Let’s hear ’em Yas Forums
Let’s hear ’em Yas Forums
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Go make me a sandwich
everyone's equal in hell
when we can make egg cells they'll get their equality
Because women AREN'T equal to men, just as men aren't equal to each other. Meritocracy, bitch.
Because feminism isn't about equality for women.
Because feminism has morphed into an explicitly anti-male movement that aims to give women all of the privileges of both the traditional role AND their modern m’uh independent womyn role. Also, women are happier 99% of the time to be a stay at home mom who focuses on her home and family and defers to her husband as the dominant partner in the relationship. This fact kills roasties. It’s too bad that one or two generations of women are going to live meaningless lives a project planners or flower arrangers or some shit before they realize this. Oh well.
>1 post by this ID
we have a winner. The clue is that it's not called "Gender Equality" or "Opportunity Equality", it's called feminism. And its loony wings have ideas like "all sex is rape". That's not a good look feminism.
I have explained to every single one except for work related so I can't be fired for it. Without exception, they have all agreed with me. Inequality doesn't mean you treat them like shit. My dog is not my equal but I'll be damned if I don't treat that little fuck well.
Women have been pushing for equality for the past 100 years. So I would propose the question, have things in society improved?
>to the women in his life
so not you.
saged and hidden.
Because women are inferior
What right do men have that you don't have?
When a woman can piss on a fire I'll call her equal
I hate women
Because people aren't equal. you're factually wrong if you believe otherwise.
> doesn't believe in equality for women
Because the nuclear family is dead bitch.
And we need it. No it didn't just go out of fashion.
I was raised by a single mother who thought they didn't "need no man" so I lost out on half the parenting I could have had that might have helped me become a successful adult.
Because equality doesn’t exist. Men are superior end of fucking discussion. Women are not suppose to be men and do what men do, their only value is producing more men and serving man.
It's quite simple actually. Feminism is not attractive to a real man because feminism is impotent. Females have no power, therefore real men want nothing to do with feminism. Feminist mistake the power of the state which protects them which actual power they themselves possess. Remove the protection of the state and women are lambs to the male lions.
Simply because they are indecisive shits that do not have the capacity to accept responsibility for their own actions.
my wife hates feminism more than i do
Women are inherently vain and materialistic, behaviours which are incredibly damaging and should be curtailed instead of encouraged.
Because feminism no longer means equality. Equality under the law has been essentially achieved. 4th wave feminism is gynosupremacy. I am an equalist and an individualist, not a feminist.
people are not equal. why the hell is this so hard to see?
no need to explain with words. just challenge them to a footrace
but wouldn't that be mansplaining?
Same. I'm in love.
>I am an equalist and an individualist
You can't be both. You're a fucking idiot.
If you believe in equality you believe in making everyone equal. If everyone is equal and the same they are not an individual.
Choose one dipshit.
He never said that though and people who trot out quote pictures are dumber than rocks
Equal to what?
feminism isn't about equality, it's about dominance
>actually, it's about the jews unleashing the oldest weapon in the arsenal
some people are better than others, equality is a falsehood pushed by those who are more equal than you
>1 post by this ID
>dog shit low effort bait OP
They don't do equal work, they don't request equal divorce, they don't get equal benefits, they don't pay equal rates. They don't want equality, they want "equal" pay with less risk and less work.
I don't even know what equality means at this point man. It differs depending on a persons mood and day.
Feminism by definition requires you to define yourself as oppressed and unhappy. No matter how feminist a guy is, you will find a way to rationalize that he is oppressing you. You will always be miserable, and spread that misery to others.
I like myself to much to put myself through that, so you can fuck off and go scream at a wall.
Feminism isn't interested in equality, otherwise they would be ensuring they have equality in negative outcomes men disproportionately face. They aren't interested in that, they just want to take the perceived good for themselves. More female CEOs! More women in STEM! Is it "more women in workplace deaths" or "more female suicides" or "more female homeless" or "more women in prison"? Of course not. I can't take seriously a group larping as fans of equality who only give a shit about outcomes of their own tribe, they're no better than anyone they look down upon.
In what way are men and women equal?
Be nice. He's a Libertarian, and we were all there once. Yes, he's retarded but he'll see the ways soon enough. Glide and guide him in, no need to call him a dipshit.
Feminism doesn't believe in equality.