Daily reminder: these doctors ended the coronahoax

“our volumes have dropped significantly, the hospitals, the ICU are empty”

“I’m walking into this warzone, our ICU’s are empty, there is no patients, but we have people in hazmut suits taking my temperature as I walk through the doors, something else is going on here, this is not about science, and its not even about covid, when they use the word safe, that’s about controlling you”
“They were asking for 30000 ventilators, they used five, GM had to switch its production line for what?” youtube.com/watch?v=zb6j7o1pLBw?t=331

“When I’m writing up my death report, I’m being pressured to add covid, why is that?”


“in terms of Norway vs. Sweden, lockdown vs. non lockdown did not produce a statistically different number of deaths”

“If you stomp on our freedoms, thats got one ending and its violence”

“We have never seen were you quarantine the healthy, were you take people without symptoms and lock them in their home”

Dr. Erickson admits what #filmyourhospitals and empty hospitals has said all along, that there is no actual pandemic occurring since there have never been a genuine pandemic surge of patients, more doctors are coming forward to debunk the Covid19 pandemic hoax.

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Can you even fathom believing this is all a hoax lmao

this video is not going away and neither is this info-just so everyone knows

CDC RECORDS THAT in the US, 2,813,503 deaths occurred in 2017, and 240k deaths on avg per month for 2017(SEE PIC), and 60k on avg per week, note how the CDC shows we are in that range for April 2020 (61k total deaths per week for April 2020) SHOWING NO MEASURABLE PANDEMIC

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Not a hoax but an overreaction that a lot of people are bank rolling and the longer the shut down lasts the more they make.

>Hospitals aren’t empty in NY though hurrr
>go to ny,

empty in ny
evidence of fakery keeps stacking up
TWO HOUR video in front Elmhurst AFTER WARZONE declared literally NOTHING!!!
>go inside

empty inside
inside elmhurst
>so who cares if Elmhurst hospital is empty too, social distancing worked and sothere is no measurable pandemic

shows nurses not social distancing in NY

>media claims highest death toll per weeek ever

total weekly death toll for Europe hasn’t changed, its at 2016 levels, see euromomo.eu,

>muh high covid deaths

youtube.com/watch?v=PK3MmLzlvSQ&feature=emb_title?t=522 ”Ifsomeone dies with Covid-19 were counting that as a Covid-19 death”

>muh conspiracy is too hard to keep secret

How the CDC faked the pandemic: White House CV Task Force Dr. Birx: "If someone dies with Covid-19 we’re counting that as a Covid-19 death”
Fraud is CDC Policy:

“COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is
ASSUMED to have caused or contributed to death.”
“Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based
on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory TESTING, etc. "

This allows the CDC to count ASYMPTOMATIC CARRIERS since they can test positive and have no symptoms yet can be considered “With Covid”, and count ASSUMED Carriers which are based on assumptions that prove nothing yet are also counted “With Covid", so they can count deaths ASYMPTOMATIC/ASSUMED WITH Covid19 rather than only deaths proven OF Covid19, the fraud is thus enforced by CDC policy.

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These guys own urgent care facilities that aren't getting patients because everyone is staying home. No fucking wonder they want to end quarantine

“your standing in the hot zone” reporter wonders where the patients are
a week later still no patients in central park

the democrats like the economics and politics of the lockdown regardless of whether or not there is a real pandemic
that’s why they have no answer for the lack of a measurable pandemic, other than to say that we can't measure a pandemic, which means there pandemic is faith based

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if things were so bad wouldn't their urgent care be filled with sick COVID-19 patients, oh wait it is completely empty same with the hospitals

no they do covid testing, they are making bank actually, they are shills pushing for more testing, but they also tell the truth about the hoax

“If you stomp on our freedoms, thats got one ending and its violence”

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Because someone is making money keeping this going. The medical industry is booming right now and they don't even need to conduct elective surgeries. Banks are handing out loans like its Christmas. Covid gib checks are getting blown on TVs. Major companies are getting their stocks devalued making them ripe for buy outs.

we are being distracted from something

Yeah, someone getting richer while we're all getting poorer.

>urgent care "doctors"
They're the medical field's version of the ambulance chasing lawyer. Never, EVER, go to one of their facilities unless you absolutely have to.

It’s not about money, it’s about control

that virus must be the biggest conspiracy ever, and only 2 doctors are smart enough to figure it all out

No they wouldn't. You don't go to an outpatient urgent care facility when you can't breathe, fucking dumb ass

Have a hot IRA lass and a bump

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are you fucking retarded. everyone goes to urgent care when they are sick with a bad cold or flu. get a grip retard. how fucking delusional are you

Medical industry is doing terrible.

Hospitals are losing tons and tons of money. They make a lot turning people in the ER and now one is going there anymore.

protestors in WA state are just regular people fed up lockdown and not impressed with the so called pandemic, these are not far left or far right people

Free people in Ireland swear to fight the covidists to the death!


Families of cancer patients pan 'disrespectful' videos of dancing NHS staff while patients are dying due to cancelled operations

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>only 2 doctors

not really. virtually every medical director in my company is saying exactly the same thing as these dudes

>They make a lot turning people in the ER

most hospitals outsource their EDs to medical groups to run for them so it's not emergency volume that makes them money but instead they make money on admits and electives.

dissident doctors Prof. Dr. John lonannidis, Prof. Knut Wittkowski, Prof. Dr. Carsten Scheller, Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (He sent an open letter to Germany’s chancellor Merkel, I think someone translated it into English). Prof. Hendrik Streek, Prof. Dr. Dr. Martin Haditsch, Prof. Dr. Jochen A. Werner, Dr.Jaroslav Belsky, Prof. Dr. Stefan Hockertz, Dr. Klaus Köhnlein, Prof. Karin Mölling, Dr. Bodo Schiffmann, Dr. Joel Kettner, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Dr. Mark Fidigge, Dr. Karl J. Probst, Dr. Jenö Ebert, Dr. Gérard Krause, Prof. Maria Rita Gismondo, Prof. Dr. Joran Lass, Prof. Dr. Pietro Vernazza, Prof. Frank Ulrich Montgomery, Prof. Erich Bendavid, Prof. Jay Bhattacharya, Dr Yanis Roussel, Dr. David Katz, Dr. Heiko Schönning, Dr. Michael T Osterholm, Dr. Peter Goetzsche Dr. Klaus Püschel Dr. Rüdiger Dahlke, Dr. Scott Jensen, Dr Annie Bukacek

full version of billy 6 docuemtary on covid-19 fraud-empty covid hospitals in Berlin and scientists interviewed

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>Corona is not real
That means nobody can blame China on anything
>Corona is real
That means you will fuck yourself even more if you stop taking counter measures
So which one?

23 = 9 11 3


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Pandemic . . .

Lay off 10 of 1000s of healthcare workers
While catering rest of non infected economy.

50 or so people fucked this up (governors) not orange man

Wake up sheeple

Yes, yes i can

i pass a hospital everyday
nobody in scrubs wears a mask or social distances while taking lunchbreaks etc.

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I've resorted to direct text messaging these red pills. The press conference did nothing but confirm for those of us that make educated decisions based on actual 5 senses observations.

I sent this videos to 17 people, some group threads. I told them to watch it, and followed up.

Since the "shelter in place", I'm earning trust and respect among family and peers by sharing facts and truth through direct text messages. They each shared it out. It is multiplying, spreading.

Globalists are fucked.

a lot of suspected coronavirus patients never make into fully into the hospital. and by that i mean they never get into the ER or ICU. they get triaged in some tents outside of the hospital, get tested and await their results. negative? then whats your problem? come inside. positive? you go to a special coronavirus place.

we should listen to comrade bill instead

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These two faggots also say (in this same interview) that we should have mandatory testing BEFORE being allowed to go back to work.

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good on you
these doctors answer all the globos questions with patience, i dont see why a non partisan wouldn't be redpilled by what they have to say

I also view this interview to be a timeless debunk of the hoax, that can only be extinguished through censorship, yet its from an ABS affiliate so it may stay up, they have got to 3 million views on one video

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yeah that part is to be disregarded by the free people, we can still use thier debunks though.

I am beginning to think we must rule ourselves by direct referendum, by getting votes for or against covidsim on the ballot
referendum for or against repealing all lockdown/social distancing laws
referendum for or against legalizing contact tracing, forced testing and forced isolation
looking into how to get a referendum on state ballots, possibly national

ncsbe.gov/petition-infoA petition is a formal written request, signed by citizens affected by or having an opinion on the issue in question. In North Carolina, petitions can be used to place candidates and issues on the ballot,Signatures CANNOT be collected electronically. Blanks at the top of each petition sheet must be completed before collecting any signatures.

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