>He fell for the Attractive Women meme

>Fuck your white race and its manjawed roasties gramps this 10/10 brown beauty makes my pp hard!
Next minute

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Based and Germanic pilled

Alizée's daughter is a blonde.

Leave my wife alizee alone polcel!

i always agree 100% with the not mixing stuff.

but i only disagree with your final result of the mix. "is usually the oposite than the nords meme"

this pic is closer with reality.

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other example of reality here.

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Recombination is hard to predict. Only height and frame size can really be predicted with some amount of certainty.

and for this pic i need to cherry pic "a lot" to be nice with nords,... but even when i try so hard to be fair with nords, and i use on of their "best" specimens to help nords but,..you still can see how soft, feminine and gay they are.

unironically is not way to fix the nords

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anyway,... im out, this thead is swede as fuck, "too gay"


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the blonde women is gorgeous though

>comparing teenage nords to 40 year old meds


The blond woman is nothing.

meh, the blonde women looks better than this frenchie


the norf man reigns supreme

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There is a multiplicity of beauty

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Goes through all that effort and you can still clearly see his 5 o'clock shadow. lmao

Call the wrong Corsican a Frenchie and you'll have a bad day.


kek well maybe they should not live in france, speak french and eat snails

it is a derogatory term, niggers have been known to chimp out over slurs like this are corsicans niggers? i wouldnt go that far

It's from the Pixar movie called "Wall-E."

You want a chad son breed a chad woman

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i'd spawn the blackest nigger you ever saw if i got to coom in alizee

Some Corsicans fight very hard to not speak French.

>Some Corsicans fight very hard to not speak French.
>yet they live in france

sounds like nigger behavior to me

i like the french girl better, just saying

are you trying to say the top girl isnt pretty? ok...


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Just think about it.

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i'm not saying med women are hotter, i just like that one better, there are better germanic bitches out there than that one.

That man is way more beautiful than most minecraft faces. Don't get the appeal on square jaws.

Stop enticing me with med succubi

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Trouble is prime Alizees wouldn't be producing kike Schreiers. We both know that.

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