Why on earth should I, as an American, support the Confederacy?

Why on earth should I, as an American, support the Confederacy?

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they weren't niggerlovers

They fought to preserve enslaving niggers...

Nobody is. They just get shoehorned into everything because it's the only to grab their attention. The real reason for the U.S. civil war was rich jews and their shabbos goyim from the north wanted the rich jews and their shabbos goyim from south to exclusively trade with them. Everything else is window dressing. The real icing in the cake is that when the northerners went awol they hired European mercenaries.

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They wanted to keep them in the country while Abraham Lincoln wanted to send them back to Africa.

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Because they are also American

And did they?
>muh slavery
You’re probably a lazy nigger who is scared of work

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You're retarded if you believe this cope narrative that exists specifically to appeal to Nazis of Yankee descent. If the sub-human traitor union faggots wanted to deport the niggers, niggers would've been deported. Why would killing literally one man change that? Retard.

it's a 10th Amendment issue, if you consider yourself a constitutionalist... otherwise, might makes right, and the rednecks lost, so they should get over it. To be fair, Reconstruction policy can be interpreted as being somewhat conciliatory, and not really about punishing the losers.

Hey you, Yankee-doodle!
My ancestors spilt blood in that war so that the southern land-owning aristocracy can spread black men far and wide and create one giant Haiti

Where in the tenth amendment does it say states have the right to secede?

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>omg you bigot confederates made us give blacks rights!!!!!

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>omg you northerners forced us to enslave niggers!!!!!!!!!!1111

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If you believe (or hope) an independent Southern Republic would be better for the Southern population than remaining in the Union.
And there are arguments for it: The small population, very different voting patterns and smaller economy is a massive disadvantage and their interests are mostly irrelevant because they will always be overruled.

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>pay reparations, bigot, slavery is a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY, the South DESERVED IT for enslaving those poor niggers, I'm sure my ancestors were proud when all those niggers cheered for their fratricide

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In the beginning of the union, throughout the majority of our birth, the southerners dominated our politics and even wanted slaves to count as a full person for even more power and sway. The Three-fifths Compromise prevented that. Most representatives in the US government were southerners because of their population, most of the presidents in the beginning were southerners, most of the supreme court justices were southerners, most laws and institutions disproportionately benefited southerners like fugitive slave laws and bending over backwards to not make tariffs high. But because of the north's massive baby boom, that all changed. The north had every reason to secede but didn't. They slowly built up their industry despite the south dominating politics but the second the south started losing power, secessionists wouldn't shut the fuck up.

>the rednecks lost
>we have to give niggers, Jews, and women complete and equal rights
What the fuck is the matter with you, brainlet? You're not arguing for some great white state, only that the confederacy was right about what you homos would do given the chance.

And they took all that promise and did! FUCK ALL! They gave niggers full rights at gun point. Good job, are you proud of the North?

>I NEED THESE NIGGERS!!! It's a way of LIFE! You wouldn't UNDERSTAND!!! You Yankees and your high-skilled labor and your worker rights... don't you know that if I were in the CSA, right now, I would be a poor peasant farmer tilling for my white masters who owned countless amount of slaves?! Ungrateful, Yankees...

Hey retard the niggers want more welfare, hope you're ready to slaughter your cousins over it. Next time you have thanksgiving dinner shake your uncle's hand and think of his head getting ripped off by a cannonball shot by Antifa faggots fighting white privilege.

Slavery was a bad idea. It brought niggers in.

We should have just had more kids so we could pick our own cotton.

I love the South, but you guys gotta know that slavery was going to backfire big time.


And what exactly was the south going to do besides breed them throughout the entire contiguous United States? What was the south going to do besides keeping the majority of white southerners in absolute poverty as their aristocratic, land-owning, cheap-labor loving, faggots told you how to live just as like a serf in 19th century Russia? HOW THE FUCK IS THE CONFEDERATE ENDING BETTER THAN THE UNION ONE?! IT WOULD BE ANOTHER FUCKING HAITI!!

Hey retard, under the CSA you would still be paying welfare for those niggers by living in complete poverty.

Honestly. You shouldn't.

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Do you know how many times in the history of mankind people slaughtered members of their own race en masse to save members of a foreign race from having to fucking work? It happened ONCE, and it was Yankees who did it. William Sherman and his gang were literally a total historical anomaly for murdering their brothers and uncles just to get his faggot ass lips on some BBC.

Kill yourself you retard.

Oh yes, because the south fighting to keep niggers all over the south and potentially the entire continent were not fighting for niggers, no sir.

What about when Americans killed Germans en masse to save the Jews?

You mean like I do now for the spics agribusiness uses you fucking retard? Oh wait, that's retarded and so are you. Go to the white privilege seminar and tell them you're sorry, faggot, then ask which of your family members Angela Davis and the rest of the communists want fucking dead.

I don't deny at all that the South had a disproportionate influence in the Union in respect to their actual economy and population. I totally agree with that and it's fascinating how that came to be.

But I meant it in the scenario that someone would be pro-Confederacy - now - in 2020. That's how I understood the question: They want a (more) independent South because they feel marginalized and ignored and expect that this tendency will just increase in the near future.
Even the most hardened Confederacy apologist doesn't actually want to reinstate slavery, even if he hates niggers with every single cell in his body. I interpret the modern idealization of the Confederacy fundamentally as a Southern nationalist/separatist sentiment.

>You can't refute my point
This is always how confederatetards are. They have absolutely no rebuttal to the fact that the southern aristocracy did not care for them, the southern aristocracy PAID to get out of the southern draft and forced YOU to fight for them, why it's okay for an aristocracy that clearly doesn't care for poor whites to not have a say in politics, why it's good that the southern aristocracy can be an aristocrats at all and have slaves and serfs, why it's okay for white southerners to be displaced throughout the entire US just for cheap labor, and why, somehow, someway, the CSA wouldn't implode to be another Haiti or turn into another fucking Brazil. You're an idiot. There are no other endings, it was either the south or the union. A southern victory wouldn't have brought whites to a 99% demographic status because blacks would be the 99%

niggers as farm animals vs niggers as citizens. It's pretty damn obvious to this day which one they are.
They weren't "saving" the Jews, because the
Germans were no threat to the Jews. The Holocaust is a myth. The Americans did kill Germans to cement Jewish control over the world though.

>fighting a defensive war to keep your property is the same as literally starting a war of aggression because of the "human rights" of fucking apes
No, retard, you don't get to play word games and pretend that's the fucking case. Your ancestors murdered their cousins on behalf of nigs, because they loved blacks as fellow Christians, not to "help the poor white farmers who were disadvantaged", faggot.

there is nothing in the Constitution about states being bound to remaining in the Union. There is no power given to the Federal structure that supports forcing the capitulation of the individual states, you illiterate faggot.
There is nothing in the constitution that dictates the state as being dedicated to people of any race or creed. Sure, the application of the law was never so egalitarian, but the developments in inclusion can be interpreted as being ethical and progressive. Advocate secession at your own risk, faggot.