This is not a tweet from daddy. I know this because never in 1 million years would he actually go and look up the definition of noble, copy it and then paste it with quotations in his tweet.
Yes I realize it’s from his account but somebody else typed it.
:) :) Don't cope too hard, pal.
He keeps doing this nonstop though
Journalists don't win the Nobel prize, is he thinking of the Pulitzer?
I think his brain has been through a microwave
Trump is a buffoon and I'm not defending his mistake, but really? We're accusing him of having his brain put through a microwave because he doesn't know that the highest award for journalism is the Pulitzer? I doubt any president has ever known that or gave a shit either way.
Jokes on him you can try to delete a tweet to protect your Jew friends but you will never succeed
Oh look a faggot seething over some inconsequential shit whoda thunk it
>trump: pic related
He doesn't read so how can we expect him to know how to spell it?
This works every time, he misspells things intentionally to get the media to cover what he is saying.
JeWs RoCkkk
Donald's damage controlling is actually quite funny.
>mfw Trump has to use the "I was just joking bro" excuse that no one believes 2 days in a row
Dude nobody's buying it anymore. Either you're desperately trying to cope or you're the thickest motherfucker alive.
he is falling apart. get a clone ready ffs!
The fact that he misspelled Nobel and just thought it was Noble isn't the issue here. The issue is that this motherfucker is on twitter getting in retarded grammar arguments.
His handlers definitely need to take twitter away from him.
South Korea just discovered that one of the very rare symptoms of corona virus is retardation.
>>God Bless Israel and Israel only. Vote or don't vote Israel is getting blessed either way with your tax dollars.
forgot your meme flag Avi
Yet here you are, talking about it.
Why would I want to miss pointing and laughing at you?
>Implying people to remember what Barack Obama got a Nobel Prize for.
Holy Kek.
>at you
I am but words on a screen you are pointing and laughing at your own reflection.
Oscar Wilde wrote, "there is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about." He was a disgusting degenerate but he wrote some very fine literature and his habit of observation gave him a true understanding of human nature. This is election year and Trump is keeping himself on the front page. His weird disinfectant thing may have been misspeaking, or it was deliberate distraction to make his supporters look up that light treatment. I'm not going to defend or attack it. Either way, everyone is talking about him like covfefe days. His detractors call him dumb and dangerous while studiously ignoring Dementia Joe who would not have stopped travel from China or other affected areas because racist and xenophobic. Pedo Joe who let children stroke his blonde leg hair in the pool and compared the coloured kids to roaches. Creepy Joe who can't stop sniffing and fondling little girls, even in front of their compliant parents and unquestioning media.
I just wanted to see what the post was
I don't know what Trump is up to, but he knows what the Nobel prize is, has verbally discussed it with reporters in the past, and is very familiar with it since Obama won it.
Was it generally a sarcastic play on words? Or is he doing this on purpose for media attention?
That's another hilarious fact! Obama did NOTHING to get that prize and Trump wants it so badly!!
Oh user this is the funniest shit I've ever seen thank you so much for participating
>implying Trump isn't SEETHING that he didn't get one
He said that he deserved thaat nobel prize, remember?
I think he just likes fucking with people
Wasted on a libtard.
>his handlers
if trump had handlers hillary would be president
AAHAHA even your bullshit false god is forsaking you!!!
Trump sure thinks so.
He's been doing this shit for 4 years now. This "we got heeem!" shit is old and quite frankly I wish he would stop baiting people and just have them executed.
And if he was president, she would be in jail, right?? AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Top kek
Thank you Mr. President. You have the best mispells.
This would be the final nail to anybodys coffin. But we talk about US of A. MIGA retards will still vote for him no matter how retarded things he says
Magatards on suicide watch! Kek has abandoned the false prophet!
>4D chess
Uh huh
He was a nigger. That and not George Bush.
Double dub quad wasted on a Trump Tard.
Well...we're waiting leftypol, what's the big plan to get rid of orange man now?
Yeah. He likes to troll the media who hates him by giving them ammunition to use against him. What a smart guy.
Is this the 4d chess magic again?