/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3474

► Detected: 2,994,761 (+1,499) ► Died: 206,992 (+77) ► Day: 109 (-23:41:15)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,590 strains have been sequenced —


Over 122,000 deaths went unreported in 14 countries

Almost all countries only report deaths that occur in hospitals

Antibody tests vastly underperform advertised accuracy

8 patients in Hong Kong test positive after "recovery"

Hispanics and blacks account for most deaths in California

Aerosolized, airborne transmission

Virus binds to GRP78, second route found

Virus might spread through pipes

Jews are the hardest hit by coronavirus in New York

Reports of undercounted "atypical pneumonia deaths" in Mexico

90% of positives in antibody tests might be false positives

"Red Dawn" emails show slow response from US despite warnings

NYC official admits they are undercounting deaths

▶ 27 new cases and 2 new deaths in Guatemala
▶ 3 new cases in Australia
▶ 10 new cases and 1 new death in South Korea
▶ 45 new cases in Jamaica
▶ 241 new cases and 15 new deaths in Brazil
▶ 84 new cases and 4 new deaths in Bolivia
▶ 3 new cases and 1 new death in China
▶ 835 new cases and 46 new deaths in Mexico
▶ 241 new cases and 6 new deaths in Panama


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Other urls found in this thread:


Thank goodness you are fucking alive, OP.
Now I will fuck off to sleep.





WTF is this shit?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-27 Coronavirus How the government's tracing app works Nine News Australia - YouTube.jpg (1884x1027, 327.42K)

>tfw no mommywife to quarantine with
its not fair bros

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Who has been the most based during this and why is it the NY POST

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Pic related 2.0

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Fuck amerimutts i am glad they will die by the millions, hopefully many of those will be children

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Love you bro



3 Millions NOW

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Got any more pixels?

Post your comfy quarantine vidya
>Mini metro
>SimpleRockets 2

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Why contain her?

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I want everyone in this thread to take a good long look at this trap I'm in. I left China for gimmicks like this... All of you don't know but i was Wu Flu and Wu Flu sucked, Wu Flu nearly ruined my virus career. You see I wanted to come back to USA because this is home for me because I wanted to be me just me. But the powers that be came to me and they said "novel corona virus, sucks. novel corona virus is boring." So now here I stand before you, oh yeah and my new name is COVID-19. They've dressed me up like the Black Plague to cause fear and panic all year long.

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Tiberium Wars

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amerimutt cope

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Dat feel when no 3 gorillion today in the tots-legit count.

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They really need to pin down the data about reinfection/reactivation.
Take some "recoverd" and look at them under a microscope and figure it out, the tests alone are useless
Its the difference between millions dying and human extinction

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#1 United States 987,160 (55,413) #2 Spain 226,629 (23,190) #3 Italy 197,675 (26,644) #4 France 162,100 (22,856) #5 Germany 157,770 (5,976) #6 United Kingdom 152,840 (20,732) #7 Turkey 110,130 (2,805) #8 Iran 90,481 (5,710) #9 China 82,830 (4,633) #10 Russia 80,949 (747) #11 Brazil 63,100 (4,286) #12 Canada 46,895 (2,560) #13 Belgium 46,134 (7,094) #14 Netherlands 37,845 (4,475) #15 Switzerland 29,061 (1,610) #16 India 27,890 (881) #17 Peru 27,517 (728) #18 Portugal 23,864 (903) #19 Ecuador 22,719 (576) #20 Ireland 19,262 (1,087) #21 Sweden 18,640 (2,194) #22 Saudi Arabia 17,522 (139) #23 Israel 15,443 (201) #24 Austria 15,225 (542) #25 Mexico 14,677 (1,351) #26 Singapore 13,624 (12) #27 Japan 13,441 (372) #28 Chile 13,331 (189) #29 Pakistan 13,328 (281) #30 Poland 11,617 (535) #31 Romania 11,036 (619) #32 South Korea 10,738 (243) #33 Belarus 10,463 (72) #34 United Arab Emirates 10,349 (76) #35 Qatar 10,287 (10)…

#1 Mexico +835 (+46) #2 Brazil +241 (+15) #3 Panama +241 (+6) #4 Bolivia +84 (+4) #5 Guatemala +27 (+2) #6 South Korea +10 (+1) #7 Uruguay +10 (+1) #8 China +3 (+1) #9 New Zealand (+1) #10 Jamaica +45 #11 Australia +3…

Attached: CVG.png (2000x1027, 354.4K)

he wide

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>tfw no Culonachan to sit on my face

not fair at all

Attached: CulonaVirus.jpg (900x1200, 230.61K)


Posted in last thread but Ultima 7

Imperator Rome
Heroes M&M 3
Baldurs Gate EE

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Sould l go to bed?

Don't let it bother you bro just go at the bar, drink a beer and chill out.
Let the spergs freakout over the flu here.

I like you.

>Imperator Rome
Is it good yet?

How is that a cope? Coping with what?

How is Imperator since the last big update? Love the map and played a good amount between the early updates but haven't picked it up again

Nice proxy chink.


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Psst hey we gotta be quiet but... I just wanted to give this to you real quick...

-stealthly boops your cheek, nose and tummy tum tum-

Don't take any silly risks.

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Archimedes and Livy made it pretty awesome. I've loved it since release but it has a lot more content now. Like, for example, you can deify rulers if they have a certain amount of prestige, and once you deify a certain number you can adopt an imperial cult for more idea slots. The missions are cool too, as well as the changes to food and how supply chains work.

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I called them on their phone, contacted their sales department via mail, no matter, they all basically told me to fuck off. Dude on the phone told me I could try to negotiate in an actual physical store, too bad I don't really have the time to go there, I've got a thesis to write and it's due very soon. Plus legally they don't owe anything to me anymore, I guess I could try to return the laptop to them and try to swap it for a better model since prices went down, but on paper they don't have to take anything since laptop is overall working fine. It does have some coil whine in High Performance mode though, how normal is this? Also for some reason I get less fps in 3D with High Performance mode (talking about Win10 battery management thingy in tray), even though clock boost works fine and there's no thermal throttling.
I hate that shit, my inner Jew is screaming in a bout of rage. Fucking bullshit is what it is.

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▶ 34 new cases and 2 new deaths in Honduras

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It wouldn't be Coronavirus General without your daily Jewish redpill

This "pandemic" is really something. Biofinancialweapon seeking out debtors/borrowers and also the building block to ID2020,crypto/social credit currency, etc. It's building a new economic system where the CURRENCY is even locked down and tracked 24/7 Welfare/perma-unemployment leads to UBI leads to crypto-digital currency completely traceable where the elites can turn off a person's account at will. Then the social credit system is the regulatory shaming device that keeps the borrowers and freeloaders in line digitally. youtu.be/QjKjZd-IPD8 youtu.be/29MyQEPfZK8 youtu.be/3JS8CW6dq1I

So is this thing slowing down?

Eve online
Its impractical but i can stuff an entire astroid belts into my hold in high sec with an orca
Mine and chill. 25-30 million per run

Attached: eporcaamarr.jpg (1600x1200, 212.2K)

Rome total war
stalker call of pripyat
jump king
city skylines

>Don't take any silly risks.
Does taking an axe and charging at China solo count?

Depending on what their return policy is you could find some lame excuse to return it. You might not even need an excuse.

Looks like something burger fags are more embarrassed than Qtards. It’s over and you know it.


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Yeah dude, and its all due to warm weather, lockdowns over now.

the worst MMO to ever be shoveled onto the internet desu

whos that semen demon on the left

So will it come back in the winter?

why is her ass so close to her face?

>Euro Truck Simulator 2
>American Truck Simulator
>Chip's Challenge
>Crusader King's II
>Civilization V
>Gunmetal Arcadia Zero
>Blake Stone Aliens of "MOTHERFUCKING" Gold

Attached: blake stone aliens of motherfucking gold.png (640x400, 58.25K)

nose: booped
silly risks: avoided
morale: improved

All 20 minutes of it

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I'm currently playing Yakuza 0 and Ace Combat 7

It's too late, they've spotted you

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Ironically that's all I've played of it since I bought it, neat little swimming simulator though.

Genetic confirmed

Than compare UK -> Australia = Vitamin D
Take a pill and be slav.

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What would happen if Trump was somehow verified to be the one posting boop user

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Grace Park

Attached: gp.jpg (617x834, 65.46K)

>American Truck Simulator
Fucking based. Can't wait for Idaho and Colorado.

I need corona arc now!
Will do night night.

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Its never really going to go away, 250 people in south korea are either having flare ups or reinfections already. More countries talking about recovered patients testing positive again later. If it does come back this winter it will because we didnt pull our heads out of our asses after these soft open stunts. No its not "slowing down" We will have had a million new cases in 13 days within the next 12 hours 1/3 of them within the united states. Just because its no longer growing exponentially right now doesnt mean it isnt still growing at an alarming rate.

bitch looks like a fucking chink tranny wtf man

Anyone else find it funny American Samoa has no cases? They quarantined as soon as they heard about coronavirus (just like they did with Spanish Flu) and have been completely untouched. I think after this is all over I’m moving there

Soon. She (he?) cute

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always found her supremely underwhelming desu

Wait. Are you one of those "Nothingburgers"?

got it

Is it possible for an 02 meters to read the average 95-100 if the person has lung damage?

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Is this anime any good?

Resident Evil 4
Metroid Prime
Chrono Trigger
Skies of Arcadia

it is a nothing burger compared to the excess mortality
>26M+ unemployed and counting
>unemployment/stimulus fiasco (no/late payments)
>”We Want to Work” Protests
>Riot Flash Points deniers who want to work >People Raiding Tax Offices Seeking Stimulus Checks
>rent strikes
>spike in suicides
>spike in domestic violence
>divorce rate rising
>spike in sexual assaults to minors
>spike in child abuse
>spike in family murder/suicides
>children struggling with adjusting to online classes
>increased drinking by all, alcoholics/drug addict relapses
>PTSD for survivors in most affected areas
>employee strikes
>employee walkouts
>evictions despite government orders, asshole landlords cutting power, heat, water, cable, electricity to tenets
>mass hunger among children
>blood shortage
>medical supply shortage
>medicine supply shortage
>off the meds crazies going insane
>released criminals will break house arrest
>prison/jail riots
>no sports, no entertainment
>hate crimes on the rise
>infected police force can’t stop crime
>relaxed law enforcement to prevent infection
>nurses quitting
>infected hospital staff
>people intentionally spreading infection
>infection “scares”
>possibility of a bank run
>endless quantitative easing devaluing the dollar >stampedes at grocery stores/looting
>food pantries emptied
>donations to charity/pantries/public welfare programs at a low
>life insurance claims
>refusal to go to hospital out of fear
>world leaders getting sick or indisposed
>looming oil crisis
>looming water shortage
>looming food shortage

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I'm not sure if he's being sarcastic or not, I was just looking for a straight answer.

Honey Select
Senran Kagura Estival Versus
And some newer Neptunia games, will probably keep them in sub only mode.

I have hemp beer, rice, steak, pork, bacon, the works. I'm gonna be alright. I just wish this cutie and Yumi were here.

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inb4 Trinidad and Tobago

It was one of those that was really popular in South America, I think. So probably.

>work might reopen soon
>all the tourists will come back even though the state will say stuff like 'we encourage state visitors only'
I really dislike being a wagie guys.

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>How is that a cope? Coping with what?
With 55,413 dead and 987,160 infected.