America First

Everywhere one looks nowadays, be it on Yas Forums, Tik Tok, YouTube commentary, etc., a growing number of Zoomers appear to be fighting back against millennial orthodoxy, political correctness, and cuckservatism. Will the zoomer generation be the one to turn the tide against decades of cultural, social, and economic degradation? Or will they ultimately just yield to all the aforementioned horseshit?

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Find out next time
On Faggot OP

Is that you, Barb?

Degenerates like you belong on a cross

How am I degenerate?

America First Bitch!

Praise Kek, user!

Funny how more than half of Spic Fuentes retweets are black people or women’s tweets

I don't understand why so many people bow before that attention-seeking whore; he's a fucking phony.

He's done more for things pol has advocated for then any of you pol fags

He's a trumpshill.

spencer shills. Go suck some more bernie cock.

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Trump is still our best option, RAHOWA fag.

He was literally discussing racial population trends and race and IQ on a zoom call with conservative TikTokers name anything some wignat has done that's any better for pointing this shit out?

We need Boomers to fucking die

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Millennials are their subhuman offspring; they have the potential to be even worse than the boomers.

He's your best option because you're a mischling mutt.
And then he still supports Trump -- he's a limited hangout. He's been tasked with taking it another step further than Tucker Carlson. Fuentes is just like those dumb memes pretending (((Stephen Miller))) was "Goebbels 2.0". It's retard bait for people who can't see past the kosher sandwich.

the pendulum won't ever stop swinging

He called Jared out and said if Trump doesn't use the corona virus narrative to enact America first policies he would lose any respect for trump. Also name me a politician in the last 20 years who had more promise then trump?

America First is Zionism.

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Nice troll. Very subtle.

So what? You want to passively sit back and watch Biden get elected Pres? You want someone who openly refuses to defend our borders, who shills for China, who raped this country with NAFTA, who voted for Iraq 2.0, who yields the floor to SJW that it?

Millennials never caught a break

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Well said, user.

>Kek meme flag
Okay newfag

Normie electoral politics don't matter. 'AF' kind of seems like an attempt to get younger right-wingers back on the Trump/GOP plantation. Whatever. Voting is for fags.

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>'AF' kind of seems like an attempt to get younger right-wingers back on the Trump/GOP plantation

No, thats what Turning Point USA is for

Fuentes is a Trump fanboy. In 2020, which is - to put it in their own terms - cringe.

Name me a decent alternative

Precisely, user!