Despite this reputation, it is the least diverse school in Baltimore and even Maryland, with a Black student percentage of 8%. This is because black families do not like creepy, white, "accepting" atmospheres. Progressives know this and turn the dial to 11 because they know that this will cause blacks to self select away from the school, allowing it to remain 93% white in a city that is almost 100% black. Then they say, "We are being accepting why won't blacks join us? I guess we'll have to be MORE progressive!"
Imagine going to a kike highschool. I went to a jesuit school we were taught about the jq and my priest teachers openly called for the genocide of nonwhites and jews regularly. We also beat up the 3 fags and 6 niggers in the school.
Jaxson Wilson
It costs 30k to send your kid there dude. Of course black people in Baltimore can’t afford that. In fact I’m surprised there are that many rich people left in b-more for such a place to stay open
Luis Reyes
I went to a “private” school that didn’t have a religion but was basically Jewish cause all the rich people sent their kids to catholic school. My parents made me switch schools after I came home talking about Hanukkah one day
Landon Anderson
Non catholic private school are typically kiked. Only a jew would pay 30k for their kids to go to hs. Theyre such fucking retards lmaoo
Grayson Stewart
My jesuit school was like 5k a year bc the alumni were helpful. Won state in EVERY sport each year, top of every ranking academically and otherwise in the entire state, generally best at everything. The rich kike school was full of homos and druggy losers and they payed 6x as much as us HAHAHAHA jews are pathetic
James Walker
But Gilman, Bryn Mawr, and Friends are that expensive and are 15 to 30 percent black, so wrong.
Josiah Robinson
30k for a pure white school...
Cooper Smith
>The Park School of Baltimore is an independent, gender-inclusive, non-sectarian progressive pre-K through 12 school located on a 100-acre wooded campus minutes from the city. Sounds like a school that breeds redditors.
Colton Bell
“White” HAHAHA jews are the antithesis of everything european. Such insufferable schizophrenic ugly motherfuckers. Theyd be at the bottom of everything if they werent such paranoid money grubbing cultists
Christopher Mitchell
I think all primary schools should be by bodies of water
Dylan Wright
When will this board realise that white supremacy and liberal progressivism are the same thing? Rich whites with power are the only people progressive crap appeals to. It ensures you keep out the riff raff. Why do you think rich whites are like this? You think they're actually interested in diversity and it just keeps magically not working out for them???
Alexander Robinson
Ok fine go to the local basketball academy and see if that's better
Liam Rivera
It’s not a college. It’s 30k for preschoolers to 8th graders.
It’s only 66 percent white. Second most common group is mixed race at 13 percent. Maybe mixed black-Jew babies?
Luke Mitchell
Im white, ive got options. Dont have to pay 30k to go to the jewschool just so i dont get bullied by the white chads and i dont have to go to nigger school because im not a poor nigger. Imagine being a kike HAHAHAHAHAHA
Jason Carter
Gilman, Bryn Mawr, and Friends are K12 too. And NCES gov data places that data differently. These schools lie about how diverse they are, especially the less diverse ones. Use government data.
Hudson Thomas
Don't be a retard. There is no such school.
Carson Adams
Jewschools dont exist? Are u retarded?
Lincoln Brooks
Here's a lesson in how these schools fudge their numbers to pretend they're liberal when they're really white havens
I went to a public school where we talked about "chanukah", spun the draidel, and ate those gay jewish pancakes
Jayden Gomez
This. Anyone who thinks public school is a safe space for white kids is a pure retard. Private school is what inculturates kids to power.
Daniel Harris
I went to a catholic school of 1600 with 6 niggers. In a city of 60% niggers HAHAHAHAHA imagine being a jew cuck
Juan Miller
I went to school in Maryland. We had 1% nigger enrollment. He was the only minority. So. Your OP is fucking lying. >8% is da lowest Wrong
Colton Smith
But then I went to a catholic school and 18/22 kids were spics or niggers
Aiden Rogers
See what that school looks like in 2020 :)
Landon Sanchez
Like other poster, please check out that schools data for the current year. Things have changed.
Logan Sullivan
Stay mad jew. You know youll never be accepted. And fyi the school now has even lower nigger enrollment. HAHAHAHAHA WHITE EXCELLENCE
Joshua Harris
I went to a brazilian american junior high school we mostly studied jui jitsu and shoota box
Jordan Thomas
My catholic school got whiter since I went there. Maybe the cost of attending is getting too high for the small group of black students?
Mason Hill
Post the data then to prove it.
Logan Johnson
these schools give scholarships to lower income minorities
Jace Hughes
Park school sends 30 kids to Harvard each year. Your dumb Catholic school sent all their kids to state college!
Charles Foster
no im not sending you the demographics you stupid yid go fuck yourself
Jack Howard
We actually had 70+ students in my class go to ivy leagues. The kike school sent 2 and they had 4x the student population and 6x the tuition cost! HAHA JEWS CANT COMPETE
Brandon Morris
Wealthy schools where parents have connections send more kids to those schools.