Is he /ourguy/?

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Other urls found in this thread: F. Kennedy Jr./John F. Kennedy Jr. Part 1 of 1/view


No, he's just a senile puppet

Fuck off leaf nigger

yeah but what about biden?


If by "/ourguy/" you mean a (((Deep State))) shill who'll do everything $hillary would have done had she been elected... then yeah, maybe. Short answer: No.

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I'm honestly tired of Trump so I kind of want him to be president. A Biden presidency would be funny.

Stop the shitty bait threads please


No because he's the placeholder for whomever the VP is. If you want Abrams or Harris, he's your guy.

I done with trump, he has been a laughing stock the whole time. Anything would be better than trump.
I'm not joking btw.

Fuck you
Trad and put your brain back where there is space for it F. Kennedy Jr./John F. Kennedy Jr. Part 1 of 1/view


Better than Trump, name a problem you have with Biden and Trump has it worse

>Care about being laughed at.
You're either a woman or a faggot, right?

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No. He's the Apocalypse dude from Poltergeist.

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Sure, he's your guy. Now take him, leaf. Get him the fuck out of here.

We have the best Alzheimer's disease victims, we love them. Really, our Alzheimer's victims are the best in the world. Nobody's got the best Alzheimer's people like we do.

Biden cant even string together a coherent sentence, the guy legit has dementia

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Yes. He'll do very little different than trump in reality, and him winning will pave the way for an even better trump in four years.

Huh, I havent seen all the videos of Trump saying closing the border wouldn't help, or sniffing/groping young girls, or having a stroke in real time on stage, or saying China isn't really that bad and we shouldn't have a problem with them, or saying that he pressured a foreign government to stop investigating his son. You going to come up with the pics of Trumps daughter on his lap, or are you going to say he said inject bleach when he turned to doctors and asked if there was anything we could do like cleaning the body like you could clean a surface?

Or that ultra-cunt Warren.

Fuckin' digits

Biden is a pizzagate faggot, so, no.

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He is not our guy

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