Is white fragility real...

Is white fragility real? It does seem like they freak out over every little thing these days like a black guy in a video game or whatever

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>meme flag
>this post

Awesome 1 post by this ID slide thread.

Let's see how many gen z we can get this time OP. Sage.

hehe pee pees and vagoos teehee

>meme flag

Yes, it is real.

Sniff sniff.


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Literal proof of white fragility.

How do people keep falling for this? Honestly, how can you think this isn't bait?

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Okay nigger


call her fat and see how not-sensitive she is

Can I write anything what is not literal proof of white fragility?

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Yes, it would take a really sensitive person with a really warped world view to think that other ethnic groups trying to better their own situation and get a bigger piece of the pie that whites have been selfishly keeping mostly for themselves is genocide.

asking that question is proof of how fragile you are. Remember, doing anything but humbly accepting any shit we sling at you is proof of your weakness!

>get a bigger piece of the pie that whites have been selfishly keeping mostly for themselves

I present a new concept for you: property right
And value is not just given. It's created.
Get a piece from others' stuff? Your thinking is so shamelessly backwards and immoral.

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Accepting it is also weakness*

I know it's obvious bait, but I'm biting anyway.

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No, you misunderstand, historically oppressed groups are disproportionately poor and racist elites have maintained that status quo for no good reason. Whites of the past were assholes, and it is up to us and future generations to right their wrongs and further desegregate (and in my country's case, decolonize) the middle class.

These are the people who report me for wrongthink

Yeah. We're angry. Fragility makes it seem less scary and like you could crush us into dust with your hands. When more dead bodies pile up, call us white fragilists that committed a fragile crime.


Stop stealing, nog

No. Your denial is only proof of your guilt. It's a kafka trap.

Its not stealing, black people in your country deserve more than they have gotten as citizens, we need to work to dismantle the underclass that they have been forced into by the establishment and bring them the full rights that they deserve as citizens.

>It's not stealing, it's forceful redistribution from you to me!

>historically oppressed groups
1. 99% of all races were historically oppressed.
2. You are not your ancestors. You responsible for your own actions and for your own success. Don't act like a helpless lazy child who has the perfect excuse to everything!

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I dont think that poster meant mentally fragile. Cause what just typed my dude...

Post a black man vs white man fight and find out

you niggers are so ugly and stupid

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here, who won this fight? Tell me

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One could argue that it is redistribution of wealth that was first stolen from minorities back to minorities.
White people were never denied rights and labelled inferior because of their skin colour, as it is now a black child will be more likely to be born into poverty, less likely to get a well paying job, and more likely to be arrested. This is proof that the legacy of segregation is alive and well in the US, and it should be the civic duty of richer white people to undo these injustices.
You are right, I am not my ancestors and that is why I am working to dismantle their colonial legacy.

Imagine thinking the circumcision of 8000 nerve endings was somehow less acceptable than the circumcision of 40000

All it takes is one word - seven letters - to send a black person into a violent animalistic rage, and they have the nerve to call anyone else sensitive? Kek

Except it wasn't. You didn't make it.

OP is a kike.

All posts like this serve to do is make sure I never help anyone other than white males.