Why aren't we allowed to talk about this? I thought this was meant to be a white nationalist board...

Why aren't we allowed to talk about this? I thought this was meant to be a white nationalist board. How do we stop our women from doing this to keep white genes pure and continue to help make us great again in numbers.

Attached: 1555986170150.jpg (799x1588, 307.52K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Albinos crave enrichment

They're crazy for mixed babies

Attached: c30.png (1433x782, 401.57K)

Once they start bleaching their hair, and penciling in their eyebrows, forget about them.

Why do you care? Just find a women and start a family.


You have entered a SLIDE thread

shame them
do the same thing niggers do when you say nigger
keep doing it till it works, persistence is key

>Why aren't we allowed to talk about this
This is all you guys ever talk about. We'll never have the numbers. We're the coolest tho. Who cares...

I don't really care, to be honest. There's nothing I can do about it, so why worry?

I don't understand why you guys waste your time on here like anyone here hasn't seen a thousand of these threads. If you want to get a laugh, you should post this content on places like FB and get supposed normies angry instead of us.

Oh look, this thread for the 80th time today.

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>a white nationalist board
This is a larping board full of immature lefty instigators, normie lurkers, and glowies.

pups are my kids

Ignoring the problem won't make it go away

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Out of the billions of people on the planet a few hundred end up as a niggers punching bag. Why should I care?

No, this can't be real...

Women are free to do as they please. The truth is they're saving the human species by not fucking racist, creepy, socially awkward, angsty, low tier men. Better to have a kid with a black Chad who will leave than to have a kid with an alt right uncle who will teach his kids to sperg out and behave like an autistic menace.

Attached: white teens love black guys.jpg (640x534, 48.53K)

in the Aryan Covenant it tells us what to do when race mixing takes place.

>"10. If any of them should seek a daughter of yours to wife, and she is willing, explain to her her folly; but if she will follow her lover, let her go in peace.
>11. If your son wishes for a daughter of theirs, do the same as to your daughter; but let not either one or the other ever return among you, for they would introduce foreign morals and customs, and if these were accepted by you, I could no longer watch over you."

Attached: frya and fire.png (541x789, 299.12K)

when they get murcd by a nig Yas Forums will laugh

every fucking time lmfao

Aryan covenant?

Your image references book of Oer De Linda.

Can you blame her? That guy is hot.

>How do we stop our women from doing this

literally be better than a fucking nigger so girl chooses you, how hard can it be?

lol theres literally hundreds of thousands of beautiul women

You're not going to stop anybody with rights from exercising them. Not unless you break the law, which everybody here is too much of a pussy to do. So all you're left with is endlessly complaining about things you can't change because you're addicted to air conditioned rooms and commercial chocolate in your mouth.

>black me don't cheat

bbc cuck spam is one of the greatest trolls on the internet. it's literally unbeatable because at the end of the day it's a white male posting the pics. so if you attack the OP, you are attacking your own race. it's white on white crime.

Just breed the niggers out.

Das wut u thank wyte boi

That made me lol too

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I plan on having children with a white girl. I'm Mexican btw


He ignores that these "thots" are transgender

This isn't a white nationalist board. It is a fancy lava lamp, not a place to facilitate change. Chill out and laugh at memes.