>The truck driver allegedly involved in the horror crash on the Eastern Freeway in Melbourne which killed four police officers last week has been charged, police confirmed Monday morning.
>More than one million Australians have downloaded the COVIDSafe app smashing fears privacy concerns will deter users.
>The Federal Government's new COVIDSafe app is now live, with the contact tracing app introduced in a bid to provide more information about Australia's COVID-19 cases and ensure tracking can be carried out.

>The app is designed to track people who come within 1.5 metres of you for 15 minutes or more – and has been introduced to further assist national health workers and authorities in flattening the virus curve.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Praise Him

Attached: Praise Him .jpg (1488x1488, 522.6K)

thank you based OP for making non glow threads. The threads the last 4 days or so have been extremely luminescent. VicPol/ASIO Jannies prune any non glow thread.
hmmmm really activates the almonds

Stay mad VicPol, I won this round of thread baking.

Daily reminder the trannies at ASIO consider right wing extremists on par or worse than ISIS.

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any leftists answer this?

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Tarrant vacationed for 9 days in Israel before the shooting.

especially since them dead pigs got slaughtered on the highway the threads have been full of pigs seeking revenge on anyone who talks shit about them

Praise Lord Dobby!

G'day Bruce

Attached: gayaussiecop.jpg (1200x732, 86K)

Fuck the pigs, I bet they squealed real good
>help me

Hi pom

Anyone seen the video?

Lol surely you've heard the saying about living in glass houses?
>the absolute state of bongland

Attached: bongland.jpg (512x244, 71.39K)

only cityfags hate cops

Right wing extremists and ISIS are basically the same thing lol

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it's been posted here multiple times. VicPol are in here trying to arrest anons for thought crimes and they are trying to arrest anyone posessing the video.

VicPol really should send their officers for training on how to not stand in the middle of a busy highway

are u sure it was 4 cops that got killed by the paki truck driver and not the village people?

Whats the difference?

>copper was gay
So he died as he lived? Getting slammed from behind


copped a wide load up him

Right wing extremists are way more dangerous they are grass roots and not funded by Israel

the thin blue line is the only thing stopping the abbos from unga bongaring most country towns back to the stone age

I'm starting to think this was just incompetence and then afterwards the cops sprinkling a little crack on the all suspects to look less foolish. So the story without Dick Pussy and Pajeet Truckofpeace being on drugs is this: 4 cops are on the side of the road and get hit.

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Right, which one of you was this?

> Facebook groups in support of Porsche driver Richard Pusey appear

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whens pusey getting his kneecaps removed

>Prosecutors requested additional time to put together their brief of evidence, which includes analysis of his truck, which is being done overseas.

seems the dumb pigs cant even to investigations in this country anymore. outsource it all.

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Im 31 and just withdrew all my super

It was almost 4k

I had 7 different super accounts (never held a job longer than a few months)


Seriously though, how long til its in my account? Anyone else withdrew yet?

what with all this free money from the government what are they planning

less than 5 business days by law

Thanks for the template, bong

Attached: soypolice2.png (900x549, 561.69K)

5 working days, but in real life probably 2 or 3

we got another one lads.
wonder which YOUTHS could be behind this.

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Patriot sending praise to my Aussie brothers. Don't let those shit skins take your beautiful country. You guys need to work harder you can't expect Americans to do all the heavy lifting with accelerating this bad boy

closed facebook groups are actually hotspots for extremism, and redhot shit like that, is where ASIO should ACTUALLY be looking, but its too hard for them, so they lurk here and post stupid shit.

Anyone here /surfpilled/? I learned how to surf last year and now I want to take a tour of Straya for a few months. Anybody got a quick rundown on the wave situation down there?

I just bought this gel blaster from ebay with my super money $130

Attached: s-l1600.png (1204x903, 2.27M)

>A man who was attacked with a machete
there's no longer a war in South Sudan when are they all going back home?

Attached: 47787822561_c622db8e38_o.jpg (3888x2592, 3.67M)

surf status : full


Idk shit about Australia but i've got a pet Gallah and he is a very nice cunt , heard you people were hunting them or some shit shame on u

who the fk would hunt a gallah?
cockatoos maybe those cunts are so annoying and loud

is "machete" the new shorthand for "youths"?

Attached: melbourne.png (600x338, 484.11K)

user is that an airsoft gun?

>going back home

because they are pests and damage to crops


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Kek, absolutely glowing. Remember to look both ways before standing in the emergency lane faggot.

>It was almost 4k
>I had 7 different super accounts
that's why you should always consolidate super into one account

I didnt know either I just watched this

they look fucking faggotry

His name was Dick Pusey

Attached: saintpuseyofsushi.jpg (971x582, 65.67K)

ok cityfag

Man, I could really go for some sushi right about now

Attached: 6.png (300x300, 173.25K)

Quit holding out on me desu. You cunts don't even surf. Plus, I'll only be there a few months, staying with family.

neet, cheers boys

that looks fucken sick, like a p90 or something
what is it but?

post the video plz or send it to bestgore or some shit

they are fagottry. its a larper thing. not legal in NSW and youll be charged as if its a real firearm if caught.

I know, Im spewin

I honestly never thought Id get to touch any of it cause theres no way Im living past 50 with all the drugs Ive done, let alone 65+

South Sudan is full of blacks. Why would they go back? Imagine everyone being a thief instead of just you.


(I wonder how many cucks will die before they will start fighting back.)

>>More than one million Australians have downloaded the COVIDSafe app smashing fears privacy concerns will deter users.

Next step when they can set it up will be scanners at supermarkets and other shops that wont allow you to purchase goods unless you have the app on your phone and that log all of your transactions as well

that's a shitty old one the new ones are 250fps and made from nylon

i'm not sure why poofters here keep talking up how amazing they are I just watched that video the cunt couldnt even hit a coke can with it

>they look fucking faggotry
it is a kiddies toy
if you like playing pretend soldier with a toy gun then i am sure it will be very appealing.

no, that's what NATO is using now

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we're already going to move to a social credit score when more chinks come here

your local aussie commie here. remember to read marx and educate yourselves of the plight of the working class.