Is this what an Ideal society looks like?

Is this what an Ideal society looks like?
One that rids society of degeneracy then allows society to then freely trade and build itself to a true utopia, right wing unity

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based and unity pilled

anarcho caps are literally retarded, as long as they dont wanna like... backstab and ruin everything sure they re fine

Ethnostate but with experimental ancap citystate within. No jews allowed though fren.

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>Da joos again

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Get my flag away from that swastika, you retard

based and truthful

>If I allow the state to steal more of my money Ill be fucking rich

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So you're adverse to the idea of an autonomous ancap city state under the suzerainty of a white ethnostate?

Coming from the basement dweller that favors a failed system that only promotes hate. You dont see ancaps committing genocide all in the name of the "greater good". How about getting your tounge outta your dad's asshole and grow the fuck up, nazi piece of shit.

>Free society

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your fighting is futile. Young white children are being force fed into their subconscious that they are privileged and should crave to please the superior black mongrels.

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NatSocs get dirty so the Hoppean An-Caps and Propertarians stay clean (and then go on to run Western Civilization free of stigma so we never have to do this shit every again).

All other lolberts get the rope.

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>autonomous citystate
>essentially an experimental city

how exactly does this infer state control?

Typical nigger brazillians

unity of folk =/= hate

Ancaps are Jews. Literally. They worship a guy named Rothbard. He told them it would be good to buy and sell children like sides of beef. They and the whole libertarian movement are just about getting the right hooked on drugs and open to maximum degeneracy so they'll never question their corporate overlords and financier rulers.

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Jews would be the first to be removed in Ancap - Fascist unity

Then what the hell was the holocaust?

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No, cuz unlike the Authoritarian right, we aren't anti-semitic

over exaggeration

That's literally 90% of prominent Ayncraps. There'd be basically none left.

Yea... try telling that to all the Jewish families in America rn

No because apparently you niggers can't resist selling out the working class to save a nickel on labor

those families benefit from the victimization
they can get away with murder and you wouldn’t even be able to criticize them for it because itll be shot down as antisemitism

Oh like you actually care about the working class.


You realize Jews are the singular reason anarcho capitalism wouldn't work as society stands right now? Even an ethno state isn't necessary for it to work, as; despite popular belief- niggers can and do integrate into society.

It is the kike that can and never will integrate and only seek to subvert and destroy any community it enters.

But you already know that Mr. Stein, hiding behind a memeflag.

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Typhoid and starvation from bombed supply lines. They would have been displaced into their own ethnostate after the war. Whether that would have been Palestine or Madagascar.
Self-hating? Moishe, pls

false equivalence.
there is no ideal society, for each man is a kingdom in himself.
This statement does not apply to particular jews however, as their behavior disqualifies them from the designation.

So your solution is mass genocide?

Jews are the greatest humans that have ever existed. They control everything. More than any civilization that has ever come before them. More than anyone in the known universe.
So why hate them? I'm glad we have the best leaders that take care of things.

>preserving you're culture and ethnic identity is racist

So I suppose you support colonialism in the US and Africa and the eradication of Native Americans? The settlers in America were literally fleeing execution, oppression, and forced religious conversion in Europe. Therefore if you support mass immigration to Europe and North America for African and Arab "refugees", most of whom are only "ecoonomic migrants" (i.e. fleeing poverty), then you should certainly support the colonization of America.

I'm not NatSoc, but if you don't support strict immigration laws, than you're a retard and a faggot. I hope you do.

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no they can have israel
we wont be there to help them against the muzzies though

Yes. Also, it is in my interest to be surrounded by decent people even if I have to pay them more rather than to be surrounded by people who destroy literally every land they occupy. Lurk moar.

So... Europeans should never be oppressed but its ok to oppress others? Whatever...

Stop Larping as ancap, we can't reach an ancap state without first removing opposition just like how democracy is in incompatible with immigration. If a slight majority has the ability to affect the political structure it will fail. There is no point in having a degenerate ancap society. we have to reeducate the youth free of degeneracy after removing commies, jews and degenerates. then we can have an ancap society

And that will be your greatest downfall.

>Anyone who disagrees with me is antisemitic

Do you honestly think that's a logically rigorous or morally honest argument?

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See? Thats the difference between the NatSoc and the Ancaps is that We have the NAP whereas you guys try to justify hurting others by claiming they "aren't human"

Ancap society isn't racist, but for it to succeed it must certainly be anti-semitic

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You know you can't be an Ancap and a nationalist at the same time. Its an oxymoron.

doesnt the predatory nature of our ruling class count against the nap anyway?

It is, but kikery and degeneracy are also oxymorons to anarcho capitalism.