Redpill me on CERN

Attached: download.jpg (160x159, 6.2K)

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Look at the logo. 666

Also this

j'ai toute les yeux CERNés tabarnak


ooga booga science scary devil magic

What am I looking at here? That was a fake stab at the end right? Why is the guy freaking out?

It's a stargate

Goddamn fucking Quebec fags, you filthy fucking frenchie degenerates, fuck off

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Eat da red poo poo

CERN is exactly what is says it is: it attempts to create rare particles by collideing subatomic ones at hogh speed. What they don't tell you is that the particles they are trying to create will turn the frogs from gay to trans-dimensional, which is like trans but they also rape ayyylmaos

They do cult offerings at night

Actually, Quebec is great. Better than most of the country. Just too cold.

ta mère t'a chié

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>accelerate particles to high speeds
>make them collide
>see what happens and what physical models hold up
Schizos and soccermoms think it's some paranormal hocuspocus to summon demons and stuff.

Neat experiment that studies the shit matter's made of by smashing stuff together at relativistic speeds and studying the 'debris'.

Sadly, US could have had a device twice as powerful years earlier, but we gutted the project to free up funding for more niggergibs.

also checked

a gigantic radiator to consume all the electric power surplus of Europe, and an indirect way to subsidize companies of electricity

Created world wide web

Yo I just noticed 999 in the logo

Built on top of an old ancient ruin to mars. God of war. Hence why it straddles two countries and isn’t in a more reasonable location further into Switzerland

They plan world domination

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Puisque nous avons nos cousins Francophones :
Le CERN est un gigantesque radiateur à pomper tout le surplus de production électrique Européen, et une méthode indirecte de financement des compagnies privés d'électricité.

Well they shoot small things really really fast and... that’s literally it.

Switching timeline, demonic portals, communications with higher entities etc.

>Double 71 confirms faggotry
Quebec is a shithole, couldm't even pass a referendum despite trying TWICE

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US, like France and in fact all EU, should concentrate more on having basic needs covered such as .... fucking FFP2 (N95) masks for everybody, rather than having this too expensive research lab.

They are involved in some serious stuff.

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The fake sacrifice is mocking twats like you.

Revelations was about Rome.

>totally normal goy..I mean guys

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I'm going to impregnate your mother tonight, son

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You do know they have 100s of projects going on at any given time besides just the particle accelerator which itself is yes a big deal.

Or is this simply weak tumblr tier bait?

there is no conspiracy.

they destroy particles to find new ones.

thats a destroyer God.

your literally foaming at the mouth.

take your meds.

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