Are muslims violent in your country?

Specially the middle eastern ones. Do they smack you if youre racist to them or are they peaceful and docile?

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They get mad about every little thing, I have never met a muslim without a temper.

Only in when they have a strong advantage in numbers

This guy in the pic is Persian (Aryan). Nice try Shlomo.

You cant be docile or peaceful with whites otherwise they take advantage of you and keep on disrespecting you, just ask the asians. One thing ive learned from blacks is that you have to demand respect from whites and smack them when they get too uppity and racist sadly. Only language they understand.

Hes an aryan muslim and Persians are still middle eastern.

He isn't whitoid mutt. He's Persian first and Muslim second.

Not in the area i live in but in the country yes, in the bigger cities they go kamikaze sometimes on rare occasions

Why is paki even an insult to them, it's literally just short for pakistani.

>You cant be docile or peaceful with whites otherwise they take advantage of you and keep on disrespecting you, just ask the asians

Why is it so hard for you to stay out of our countries and off our computer networks

first there are the Pomaks (bulgarian muslims), they tend to be whiter on average and keep to themselves in mountain villages and stuff
then there's the actual turks, they don't shake the hands of women and overall try to gain turkey influence via elections and stuff, they also tend to live separate, growing tobacco
lastly there are the """"turks""" (gypsy musilims), they tend to live near civilization, they steal, beg, young males look at people angrily, older women get in your way, etc

most likely none of them will smack you, if anything they are the ones often abused by nationalists, also people don't tend to be "racist", we just want them to be civilized (stop being muzzie shits)

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They are all incredibly violent and hate you

>implying they're not in all countries

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Nice cock bro

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The best way to get back at white racists is to have sex with white qts.

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Persians fear the Turkish BULLS

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Based Slobo tried to warn you.

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He's a sand nigger.

Yeah if only a low T pacifist incel could do that

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they are the absolute scum of humanity
eradication is the only solution for them and their supporters

Oh please we let you kikes live in peace in the Ottoman Empire. Ungrateful rats.

LOL, white men don't fucking want these high-maintenance neurotic feminazis.

>trusting kikes

Not that I have seen. I work with a Muslim, there are definite cultural differences but hes a good dude.

Didnt ottomans speak Persian as their main language of court and politics? Wtf do we have to be afraid of yall niggas. You literally worshipped us, our language and culture and tried your best to be us you dumb nigger.

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I don't give a shit about christians or muslims, If it were up to me we would have had a second holocaust. whites would be sent to re-education camps and be lectured about the ideals of my state since they have white skin they should be perserved. the rest of nigger scum and insect shit would be eradicated from the planet
and then we would have a world with no wars an ideal utopia of humans living to advance the human race instead of infighting and parliamentary bullshit. but in any case this entire board and most of the posters are fucking bots and shouldn't be even considered worthy of taking seriously let alone equal in the eyes of a human

The Npcs tend to be violent when you talk or doubt about anything religious in their culture even if you're a muslim your self they'll just reee at you and keep sitting stuff from their Quran, but i've not seen it turn into a physical fight yet

Lmao you got TURKED.COM. You became US.

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Everyone is peaceful and docile around me, because I'm me.

Also culture wise we are considered romans/Anatolians. Nice try.

I've never met one

Where I live spics commit the most crime.

No one wants to be a roach Untermensch

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>you became us.

Literly the first thing turks did when they came to the middle east was become Persianized linguistically and culturally. Ottomans viewed the turkish language as a language of peasants and would rather speak Persian than Turkish.

Its only due to ataturk that your language isnt 70% Persian, nigga lol.

Also doubt you are actually a true asian turk. Most likely an anatolian tork wannabe like most of turkey.

>because we're white
Lol haha


The ottomans shaped themselves after the Sassanids and spoke Persian in court, administration and politics. You had to know Persian to serve in the ottoman government, even more so than Turkish my nigga.

Forgot pic

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