>"It's just a flu bro"
>"We can open America up next week"
Almost 2000 deaths a day. No country is getting hit as hard by covid-19 as the US.
Thanks Trump!
>"It's just a flu bro"
>"We can open America up next week"
Almost 2000 deaths a day. No country is getting hit as hard by covid-19 as the US.
Thanks Trump!
i voted for trump to destroy the united states, i'm getting exactly what i voted for
How sad, think of all the dead niggers and boomers.
>believing 54k people actually died from this virus
It was probably about 10k, but since hospitals were told to file all deaths as covid-19 cause even if t was from a fucking car accident that killed someone, the numbers are greatly inflated.
And you’re dumb enough to believe it, good little lefty lemming.
My bikes in there somewhere
Because China allowed infected to fly out of Wuhan to US Cities with instructions to intentionally spread it. We've seen the videos of them coughing on produce and wiping their snot on surfaces.
Fake. Praise kek.
Ok google “search for world health organization officially counts all deaths as Covid-19 deaths”
The damage from not restarting the economy will be many times worse than whatever marginal gains from leaving everything shut down
Well eventually the world will run out of fatties and old people
Its because irresponsible shitbags aren't injecting Lysol and UV rays to fight it.
Doesn't it seem strange the flu has a season?
>1 post by this ID
0/10. fuck you, retard. fuck off.
Fake News
Goggle link For commies.
It's mostly due to schools. Kids are prime vectors
America still as a much lower death rate than the majority of europe. America is actually doing much better than most developed countries.
Reported to the Canadian FBI.
>trump 2020!
>the virus is fake
>its just a flu
>less than 1% deaths
>noooo those other deaths are fake!
>wow i cant go near people? I cant work? Why is america communist now
>im not wearing a mask
>gets corona virus
Its tiresome
Thats just tyrones house. Hes always bring new bikes home with him.
28 million unemployed in under one month.
The US is the only place actually reporting deaths. All of the other countries are following the China narrative of "they died from other illnesses".
NEPA fag here.Found this on facebook
It's especially due to the weather. The flu and common cold are more easily spread in cold, dry weather, so in Europe and North America winter is the flu and cold season. The same should apply to COVID19 (which is in the same family as the common cold). Warm weather should limit drastically lower spread, but it'll probably come back next winter.
Fake news. Pneumonia deaths are at an all time high, meaning lots of Covid 19 deaths are being labeled as pneumonia deaths. Meaning Covid 19 deaths are under reported, not exaggerated.
Fuck off now kike
Not that bad. Over 50k Americans die a week from whatever the fuck. Plus most of this shit is just random old people dying of what used to be called natural causes. Bored of this happening.
No country tells the truth as hard as us. Fuck the world.
Yeah bro we must restart the economy! I have to consume! Think of the stocks bro! Not my money!!!!
So a big nothingburger.
next winter:
10 million Americans freeze to death
someone needs to do a graph with all countries in europ combined vs usa
It is nothing. You could die skydiving right now and they’d say you died of the chink flu.
>Yeah bro we must restart the economy! I have to consume! Think of the stocks bro! Not my money!!!!
You have to be 18 to post here, Saul.
understand the concept of normalizing?
the US is the largest individual country that is some what accurately reporting its numbers.
The US is doing very well compared the the EU block
>if I use the nazi flag they won't realize I'm a kike!
>55k deaths
so the flu season's almost over, and even with an inflated number there are considerably fewer deaths than in 2017
conveniently omitting china who STOPPED REPORTING.
Yeah but theres all those billions of dollars handouts for hospital with corona patients so people who are just regularly dying probably get marked as corona virus too because they get more money. The number could be manipulated like how many people voted for Hillary
Trust the plan! Be a good goy! Change the topic glownigger
We're opening America back up whether you like it or not. Fatties and boomers can stay home. We're all tired of looking at them anyhow.
Yes the kikes hate trump!!! Totally not a zionist!!!
Whos we? The jews? Neocons? Lmao
What is it with niggers and stealing bikes anyway? They take bikes even when they have some.
>"""Coronavirus""" deaths
>Literally all deaths are labelled "Coronavirus" regardless
What’s your plan? Why do you hate small businesses?
Yeah, but atleast we got a good excuse to go neet.
Why do you hate small businesses? What’s your plan?
Blue checkmark. Must be true.
have sex, schizo
>expecting Americans to be competent
didn't seem to help in ecuador
Let the economy fail, see hyperinflation, install national socialism in ordee to recover
poor reporting standards
unreliable test kits
don't forget to buy your toilet paper goyim
Still less than the flu, and much less than medical malpractice.
Those who died on ventilators should sue the hospitals and doctors.
$39,000 for every patient that is assumed to have the China virus has nothing to do with running up the numbers.
Most those deaths aren't even tested.
Did you know that looking at an Asian is enough to get you infected with the kung flu?
kek exactly
>if they had corona and they died they "died with Corona"
>if they didn't have corona for sure but maybe, CDC says they died of corona on the death certificate
and even with these cheats there were more flu deaths in 2017. I didn't even know there was a flu problem that year.
That’s not even one 9/11 in a day