How did we let reddit get so left?

i know we all my not love trump but why shouldnt let the left have anything public, so they know they are hated. they think they are the majority when we let them do shit like this.

Attached: reddit.png (117x37, 1.53K)

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Moderation as in here speak for immigrants and everyone will attack

it is owned by a communist government

aggressive promotion of "safespaces" and "positive energy" led to a basic forum becoming the world's largest colony of beta males on the planet

add mentally ill women seeking easy prey and turning moderators into their orbiters, you're left with a colony of numales ruled by female logic and outrage culture after everything else is forcibly excluded (downvoted) out of the picture. a barren webscape of content so harmless and meaningless that it can neither offend or entertain

makes alot of sense.

i would assume it was one of us who created /politics but then got banned and taken over by lefties. :c

Reddit is filled with normalniggers. They wouldn’t understand this stuff.

Because they remove comments from people like us

Censorship brings people to the left. Free speech brings people to the right.

The left is censorship. Reddit is censorship. It was unavoidable.

You think (((they))) don't control influentual media like reddit? What the fuck did you expect?

reddit is bought out tencent
communist gotta do what communist do best

this. the left's ideas and shit always get brought down by free speech and facts. Thats why they have to censor. Their arguments and ideologies cant stand on their own without censoring other opinions.
t. neither left nor right, fuck all that noise.

We are the majority, any attempt at normalizing reactionary ideas or governments is merely a bump in the road towards socialism.

almost every redpill I planet on that fucking liberal cesspit got hundreds of dislikes and I was banned from nearly everything. I called quite a few people niggers and a fucking bot replied that I said 267 hard N words.

If you support free speech, you may not be politically right but you become the enemy of the political left.

This. Doesn’t china literally own reddit?

They always were, it was just that when Trump won, liberal and left-wing interest groups started buying out the site. And then there was the Banout that began with a clique of mods of major subreddits refusing to keep them open unless the admins acquiesced to their demands to ban certain subs... anyone else who's got an account there can ask about it, users there can confirm.

Or check out the Reddit alternative, Ruqqus. They've got a guild(subforum) discussing this issue there, where they can do so more freely.

When did the change happened? Reddit has always been cringe, but not this type of cringe

Didn’t it happened around the time Twitter stopped being edgy too?

the system is inherently exploitable and doesn't allow for a free and open discussion.

Nothing you can say or do would've changed it. The owner was a liberal fucking mega cuck. So, that being said. They just murdered every single one of us until the place was clean.

Reddit got taken over by media matters in 2016 and then it got gangbanged by the atlantic council and the CCP.

>a barren webscape of content so harmless and meaningless that it can neither offend or entertain
pottery user. good job

Let’s just flood these shitholes with trump pics when he wins seriously

best summary ive read. good job.

'We' didn't let reddit do anything.
Where the fuck do you get the idea that it's user's responsibility to police what happens on reddit?
What kind of retardation is this?

what's the proof they're owned by china? can't find anything in the wiki

We own the internet, faggot.

Not "China". A Chinese company, Tencent. The way China works, their companies are privately owned but controlled by the government. Xi tells a company to eat dirt, they eat dirt. Xi tells a company to remove pictures of him as Winnie-the-Pooh on American websites, they remove pictures of Xi Jinping as Winnie the Pooh on American websites.

How much are your shares worth?


Site management bans any comments from commenters to the right of Chairman Mao. Any communities even moderately right get banned, shadowbanned, and quarantined.

Reddit would be right wing if they allowed free speech. Any truly free speech platform will eventually become right wing.

Attached: 1586798392782.jpg (1061x362, 191.45K)

He gets it.

Its our job to not only police the internet but also take back our countries u simp fuck. get out.