If a fetus is a human life, shouldn't pregnant women be able to claim their unborn children as dependents, receive tax benefits and stimulus checks, etc? Why is there no push from anti-abortion people for this?
If a fetus is a human life, shouldn't pregnant women be able to claim their unborn children as dependents...
youre right, they should.
we need to update the tax laws
good point op
sure. similarly to how murdering a pregnant woman is considered a double murder by law.
I agree they should do that.
Though technically they need a birth date to count as a dependant.
There are lots of benefits for pregnant women. Tax benefits for pregnancies are a great idea, especially in rural areas where the population needs to be increased.
How can a fetus be a baby when she wants it, but becomes just a "clump of cells" when she wants to terminate it?
I think it would be to easy to cheat the system.
I'm pretty sure the fetus has its own classification. Killing a pregnant woman is definitely worse in the eyes of the law than killing a non-pregnant woman, but I dont think it necessarily counts as a straight up double murder.
We just found out that the the baby in my wife doesn't have a heartbeat anymore. Feels bad bros.
>That picture
pick one
Let the anti-Christ be born
Cause bodily harm to a pregnant woman and causing her to lose the pregnancy. You get charged with murder faggot
Men should be legally allowed to financially abort their children.
Because Satan tricked us into thinking we can create our own reality, when all we do is destroy our relationship with God.
Cucked by the jews
It literally does though
sure, why not
it can't
who cares about what you think you stupid retard, the law says what it says.
No, it's literally considered "unlawful termination of a pregnancy", not murder.
If one shoots a pregnant woman in her stomach and kill the fetus but she lives, one would get charged with murder (among other charges).
If a woman aborts her fetus, she does not get charged with aiding or abetting a murder (assuming we all agree that the doctor performing the abortion is the actual murderer).
Dems, please explain.
Yes. If they were pregnant in 2018, by all means, claim them.
Fuck. This is a slide thread... Is it to late to sage in all fields?
Enough Talmudry, just stop killing the unborn.
Rabbianic Judaism (since 60-80 AD) is the active rejection of Christ. All Jews are opposed to Christ since almost 2000 years.
Christians and Jews had conflict since the beginning of Christianity.
Kicked out of 109 countries, mostly by Christians.
Jews only tricked certain Christians into supporting them since they took over the media in the 1900s.
>muh birlliant 2000 year conspiracy cooked up by illiterate sand people
>muh cucktianity
no, some Christians fall for the tricks, but overall Jews and Christians are opposed to each other.
Never thought of that OP. They should.
Not that it helps with the pain but miscarriages aren’t that uncommon. I hope you try again.
>Scott Lee Peterson[1] (born October 24, 1972) is an American convicted murderer who is currently on death row in San Quentin State Prison. In 2004, he was convicted of the first-degree murder of his pregnant wife, Laci Peterson, and the second-degree murder of their unborn son, Conner,
This is not necessarily valid at first glance but definitely worth hearing. But not from anyone who is pro choice. They should have zero pilitical influence. Problem is this question isnt asked for the task at hand, but to attempt a retarded point to justify scrambling babies.
That's actually a good idea. It would serve as an incentive to have children. Though it should only be applied in white countries.
Thanks user, we might. Both gonna be 35 soon and the rates for downs and stuff goes through the roof after 35.
That sucks man. Hope you guys make it out of this time and gain the strength to try again. Shitty part of life but if the next pulls through you will heal almost 100 percent and will feel blessed.
Why does this make my dick twitch?
re Chris Watts
>There are 38 states that have fetal homicide laws, but Colorado is not among them. Concerns about the lack of such a fetal homicide law in Colorado also arose in 2015 in Longmont after Dynel Lane cut open a pregnant Michelle Wilkins and removed her fetus.
It depends on the state.
>Shouldn't we discourage killing babies and at the same time financially encourage taxpaying (ie white) couples to have more children?
Yes, actually a great idea
As long as loose women keep using abortion as a form of birth control, your question is just a rhetorical one, isn't it?
How many months must she carry the child--before having it cut to pieces alive--in order to claim these ludicrous tax benefits? One? Four? Nine?