Race Equality

Why does the left repeat the meme of “all humans are equal”. Look at these two Americans. You're really telling me this white man and this Mexican are the same species?

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Obviously same species retard, just not equal.
The left knows that not all humans are equal but can't do anything because they well be ostracized for "racism". It is completely their fault they are in this situation.

Because you racists focus on tiny surface level differences, culture is learned not genetic, and we're all capable of intelligence (aside from some differently-abled people) provided that we receive adequate education. Modern science has debunked the existence of biological races anyway.

As though it's only 'the left.' Look at how Trump immediately starts sucking off any black guy who supports him.

>Modern science
Too bad it's not done by intelligent people anymore.

Same species, different sub-species. Race is merely the sugar coated term used in place of sub-species when applied to humans.

One is a sub 80 IQ golem who enforces the will of the (((ruling class))) and the other is a Mexican

Ah yes, because all the top minds in the world are meth smoking trailer trash that post on white supremacist forums, meanwhile those that earn PHDs these days are the real morons.

Is that Jesse Lee Peterson?

You shouldn't confuse people in top organizational positions, with being people that are the top minds.

Same schools, same teachers, same education, different results.

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Race is a social construct. All I see is two goyim.

They both look white/Hispanic to me.

>What are socioeconomic factors?
I'd also love to see a source for that graph.

>What are socioeconomic factors?
Makes no difference whatsoever. They're being taught the same way by the same people and they just don't fucking get it. Many of them don't want to get it. They don't give a fuck. We've been throwing free shit at niggers for eternity and a half now with little to nothing to show for it. They're not oppressed, they're just stupid.

Well fortunately fewer people these days think that way. You're a horrible person.

Yeah no wonder things are going to shit, because no one THINKS. Fuck you, retard.

Last I checked things were going to shit because greedy capitalists refuse to acknowledge what they are doing to the environment, your nation elected one of the most incompetent Presidents imaginable and we have a pandemic going on.

Nobel Prize winner James Watson was stripped of his honors for discovering the link between race and IQ - said it's genetical.
There was this experiment about 2 black siblings one raised in white family other raised in black family. They had the same results. Idk if it was in the bell curve book where it showed improving socioeconomic factors improved IQ by up to 10, but that's it.
Equality is a lie, user. Not all men are created equal, yes, socioeconomics play a role but genetics play a bigger role. Labcoats and studies mean nothing. They lie all the time. They're politically motivated, they're funded by politically motivated institutions and the media pushes only the studies that agrees with their own agenda.
I think it was this podcast youtube.com/watch?v=OlqU_JMTzd4 about a group of academics that proved that media pushes the most stupid dumb shit. They published some fake sjw studies like saying dogs are sexists and dumb shit like that and the media published without question. Academia and education was taken over by Marxists lgbt sjws... Wake the fuck up user.

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people with PHDs are not real morons - they are just not dumb enough to poke the hornet nest.

At these times where the left has won the culture war, they have to be real dumb trying to post shit like IQ and race relation related stuff since they will get pitchforked by SJWs like you to death, regardless of how well researched it is.

So what they do instead is the reverse, pandering to stupid retards like you, so you take their trash, worthless essay as words of truth, in the name of "modern science".

Literally anyone with a functional brain can tell pursuing equality is pointless. Yet people are forcing themselves and others to live in this liberal fantasy - It is just another form of group mentality.

Holy shit lurk more before posting newfag.

>It's all the Marxist SJWs that control the media
I am a Marxist SJW (a term I wear like a badge of honour) and I can tell you that we do not. The mass media is liberal and capitalistic, only paying lipservice to certain social justice ideas. Your cope is funny.

>Why does the left repeat the meme of “all humans are equal”
The left confuses "Equal Treatment Under The Law" with "Being Equal". Clearly people have different skills, interests, abilities and desires. It's absolutely retarded to think that we are all equal, or that equal outcomes are possible.

That being said, there is a group of (((people))) who have made it a priority to obfuscate, corrupt, parasite upon and utterly destroy our legal system. In other words: we are not equal under the law either. (((Some People))) have privileges that others do not.

>Obviously same species
Is it?
I don't think so. And the science agrees.

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they want to believe

>those that earn PHDs
Depends on the PhD, doesn't it?

>greedy capitalists
(((greedy capitalists)))
Do you know where you are or of what you speak, son?

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do you want to be the guy to tell them to fix their culture or what
>debunked the existence of biological races

ive heard this repeated over and over yet never seen the explanation of apparent, observable biological differences be anything more than handwaved as insignificant.

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>cope detected
allow let me refer you to my last post

>Well fortunately fewer people these days think that way.
Actually, the truth is getting out. More people than ever think that way now. We see the absolute state of our countries as they are flooded with low IQ nonwhites that contribute nothing, parasite our resources and turn our formerly functioning societies into utter shitholes. Your liberal enthusiasm is misplaced.
>You're a horrible person.
You're on Yas Forums. The truth is horrible. Doesn't make us bad people for speaking it. Makes you a weakling for refusing to acknowledge it.

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think he means Jews

Don't trust your own eyes user, only believe what the (((scientist))) tell you.

>more white people on welfare than any other race
>more whites in prison and on death row
>disproportionate amount of sex offenders, serial killers, and school shooters are white
>Mexicans have rich cultural history, whites have minivans and hamburgers
please don't compare Mexicans to white people, thanks OP

>surface level differences

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bait but just in case (you)

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>culture is learned not genetic
Allow me to pontificate.
Your culture helps guide you in mate selection and therefore has a direct influence on the genes of the next generation.
Take for example going out to the club/bar and looking for a woman to have sex with. There exists the potential for this act to create a child or possibly form a long term relationship that will eventually create a child.
If cooming (the release of genetic material) is my ultimate goal, what clothes should I wear out tonight?
>a powder whig, lacey frills on my cuffs, crush velvet
>my new designer jeans, fresh sneakers, bling etc
Which outfits lets the opposite sex know that I understand the culture?

Or take a female point of view:
If my goal is to meet a man who will spray cum (genetic material) on me, what clothes should I wear out tonight?
>a hoop skirt, a bonnet and a bow
>a mini skirt, low cut top, with my hair and nail done did
Which outfit is going to signal to the opposite sex that understand the current culture?

To seperate culture from genetics is a mistake. Culture and genetics evolve along side one another.

ive noticed almost every kiwi poster is a huge faggot, you're no exception.