What is it about this large, white, Christian...

What is it about this large, white, Christian, homeschooled family band that makes kikes on Yas Forums seethe so uncontrollably hard?


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the incest

what is it about anonymous anime imageboards
that makes them seethe?


No one has a clue who those people are.

>white, Christian,
You answered your own question

Anonymity takes all of their power away

Not gonna lie, I keked, but this is still a cringe and kikepilled response. I'm no Christfag, but I completely support the non degenerate lifestyle and image of these guys.

Sadly, our society has become so degenerate that OP's pic actually stood out and immediately caught my eye. It's just not normal to see 4 young, healthy, well dressed, educated, normal white people in the media these days. So much so that it actually catches you attention and draws your eye.

I though that just mentioning neo-Palestine was enough to get the kikes' seal of approval.
Really nice kids though, hope the best for 'em.

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Cute aggression

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Think the first 10 seconds of this videos triggers their cute aggression response? Makes a lot of sense



That would make them more jewish.

>tfw no Julianne gf

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don't know who those 'kikes' are that you referred to, but this Jew is very happy to see something like this.

I know this feel well user

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Ha! Checkmate atheists!

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as soon as you read 'homeschooled christian' you know the dad is a incestuous pedo

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Youre not a jew, youre a kike. Quick history lesson for nu/pol/..

Ever wondered why we call them kikes? When they arrived on the shores of America they couldnt speak English, most immigrants couldnt this wasnt anything out of the ordinary. In such cases US customs had new arrivals sign an X on the immigration form, but j*ws hated Christianity so much that they refused to sign an X because it resembled a cross. Instead the signed the yiddish kikel. The more you notice.

Settle down there chaim, next thing your gonna say is interracial right?

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How does this make you feel

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hah nice, i had no idea.
and i sympathize very much with not wanting to write an X or a +.

so what's your point then?
i support large families engaging in the OP-described activities.

Why, is it a sect of Islam or something?

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I call dibs on the second one to the left.


Im going to dish out some historypills. Muslims are not out friends, but theyre not our enemies either. The second most mentioned name in the Quran is Jesus, hes considered a holy prophet in their religion. Theres middle ground there.

The kikes on the other hand, well..

>Sanhedrin 43a Says Jesus ("Yeshu" and in footnote #6, Yeshu "the Nazarene") was executed because he practiced sorcery.

>Horrible Blasphemy of Our Lord

>Gittin 57a Says Jesus ( see footnote #4) is being boiled in "hot excrement."

Sanhedrin 43a Jesus deserved execution: "On the eve of the Passover, Yeshu was hanged...Do you suppose that he was one for whom a defense could be made? Was he not a Mesith (enticer)?"

>Small secluded tribes from Africa have pure, strong, untainted dna after thousands of years living among each other
>the most industrious people in history who discovered new continents are inbred

Ignore the kike hes mad because his "people" are the most inbred on earth. Ask him about Tay-Sachs.

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Kikes and sand niggers are both inbred, the "southerners are inbred" meme is a kike lie that's nothing more than projection over their own convoluted bloodlines

I bet that guy is absolutely DROWNING in fresh young pussy. Just imagine the powerful smell of three young lasses with open faucets between their legs, taking turns on their brother

let's get real.
your Jesus, if he ever existed, was a shit disturber, who got what he deserved. a common criminal, died a virgin @ 33, kind of like a Yas Forums incel Yas Forumstard (or Yas Forumstard).

at best, jesus was real, and had a following, but he was an impostor. he was the equivallent of barrack obama. a total fucking loser with a good ability to bamboozle people and then ruin their lives.

i just wish obama got the same treatment as heyzoos