Obama's common core...
Teacher admits he helped write Common Core to end white privilege
A White Teacher Speaks Out
Undoctrinate U (documentary)
Common core thread
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Holy shit what a fucking joke
B u m p
Teacher admits he helped write Common Core to end white privilege
Teacher admits he helped write Common Core to end white privilege
>It literally is for stupid people. I've been fascinated by them my whole life and I can translate retard pretty well. I once helped someone learn algebra by telling her to use pictures for the variables instead of letters. The part that tripped her up was literally just using letters because for some reason she thought every letter of the alphabet had a static value that could not be changed. Using arbitrary pictures she came up with solved that. Afterwards, her math was full of kitty cat faces and stars, but it was good math.
>Niggers in particular are not even capable of that. They do not have abstract thought. Anything you can't physically see or touch does not exist to them. No future, no past, no consequences, religion seems to work on them by convincing them god really exists and is always watching, but then they can't conceptualize omniscience and think that they can outsmart God and keep being criminals anyway.
>When a nigger says "I dindu nuffins" upon being arrested, what he means is "I am not actively committing a crime right this moment, so I am innocent." It's not that he thinks he got off scot-free because he left the crime scene without a cop seeing him, it's that he literally cannot conceptualize the past. There is only now. He doesn't understand how he could be punished for something that isn't happening right now. When his mother says "he a good boy he dindu nuffin," she meant that he is being a good boy at this specific moment in time, which is the only moment that exists for niggers.
8 is 2 away from 10, 9 is 1 away from 10 therefore the answer is 3 away from 20
i've always done math in my head like this because it allows you to solve big equations quickly, ie: what is 3438 - 2233? 3400 - 2200 = 200 + 38 - 33 = 205
>Common core is just the mental tricks that high IQ people use to do math in their heads really fast, but they're trying to teach them to niggers which doesn't work, and the language they use to describe the trick is insufficient and stupid, because the books were written by someone low IQ. And nobody who used those tricks in the first place needed to be taught them.
>You either have problem solving skills or you don't. You can't train a shitskin's mudhut-building brain to become smart and conceptualize real architecture.
>Common Core is just an idiotic way to teach something extremely basic and simple, and make it complex and confusing instead.
>When I'm looking at these, the answer is already in my head but im still trying to figure out wtf that question is even saying or asking me
This thread makes me angry so I'm leaving
Fuck this stupid shit