Cops arrest man with concealed carry permit for having guns. I dom't see how this doesn't escalate on a national level very, very soon.
I do not condone violence or wish for escalation. This post is for information only.
Cops arrest man with concealed carry permit for having guns. I dom't see how this doesn't escalate on a national level very, very soon.
I do not condone violence or wish for escalation. This post is for information only.
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>punches your greasy face
>kicks your mongrel throat in
>shanks ya McDonald's grease stuffed belly
You won't do shit and will keep licking ZOGbot boots until your country looks like Brazil. No go back to work and generate taxes for the niggers.
We nuked the wrong country.
imagine not having a second amendment
Civil war is inevitable its not if but when and that when is within a year. We really only need one medium sized bureaucrat (mayor of a big city or governor) to be shot or one state capitol building to be seized for it to spread and be normalized.
Wtf are the factions in this map?
You won't do shit. You will watch nigger ball and fade into obscurity. Fuck off and never post on this board again.
You know why hating criminals is stupid? One of the JOBS of cops is running rescue operations for criminals. When being on the wrong side of the law gets a target drawn on your skull by other criminals, you stop hating polite society so much if it throws you a lifeline.
We're no where near civil war. It's 30 years away minimum. Until democrats win the presidency with 3 different presidents in a row, the second amendment is repealed, and white people have a special tax on them. Then it's war.
>You won't do shit. You will watch nigger ball and fade into obscurity. Fuck off and never post on this board again.
Ooh they are getting verbal from the 2nd am crowd - word is the wind blew and a cop saw a gun as his shirt blew up - so in Denver concealed is good but not open carry in the city so - yeah it's a real SHITTY arrest.
I'm against it, not the spirit of the law at all - piggy over reaction and tyranny...
Seems like no one can be reasonable anymore.
captialists, Libertarians, Populists and Nazis
Feds and glowniggers
Spics and Cartels
Niggers and Niggerdom
love that poster. captures it perfectly.
t. literal nigger
Holy shit, that logo is badass. Had never seen that before.
>Wtf are the factions in this map?
Red is CCP Funded Liberals.
Green are Latinos.
Black are Amish Mafia.
Yellow and Blue? No clue.
the red in the west should only be around the cities
>commie niggers
>t. literal nigger
I commend every European American who is able to see the US for what it is. The patriotards and constitution loving niggers can go to hell though.
>land that belonged to Amerindians goes from 80% white to 60% white in 40 years
>ethnic german homeland goes from 100% white to 89% white in 10 years
who did it better?
>the red in the west should only be around the cities
Good point.
North Cali and S.E. Oregon want to ceceded from the rest of their shithole states.
Says the guy living in a sea of shit skins.
>just delay until AI and other tech is insurmountable goy
Unfortunately, the only way this place gets liberated is a grand alliance with everyone on the right.
If America was completely white the Entire West coast and New England (excluding NH) still votes heavy Democrat. New York, Illinois and Minnesota all flip hard red.
And niggers don't have a political philosphy, they're just niggers nigging out and doing nigger shit like looting and killing each other.
The 2A is pointless if people are never going to use it for its intended purpose to fight a tyrannical government. This would've been the perfect opportunity to put the cops in their place, instead these retards just stood around worthlessly yelling.
>America fights for world Jewry twice
- will be below 60% white come 2020 census
>Germany fight against Jewish materialism twice
- still 90% white
so much winning lmao
Canada is already browner than Germany. Trudeau and Trump let in more immigrants than Merkel ever did.
Um you know were way past the normalization phase right?
Not accurate, that's what.
>southern california is spicland but not the entire fucking coast clear up to SF
>eastern Oregon and Washington not solid yellow
>implying blue would ever fight yellow
>the entire east coast is a fucked up mess
Imagine having a second amendment and its worthless.
What's that
Yes, then MAYBE people will get off their fat asses
100% factual. There is no hope.
There is no sports right now...
Right wing Americans will never take up arms against the government. They're complete cowards it's a total LARP
Reminder the (((shills))) are pushing the talking point that there will be a civil war in 30 years instead of now. The reason they've been instructed to do that is they know the technology will be insurmountable by then and the war will be unwinnable for the people.
This is the kind of thing that will be normal at that point. They're already sending out swarms of drones to check on people for COVID-19. It's about to be a tech dystopian nightmare soon. In 30 years, they will simply take a dump on the Constitution live on an internet stream and tell Americans to suck it.
I think we are post nation state thinking at this point. All our states work against us and we should not feel any loyalty to them and start identifying solely with our race and procreate while the self hating and weak willed elements of the European race mix themselves out of existence or don't breed at all. This will be our only chance to act as a united polity once again.
Funny, I seem to remember a certain country that gave up all their guns after a single mass shooting. I guess they're cowards too.
After the Civil War, I want Hong Kong nuked til it's a nuclear crater.
Yah, fuck you kraut! My grandfather killed shit tons of you nazis and had a good time raping his way to Berlin!