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Based. This is why Africans are better than the niggers that inhabit the US

Turns out once you actually have to govern yourself a while you find out that shit isn't nearly as easy as whitey makes it seem sometimes.


are we bringing rhodesia back?

Oh shit they're gonna overthrow him

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Aren’t they starving because they kicked all the white people out?

Chinese have a culture of dog eating because they used to have a difficult life, everything is food to them. Not like Africans who eat dirt and live on white countries' aids.

>Offers them beef
More like "offers them nutria and bush meat" who the fuck is this famished nigger kidding lmao

Those niggers don't even have enough food to feed themselves.

>up next: zimbabwe wonders why they have no chinese investments like the other African nations

>country is starving

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>>>Occupied Rhodesia

Nah, you don't get it. Long ago man made friends with the wolves and now are histories are entwined. In civilized countries dogs are man's companion in a variety of ways: help find cadavers, help find illegal drugs, help police chase subdue criminals, help detect explosives, help blind people function, protect homes and provide friendship, etc. What the Chinese do to dogs is not only unethical, but it is a tremendous betrayal as they're being burned and butchered by men they would otherwise trust. There is no reason to eat dogs and those people would know better if they weren't savages -- but that part was obvious.

>"trust me it's cause of the famine I wasn't alive for, that I like eating dogs that are tortured to death -Albert Wang "I

>Offering another country meat when they are starving
I see they are learning from the west to give shit they can't afford to make a political statement

All animals are simply tools for us to use as we see fit. They breed a type of dog specifically for eating; much like cattle, this breed has no purpose except to be eaten. Your heckin doggerooneys are just a means to an end.

When Zimbabwe is the one offering you food, that's a big deal.

It makes sense to grow vegetables for eating, but dogs? That is not an efficient use of resources. So now the Chinese are dumb and savage. OK.

>Africa to china: I see u like eating bat and giving deadly exotic disease to world
>Africa: two can play that game China man
>Africa: here is local bat delicacy from our continent of hemorrhagic diseases

Based Rhodesian poster, Constantinople can await.

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Who gives a shit if they're starving or not. Dogs are more valuable than chinks.

wish little donnie had half the balls of this dude

It's not even that they're eating dogs, it's what they're doing to them.

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there's no reason for this

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fake country
just a rebel stronghold

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you know it, fuck chinks

fake country
just a chinese stronghold

based Africans

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Fuck China