so long meat fags

Attached: USDA.png (782x244, 27.6K)

Fuck, l got to go shoot 500 sheep dead now.

That's bad for vegans too. If there's no meat then people are going to eat vegan shit. And since vegan shit has less calories than meat, that means the food shortage will be bad.

Reread the headline retard
USDA inspector dies as coronavirus spreads in meat packing plant.
Now of the headline was honest
=Jim Bob a USDA inspector has passed away=In other news Coronavirus spreads through packing plants=Check Out the latests overwhelmed nurses tick tock videos=

Yeah, this super impacts my freezer full of venison.

Already a shortage here in Nevada just took this picture

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Its fascinating how one supposedly cataclysmic event also happens to fulfill every leftist globalist wet dream.
Notice how theres no talk of ending mass transit permanently?
No talk of ending cities compacted with millions of people?
No talk of spreading humanity out more?

Nobody is going to eat that vegan shit except for vegans I can guarantee you that.

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This karma for all the Canada Grocery Store threads I made isn’t it

Some will be harder to shoot than others.

>Just eat the (((Alternatives))) that cost 5X as much!

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Probably cheaper than heart surgery.

>buy meat
>has corona
>cook meat
>kill corona
People would rather die than become vegetarians, trust me

So this is how they do it, huh? The Jews will get us to eat bugs just like that.

Are you fucking retarded? 16 pounds of grain to produce 1 pound of cow meat. No more eating animals means far more food available.

Absolutely based
>being a meatcuck

Just don't be a gluttonous blob.

>implying the spread isn’t because of the fucking illegals
>implying that heat won’t kill the virus
>implying vegan food is going to be safe

>red meat is the only kind of meat
Peak vegan retardation

This nigger here is about to get down on a big heaping plate of coastal fucking hay.
My fucking sides

>vegan shit
what? dried beans and rice?
fucking retard

Bugpacking plants will solve this. The Rockefeller Foundation was right

You vegans pay more for increased risk of heart surgery kek.

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you fucking morons think vegans typically eat these fake meat shits, youre absolutely retarded

Did you try to ring the bell for service?

I could be clinically Retarded and still be smarter than 100% of vegans.

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OP doesn’t get that illegals are picking his produce and his ingredients for shitty vegan foods. What a fucking rube.

time for rabbit stew

How the fuck do you survive on a vegan diet anyway? Can't get protein without eating shittons of legumes and nuts and those never fill me up

You don't. They all suffer serious health complications and end up going back to either meat or at least eggs and dairy.

>source: my retarded fear that people being vegan will rob me of my animal flesh


Most vegans quit or die.

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t. nutritionally retarded

Ready to eat the bugs???

>tell me this wasn't all planned

Attached: how-dare-you-greta-thunberg-meme-hoverboard.jpg (750x500, 81.09K)

why dont you just go vegan instead of settling for bugs like a nigger

Yeah just seems like a really malnutrious diet. They'd have a stronger case for ethics but when they try and claim it's healthier to need to eat 5000 calories of nuts a day to still be below RDA in protein it's just fucking retarded. Not to mention the nutrients in plants are horribly digested and full of a bunch of anti-nutrients because believe it or not plants don't want to be eaten either.

You might, but I'll outlast every vegan because vegans are already half-starved. When (((you))) take away meat, my starvation starts then.

RIP in advance vegans, you "win" now, but lose later ... There won't be meat and 84% of vegans quit to save their health.

Attached: Vegan Olympian.png (1280x800, 991.84K)

Yeah and how about the fact that the mortality rate is shit or how there's been no effort to try to have some kind of reasonable approach where the most vulnerable stay indoors while the rest work instead of destroying the economy? It's totally manufactured bullshit

Enjoy your rickets.

you can keep regurgitating bullshit but the facts remain that all essential nutrients are obtainable without animal products, point to some retard who didnt eat the required nutrients that are available is not a litmus

dont be retarded

educate yourself leaf

Wait wait wait wait wait.

You telling me that eating buckets of vegan protein powder and kale smoothies might cause some problems with digestion???

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Ye about to go dump a few hundred on stocking up for the time being. I need to buy another freezer too maybe.

There's a reason that they tend to look scrawny and malnourished.

i hope you get the rona from the meat nigger.

whats with you retards thinking vegans exclusively eat highly processed shit

>you can keep regurgitating bullshit but the facts remain-----
>Correction here is my "opinion....."

You have your opinion I have mine. But vegans are the only sick fucks trying to shove their diet down others throats. I don't gaf what you eat.

Attached: Nigella vs Vegan You Decide.jpg (1024x724, 346.4K)

I fucking hate gastroenterologists. Every single one of them should be shot. Fucking take out somebody's intestine when they would most likely be fine if they just made a few dietary changes.

Seriously, fuck these piece of shit "doctors"