Fap but no porn

do you think fapping once a week with no porn still bad for you?

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>no porn

What, are you like reading erotic lit or something?

Whoever made those and took that picture should be put to death. Yes OP you are a faggot and when you ejaculate you lose tons of minerals from your body and it takes a lot of blood to regenerate it. If you don't fap then you keep those minerals and experience heightened vitality.

only of you think of wholesome things while you do it like thinking of your grandma.

someone explain the OP pic





Attached: 73yyug.jpg (1024x993, 69.69K)

Post evidence or go back to redddit


What if I “inject” a fat load of “bleach” into my wife? Do I keep the minerals?

What they claim to be bad for you is porn, not masturbation. Orgasm is important for mental health and stress relief.

Nigger haven't you ever jerked off in the shower? Just imagine stuff.

This place as become nu Yas Forums

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What an absolute retard. Just eat properly and you will be fine.
But since you are a dumb child I doubt you eat anything besides doritos and instant noodles.

our species didn't have time to jerk off before someone bashed in his head for his kill or mate, cukcoomba

better than being just /stormfront/

Be honest guys...would you fuck your cumsock kid?

if i'm drunk enough.

..you know, for kids !


I never understood cumming into a sock. Are you supposed to rub your cock with the sock or just blow your load into it? I always blew into a few sheets of toilet paper and flushed it.

whoa man this is some degenerate shit


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i can get into this where do i find it

I went a year without masturbating and I got prostitis..

I just started masturbating about 3 days a week..

No fap is a meme but there such a thing as over doing it.. just masturbate 2-3 times a week tops... and just do it fast

I cant do this. Water hitting my body makes me flaccid

are those usable or just decorative?

Asking for friend...

do you take cold showers? i have never heard anything like that

Wrong, the nutrients have already been used to make the cum you actual fucking spastic

This, but tissue instead of TP more often than not.

That then have to be replenished with nutrients from elsewhere in your body

>coomer cope
Try not fapping for 30 days and see for yourself niggers. Who the fuck would expect any mainstream institution to do a study on this. Morons.

Assuming you're not a shill, how did I not get whatever the fuck that is the first 12 years of my life when I wasn't fapping?

Whats your diet like though?

My balls make the nutrients on-demand. Thanks a combination of supplements and household chemicals, i can tailor my loads to my moods. Ask me how.

Using your mind. Like your ancestors did. It means you can't just jack off all the time