll share some alpha tunes
Admit it. Black music is fucking based. Make sure to put your headphones in, black music has extremely low bass which is a foreign concept to most of us and can't be heard through bad speakers.
>inb4 angry whiteboys start posting shit tier obscure music nobody listens to
holy fuck that is awesome, thanks man
My boomer dad found this video once, it was titled "Suddenly an old man steps out of the crowd, and then" so he didn't know who the singer was. Kept raving about how awesome it was, how if this guy released an album, he'd buy it. Took me two minutes of googling and I come back like
>Okay, the dude's name is David Coffin, he's a professional folk singer, he actually has four albums. You want the purchase links?
And my dad is just like " It was exciting because I thought he was just a random guy, if he's a pro then it's not that interesting." Like this wasn't obviously prearranged and not spontaneous. My dad is a fucking dumbass.
Unreasonably based and wholesomepilled
You tried, thats what counts Schlomo. Have some uniquely American folk on me.
>posts Arthur Rubinstein’s grandson
kek never change, Yas Forums
How y'all like this here?
I think it may be my favorite rendition of the song, personally.
Thanks bro.
>Why is black music so superior?
Help me Bob I'm bully in the alley
This is my first time visiting this site in a few days. The shilling was always bad, but the avalanche of "DRUMPF SAYS DRINK POISON" threads made the site unusable.
>I mean seriously, alot of white music is centered around heartbreaks and being depressed
I'm sorry you not only have shit taste in music but have no idea of what's even out there. Sad really.
>Come enjoy the white mans music
Irish Rovers are eternally based and a North American treasure
Things I made up for $500 Alex
Based and modern country pilled. Heres my favorite of his, a little tune about falling in love with a Catholic girl.
Wait I take it back thats Uncle Stans crew, even more based. Nice user.
Believe it or not I'm an acquaintance of his. I spread the Childerspill to all over
Total IQ: 95
this fag drowned lmfao
Many people have some yid in the family tree. More important is their spirit and mindset.
Whats your lads favorite tune thats survived from Europe? I want this one sang at my funeral