Covid-19 has a 10% mortality rate

How come everywhere I look people claim that Corona-chan kills

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>Covid-19 has a 10% mortality rate

Obviously meant to say 19%

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Haha oh man

They're not testing everybody obviously. And that should be obvious fellow leaf.

A twitter screenshot thread died for this.

So we should use the lack of information to determine the mortality, and not the information at hand?

1,085,823 is a large enough sample size to have a pretty good idea of the death rate

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What are the percentage of people who get infected though?

Doesn't take asymptomatic or very mild cases into account. Fuck off.

Irrelevant you fuck heads

What's important is out of the (let's say) TOTAL amount of people infected, what percentage of them DIED

Is it? Even if that Stanford study (antibodies) shows a fuck ton of people got it and it caused absolutely no issues for them? We have way more cases than they are saying which basically means the death rate is miniscule

Its a large enough sample but the data is skewed. Asymptomatic infected never get tested, and very very rarely die. The average mortality rate for them is likely lower than flu mortality, and they offset the average total mortality despite not being counted in the data.


No, kill yourself you stupid nigger, I would not be surprised if the asymptomatic and light symptoms cases are easily in excess of 10 to 15 million, especially in shitholes like China where these subhuman yellow niggers have a billion plus population

Is there any proof to these numbers, or is it lies?
>why would the government lie?
>why would the media lie?
>why would the medical establishment lie?
Why are they believable?

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>We have way more cases than they are saying which basically means the death rate is minuscule


1,085,823 is a large enough sample size to have a pretty good idea of the death rate

the death rate wouldn't suddenly drop if every single infected person was somehow magically recorded and tracked, if that was the case then out of 1 million CLOSED cases, the death rate would be far lower

Fake numbers

Most tested died with corona, not because of corona.

Also most are even not tested just anounced for higher numbers for more goverment gibs.

WHO also pretends it is a dangerous sickness for more gibs

18,2% fake, 0,8% death rate, also only old sick people in industial areas with air polution.

World death rate by flus are smaler this year

>TOTAL amount of people infected, what percentage of them DIED
less than 1%

I see where you’re coming from. Nobody knows anything about this, and if these goyim wanna keep fucking around they can.

Also the (((testing))) is wildly inaccurate


I'm 99% sure I got it in February. wicked pneumonia, fever, terrifying fear of death followed by...absolutely nothing. this shit is the biggest conspiracy in history. makes 9/11 look like a corrupt homeowners association.

>Not counting the tens of millions that dont show symptoms or that just take some NyQuil and stay in bed for a few day.

It's likely far less deadly than the flu..oh wait.. it is.

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user, it isn't a "case" if you're asymptomatic.
This is saying out of the people who get hospitalized 9%-10% die.
Most people who get infected aren't even going to feel sick. Others will feel sick but in such a mild way that they won't go to a hospital.
Of course the mortality rate for those bad enough to get hospitalized will be way higher than the real mortality rate. That's like the difference between how many people die after getting into a car vs. how many people die after getting in a car and ending up in a documented car accident.

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According to WHO there is no immunity gained from being infected, if this 10% mortality rate is true we are all going to die. But none of this is true, it’s all bullshit. Cops and firefighter aren’t even wearing masks in public, if masks were effective and it was actually this deadly they would at least put a cloth one on. Where is the global societal collapse due to corona death? We are going to have an economic collapse because you fear mongering retards but not because of this virus.

That mortality rate isn't a lie. You just need to understand it's the mortality rate for documented cases, not for infections. The majority if infected people will not be included in that count because they won't even feel sick.

You go to the hospital or just wait for it to clear up?

>How come everywhere I look people claim that Corona-chan kills

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I understand that, and so do the people presenting this data. They are purposefully misleading people with this data and that is the same as lying.

Because you can't figure out the simplest of tricks. Mortality rate percentage is and should be figured on total population. As all other diseases have been done before. Fake news and politicians drumming up numbers that fit the narrative.

How many deaths in new york? 21% of pop had antibodies. Compare that to deaths.

It was always 10%. It's only showing now because no infections have slowed down

These facebook tier comparisons are so pointless

I don't need to worry about catching malaria, but I could very well get corona. The same goes for AIDS, suicide, alcohol, fuck, basically all of them

I don't need to worry about going to the store and catching starvation lmao

The government covered it up so they could continue to get money while citizens died

Not according to these doctors.

1:00 min mark. Game over faggit

Covid is a hoax. It has a zero percent fatality rate.
Hero confronts Coronavirus Hoaxers

>interview with nurse laid off for the hoax “I was laid off because we have no patients” “friends in the ICU unit are getting cancelled shifts, main hospitals in the Cleveland area"

>>covid tent is dance tent

>>nurses tiktok dance, no social distancing

We want to go outside obviously because the virus is fake. Leftists screaming and REEEEEEEing proves it's fake too.
(If it was a real "deadly virus") then all these Leftists who hate us would cheer and encourage us conservatives to go outside every day. They would be overjoyed to watch us go out and kill ourselves.
Leftists, politicians, police and Chris Cuomo go outside and go to work every day, which proves that this is a nothing hoax virus. The MEDIA are outside every day sobbing about how people outside are going to die WTF WHY ARE YOU OUTSIDE THEN MEDIA??? (Obviously because the virus is fake, a nothing, and the media know it)

>>TWO HOUR video in front Elmhurst AFTER WARZONE declared literally NOTHING!!!
>>>go inside
>>empty inside
>>inside elmhurst

>never get tested
>very very rarely die.
how do you know how rarely they die if they never get tested?

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Imagine posting a 1 month old pic and not using the most recent data.

The government wants you to think it's a hoax

I think it has a .01 death rate overall and a 10% death rate of those who show sever symptoms. Looking at antibody tests is showing a lot of people have gotten it, recovered and never knew they had it. So yes, if you're showing symptoms, you might have a 1/10 chance of dying.

You have no idea what the long term effects are. As we understand it now you will keep getting reinfected and there's no way around that. You should stop spreading your own flavor of disinformation.

>1,085,823 is a large enough sample size
But if 80% are asympomatic and never get a test, and 90% of the symptomatic ones just get over it without a test, your data has an extreme selection bias towards the most at-risk people. Plus the fact that tests are reserved for the most extreme cases.

This is why the antibody tests are done, and analysis of closed cases like diamond princess and the USS roosevelt were done. They are the things that give you an accurate picture.


Neither does SARS.

They think a lot more people had SARS than confirmed.

try using a bit of critical thinking, leaf

Easy Newsom. Wouldn't want to tell people that over half of the population will get it and we expect 2-3% will die. Your number are fake. They can't even get a consistent rate state vs state or country vs country and if you say muh lockdown helped. I'll remind you that the shutdown was to flatten the curve and give hospitals time to prepare and keep them from being overwhelmed. Curves flattened hospitals ready. Powers not given back.

That's not how you calculate the statistic leaf.

Nobody does because they is no reliable or trustworthy source of information. I’m not spreading anything other than it clearly isn’t as bad as we are being lead to believe.

>total amount of cases
these are only cases that felt the need to get medical treatment or otherwise got tested
the HOAX is that X10 that number have had it, and it was the equivalent of..... the flu
if you are susceptible to covid, it will seriously mess you up. if you are not, just another illness. but for this, they are destroying the world economy.

>use data in a way that how deadly the virus is depends on how often we test
You are a fucking retard

Yes the death rate of all those hospitalized may be 19% but that is only counting those who felt sick enough to go to the hospital and get tested. Obviously the death rate among those sick enough to go to the hospital of their own accord is going to be much higher.

Why did you respond to my post with that? I said nothing about reinfection. My point is just that it's not a contradiction to have a 10% mortality rate for documented cases and a .01% mortality rate for infections. Neither is a lie or even misleading unless you somehow don't get that people bad enough to go to a hospital and get counted as a documented case are going to be much higher risk than those who don't go to a hospital and don't even feel sick.

>how do you know how rarely they die
Because this country is very good at finding dead people and determining cause.

Because there is better data. Here 850 were infected and there was only 1 death of a 45 year old, and I think just 10 hospitalizations. All were tested.

For the US at large, only those 10 hospitalizations would be tested for corona and 1 death would occur. That mathces the data OP posted. 1/10 dead when in reality this was 1/850.

The global mortality rate is 6.95%, 19% comes from complete case mortality rate which is fine to look at but its not always completely accurate. Itll be less then 19% and could be as low as like 3% with the amount of unchecked asymptomatic cases. This being said id say its around 5% and i dont want to go anywhere fucking near it, with the amount of stuff coming out about long term damage (heart, lungs, testes and brain) its fucking scary. It also effects kidney, liver and gets into your nervous system. There is so much shit we don't know about it yet which is the fucking scary bit.

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>uses "cases" instead of infection estimates to calculate lethality
>is pants on head retarded
Pic related.

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Total closed cases skews the number heavily towards the high end, because it takes a very long time to recover (and many countries seem to not care about recoveries that much), compared to short time required for someone to die.
And on the other hand, you get heavy selection bias when testing. I remember that in Italy, they had around 30% positive rate among tested. Of course they don't test at random. They don't even test people with mild cold symptoms, and forget about asymptomatic. They test mostly people with severe symptoms, and guess what, it's the group most likely to die. So even taking deaths/all cases is severely overestimating mortality.
Just like people who die from flu. If you had life threatening symptoms, they'd test you for a lot of pathogens, to know how to proceed. But have you ever been treated for flu in your entire life?
But flu is a known disease, so we can have good estimates of number of sick people. This is a new one, so we didn't know anything, especially in the beginning.

No it doesn't. Those are only the confirmed cases. Most people show little to no symptoms and thus are not tested.

>case data is random and indicative of the general population

Woo lad look at the big brain on Brett

holy shit youre retarded

That is literally how you calculate the statistic burger

>This is a new one, so we didn't know anything, especially in the beginning.
what about now?
the governments are acting like they should home arrest us even tho we already know it is as deadly as a bad year of flu