Just a reminder for all those who have fallen for communist indoctrination, that Japan has never in its entire history ever committed a single war crime.
Any allegations made in the Tokyo trials were fabricated by the Communists, Japan’s entry into the war was purely out of the defence of its colony Korea and its ally Manchukuo against the US backed USSR and the communist terrorist groups operating in the Republic of China at the time.
Just a reminder for all those who have fallen for communist indoctrination...
Okay, Toshiyaki-san.
literally nobody cares
african warlords are butchering each other today, doesn't mean it's relevant
I agree.
Japan is more economically powerful than any european country and culturally more important and relevant.
If the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere had been allowed to develop without the US and USSR interfering, East Asia would be more relevant than the EU and Japan would be the sole super power
I’m here to educate, not to shitpost sorry if that’s not exciting for you
Japan committed plenty of ‘war crimes’ it’s just that ‘war crimes’ are bullshit.
No they didn’t, unless you call granting independence to people, giving civilization, and building industry war crimes
So,the bit about japan having an experimental facility like germany is untrue? The stoties about japanese officials eating american corpses at state dinners is untrue?
No shit. Any red pilled individual knows this.
Of course, do you know how ridiculous that sounds?
bataan death march
No, I don't. My reply was based on things that I have read. I'm not saying that they are true, but I did read those things.
Manchuko and Chosen are rightful Japanese clay
Comfort women weren't raped. They, like all korean women, are whores. They willingly sold themselves to superior Japanese men.
Imagine if Japan did whatever it wants to China without embargo...Pearl Harbour would never happen
The Tripartite Pact was the last great alliance.
This gets brought up constantly by Americans, how is transporting prisoners a war crime? What should they do? Leave them to die or take them to a POW camp? No matter what you’d make an accusation of alleged war crimes but the false flag in Hawaii isn’t a war crime?
They’re obviously fake just like the mine carts at the German camps
Is he British, is he american or is he Australian? This is fabricated propaganda used by the allies against Japan.
Based and redpilled
Just a reminder to all who see this troll thread, they may have committed war crimes but so did everyone else, starvation killed more Japanese than anything else so of course they didn’t feed their prisoners (same thing as the Germans), and none of you like China anyway so stop pretending you give a fuck someone killed the shit out of them. Tojo did nothing wrong. We should’ve let them take China
Comfort women is a term for prostitutes.
Pearl Harbour would still happen because it was a false flag
Sounds about as realistic as the masturbation machines at auschwitz
this is a classic stitch up, they were just stitching the guy up, they weren't actually going to cut his head off, haven't you ever seen a stitch up before
I've been in Korea for 10 years now and the women here are absolute whores, they can't help it, it's ingrained into their DNA. The comfort women issue is Korea's Holohoax. Literally just whores who volunteered for the brothels (the few who were actually "forced" were willingly sold off by their parents) and now that they're shriveled up and penniless, they cry rape for financial compensation and national attention.
Look up bachuus ladies, it’s in their blood
>Just a reminder for all those who have fallen for communist indoctrination, that Japan has never in its entire history ever committed a single war crime.
Decapitating a blindfolded soldier looks like a war crime. Us Burgers have committed many war crimes, but we admit to such behavior. We are Jewish war dogs, and we excel at war.
>Japan has never in its entire history ever committed a single war crime.
....But it should have. If it did it would be a great thing.
Fabricated photos forged by the communists
Thanks america shouldve dropped another few nukes maybe one on this fags house in canada, japan was a ruthless imperialist nation that killed millions across asia and commit warcrimes worse than the nazis. Japs believe in cultural superiority yet all they do if masturbate to hentai all day, play with hellokitty and eat rice. Most xenophobic country on earth overrated
Just looking for information, user.
I call using live prisoners for bayonette practice and as a cannibal food source, war crimes.
they chopped peoples' heads off, severely abused and tortured POWs, mass rapes, etc.
i mean, the soviet army raped over 2 million german women and nobody talks about that, but that was a war crime. in their defense the russians will say "well they killed 20 million russians, so fuck them" - and to that i will say "i agree sir"
Everything you said is completely false, Japan wanted to create a sort of Commonwealth between the independent Asian states. Most they liberated from Western imperialists such as Vietnam, Cambodia and the Philippines, they also defended the sovereignty of Manchukuo which the Chinese wanted to colonize and Korea which the Soviets wanted to colonize
None of these ever happened
If they used this method of execution it was against communist terrorists that killed innocent people, for example, Arsonists in Nanking burnt down the Soviet embassy and tried to blame the Japanese for this attack. Anyone who sexually assaulted a woman in the IJA was executed for their crimes
ye-yeah they did
there are many documented cases of Japanese soldiers torturing to death American POWs.
none of that matters now, nobody cares, and most people have never even heard of that, and today's Japanese are completely like different people, just like today's Germans.
>gook women are whores!
>meanwhile lead the world in the porn industry
is the nip learning from the jew?
The Germans are different because they’re DNA got mixed with Russian DNA after soviet occupation. Japanese are still pure
This board is full of retarded tourists though. Every day we must remind them.
>Japan has never in its entire history ever committed a single war crime.
this, and the holocaust is a kike lie.
kys changaroo
Also this. Koreans learned from the kikes and wanted to make their own fake holocaust.