Why do black people act like they are the only ones who understand racism?

...while simultaneously being completely immune to acting racist or thinking racist thoughts?

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Cause black people lack education

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You'll get it when your children are mining for precious metal and your black overlords are getting paid over it.

As an extreme racist, I think I understand racism quit well thank you very much.

teacher in an almost exclusively non-white school here...
when I say to kids that everyone is at least a little bit racist, over 90% nod their heads and say "people say shit don't be like that, but it really do."

Let's talk about this.
Rather talk amongst yourselves I'll watch

t. Schumer's wife

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Question: why do niglets in Africa automatically shoot you to the top of the victimhood chart? Are there not kids growing up in landfills all over the world, like Philippines?

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(You) can thread on this


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Jews is the tl;dr.

The real reason is they are monkeys that can speak and every creative media makes them seem like warrior poets but the local news can't help but show that they literally decimate civilization. I'm from Virginia and we have a city called "Newport news" that is literally colloquially referred to as "bad newz" because of niggers.

I hate niggers so much that I would sacrifice every nigger that I am actually friends with just to save society. It's not even about the white race for me it's about human beings actually existing in the future.

Do you even care about the children you speak of? You are trying to make a point about "hurrr but not all children that are poor are black hurr" But do you even care?
My point is white people rule this world. And they spread corruption everywhere. Some people might consider that you can't really understand what it's like livin in a world where you are not considered human and taken advantage of in the worst way possible. You know. people like to generalize. You are Yas Forumstard. You understand generalization.

It's easier to rally your allies around skin color. Especially if your "allies" have next to zero loyalty toward each other. Black people have very little history to point to and be proud of... one might argue their most significant historical event was being taken as slaves. To most black people, their skin color is nearly all they have left

Yeah. Black people will be the downfall of this planet. Not nukes. Or let's say, the bioengineered virus.

>white people spread corruption everywhere
>white people like to generalize
Ok Jamal

Hey. The ones in power move the chess pieces right?
Either you are happy to be on top or you're not.

Black people only exist in any measurable quantity because white liberals lobby to feed them. Smart black people dont make a fucking dent in helping Africa or paying for programs that do.

Yea, I'm in the Philippines right now while you prop up your eternal victimhood. You also avoided my question.

Let's be clear: there are more slaves in the world today than at any point in history, and the majority of the slave masters are non-whites. The President of Benin apologized within the last 20 years or so for selling millions of slaves to the kikes.

Get educated, stop blaming whites, and care about anything besides your skin color.

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Most black people in power are controlled by White people. And even then they barely have any power. The true smart ones trying to help get killed. We both know that.

Nigger , white people made society.

Yeah. So A black president ( probably a Freemason ) apologized because he sold his people to White people. Okay.

What are you doing in th Phillipines? Saving lives? Or fucking cheap hookers?

And during the Atlantic salve Trade, Arabs were raiding
Africa to steal black people and sell them. They are still doing it to this day. another dumb negro says something you like to hear, it does not make it true.

>made society
Oh, you made a society alright. But you know, you did not invent society. Like you did not discover America.

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the obesity rate in parts of africa is over 30% for women... your overlords are importing an american diet lol enjoy

>as an extreme racist
lol imagine thinking white people could be extremely racist, lol, you're not jews or south asians you couldn't be extremely racist if you tried your hardest

Blacks are human though

do you think you sound like Obama?

>b-but this women over there, look, she is...


And who the fuck would want an American diet?

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Blacks are animals too

Do you think you sound like Bill Gates?

I bet that guy loves niggers like Mike Tyson and Jordan but hates Obama

>ID is literally “pussies”
Better luck next time Tyqueesh.

Probably not he is West Coast.

Says the nigger

Jordan is a piece of shit. Myke is okay.

>you have a funny ID hehe

He is also trying to vaccinate you for your own good. Another white guy being generous and spreading his love.

I got trips nice

Fried chicken and bbq isnt black

u mad. just embrace tradition.

Lol checkmate raysis

Jordans name is Mike like Tyson and the MJ is the same initials as Michael Jackson

If thats what you really want

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Wrong nigger.

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Ok kike

Cool. Who cares?


then you ca go right back to getting a BWC
right in your behind.

what about those? acidcow.com/pics/54231-scooters-of-the-usa-30-pics.html

you are probably the kike here.

Well I'm Christian, so I'm not fucking Cheap hookers. The problem here is just ignorance.

You think the President of Benin is apologizing for selling slaves because he's a freemason? And you're condescending to Yas Forumslacks because theyre conspiracy theorists I bet. He was apologizing for what Benin did 500 years ago.

They're not controlled, only contained

niggers are like children who think the whole world revolves around them

Niggers are easy to understand once you realize they are overgrown children.
With racism, it's like a child who thinks they have it all figured out.

See also chimpouts over magic word.
No ability to regulate intake this obesity and other days diseases.
Cant do school without 6 grillion accomodations and still need affirmative action.

Fragile, just like veterans.

>He was apologizing for what Benin did 500 years ago.
Good. At least he is doing something right.
>he's a freemason
I'm saying if he is a Freemason it doesn't matter what he says.
>And you're condescending to Yas Forumslacks because theyre conspiracy theorists I bet
No I'm a conspiracy theorist. And I know when white people go to Africa most of the time it's not to do good.

Same result. Nothing changes. Black people with power cannot maneuver and trully do something positive for their people. Even at a level as basic as a rapper. You'll get killed if you even hint at helping your community in a real way.