
Why do modern women lack affection? They seem genuinely surprised to discover that men crave affection from them and that relationships aren't solely about sex.

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>men bad
>white men bad
>men are rapists
thats what they're all taught

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Men don't want a living onahole, especially one that's a constant bitch to them. They want a loving, affectionate companion to comfort them in their weariness at the end of a long, difficult day. Yet modern women are completely emotionally unavailable and seem shocked to discover men have needs other than the warm hole between their legs.

Is the problem that modern women have been lied to about men, or that modern women are unaffectionate, self-centered cunts?

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Education system and degenerate liberal culture brainwashes them.

Why do men need this much pandering. You're a man, you have balls. You shouldnt be craving affection. You should be working hard and busting your ass off to secure a comfy living for your family.

Dont be weak user. Women dont like feminine men, and laying down with your head on her lap is feminine af. She wants a big strong man, not some fairy boy that cries when the going gets tough.

Only after you've busted a good nut inside your girls pussy can you then lay down and have her caress you. Any other time and she might as well have a gf

>intimacy bad
of course a nigger without parents would type this shit

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Women never had affection. The problem is not women lacking it but the problem lies in men NEEDING affection.

They want a man to be the dominate one and take them and always lead fearlessly from the front. All the affection women have in their system is reserved for their sons, not their lovers. The problem is men get so beaten by life out of their incompetence to shield their emotions that they crave what is essentially a mommys hug. I know it feels fucking godd but it is regressing in the past. It is an emotional equivalent of quiting your job and going back to the parents house to dig up an old SNES and escape from the realities of live. It is sooo comforting for men but it is a fucking turn off women.

The irony is that women will behave more docile and cuddly with more dominate rough men who do not even need it from them but female motivation is to appear more feminine to placate the brute with their charms, not to kiss their boo boos away.

I know you guys need a hug. But you actually need to toughen up and learn to recharge your batteries from male camaraderie, not from roastie disingenuous fake hugs.

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Women have become incredibly self important and horribly coddled by society since they were children.

They're collectively suffering massively from princess syndrome.

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>Is the problem that modern women have been lied to about men, or that modern women are unaffectionate, self-centered cunts?
This is their true nature, they used to have to pretend to like their men or get left out in the cold to starve.

No it's not bad, but you need to realize your role in the relationship. As a man, you are the rock. You are the unmoving foundation that supports her. When her emotions are acting up, you are the one she can look at and remember it's not the end of the world.

Now what happens when she needs that rock, and that "rock" is also crying. Shes not going to respect you if you're weak. Every once in awhile is fine, but you shouldnt be looking for head pats and being the little spoon often. Being coddled and caressed is for women and children

Women are only affectionate to children. They aren't affectionate to men. They hate men who crave their affection and attention. It makes men look weak and despicable. They need a strong man to protect them not a weak baby to constantly babysit.

I think that is a gross generalisation.
> second date with my 22 yo girlfriend
> she drove me home
> she came inside
> she laid next to me on my bed
> we cuddled for three hours
> while she stroked my chest
> while she lightly scratched my stubble
> while she ran her fingers through my hair
> no sex
> felt more intimate than any sex i had previously

Oh, that's why they don't even acknowledge me in public. Or give dirty looks and condescending remarks if I'm lucky.


The hell?
Did you just respond to yourself?

personally I blame sleezy men who used PUA tactics and made it seem like all men are dumb fucks like them when they approach women

Triple dubbbs speak truth, women have always been garbage. The difference is in the past their bullshit wasn't tolerated and rewarded with asshole tounging.

yea yea sounds good in theory. and worked fine before feminism and muh equality. now the table have turned, but women still want traditional values only when it suits them

>just man up bro
Fuck off

>It is sooo comforting for men but it is a fucking turn off women.
That's probably why it's good to date a tomboy/nonbinary girl (they're essentially the same thing). The issue about them though, at least that I've noticed, is that they're into polyamory and I am not.

But those posts are from women talking about showing affection...


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>ywn have this

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t. whiney fag

And are you going to bitch about it like a woman? Understand men are disposable. The judicial system made it clear, women made it clear, employers made it clear, other men have made it clear

The world isnt nice to men.

the modern world poisons tomboys

You're right, but only half right. Yes, men are supposed (and evolutionarily adapted) to be the foundation and lynchpin of the human family. But for better or worse, humans are a far more nuanced species than most others. We have the most difficult of arrangements-- partial sexual dimorphism.

Men and women are different enough from each other that we must have different behaviors and expectations, but similar enough that we have many of the same needs. So you can't treat your mate the same as you would any other person-- say, like many species of lemur, which are nondimorphic-- but the relationship between you is far more complicated than gorillas, where you get to fuck bitches because you're the biggest, toughest dude. Sticking to a rigidly defined role in every interaction between men and women can work don't get me wrong, but it needs an overbearing social structure. Total 100% enforced equality just plain doesn't work at all, no matter how much social enforcement you have. That was a hard lesson learned in the 20th century. Our natural balance is somewhere between.

Looking at it from another angle though, why do you care how other couples interact? Why is that so disgusting to you? If you can't accept kindness from someone who (you would hope) loves you without feeling like less of a man, it's a reflection of your own insecurities.

Women and their slaves are the first real threat we have to deal with on a street level and the majority of the season 1 enemies.

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>But you actually need to toughen up and learn to recharge your batteries from male camaraderie, not from roastie disingenuous fake hugs.
i think it'd be even harder to build up a circle of close male friends than get a gf at this point

we're all gonna make it

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no thanks

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>You're a man, you have balls. You shouldnt be craving affection.
user, this is not craving affection as you may understand it.
As a man you are given duty by nature to be strong and brave, in order to secure
yourself a mate and a future for your progeny, in this respect you are correct. A man should indeed
stay strong no matter what challenges may befall himself or his loved ones; he should serve as the
as the pillar that supports all those around him.
The fulfillment of this role satisfies the carnal instincts that have been engraved in our DNA since the dawn of life on this planet,
but it seems that you have forgotten the complexity of man. What separates us from mere animals; our ability to perceive the
self and the world around it. We are aware of what we are not only in our carnal instincts but also what we are in spirit, a consciousness
that understands itself and ponders the intricacies of the world which it inhabits. From the heavenly bodies that fill the velvety darkness of the
cosmos to organisms and particles so minuscule that they outnumber us in the hundreds of trillions of trillions. This spirit that drives the nature of man can
make one feel alone, as nothing but a sentient sac of matter on a rock orbiting a star on a journey whose beginning in the infinite void. It is in these
moments that the loving embrace of the opposite sex is ambrosia to the soul, the release of neurotransmitters making you forget your pitiful existence.
Is it wrong to be a man an crave this kind of comfort?

So many liars in this thread. Women want 2 men. One to cuddle with and be affectionate and another to fuck. But birth control fucks with their hormones keeping them in the cycle of wanting the guy to cuddle with.

Most women don't want a strong man to protect her, because birth control suppresses that part of their sexuality.

Kys memeflag kike.

It's always the biggest pussies that post shit like this.
I bet you can't even bench your bodyweight. Or squat it. Or deadlift it.

I'm so used to females insulting or demeaning me, when they notice me at all, I'd have no idea what to do with an affectionate one.

>women have been lied to about men
depressed divorced people buy more things

If you had the same power to take what you wanted without having to give back, you would without hesitation. Don't even try to pretend you wouldn't.

I know that because of your bitterness. You're bitter and anima-possessed. Many such cases.

>Why do modern women lack affection?
Before you can say anything about women I would like to know how much actual experience you have with them.

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>demands men be strong, unemotional and act immediately, like robots
>gets replaced by sex robots

Because they want to be stronk.

OP is right.
Pic rel: Yas Forumsizen loses his shit.

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German women do this all the time

Women hate weakness. Crying is the worst thing you can do in front of a woman. It will make her pussy dry.

Men are the ship and women are their anchor. That's why people use the ball and chain analogy to describe marriage, you dummy.

hon hon hon
enjoy le 3 day vacation mon cherie