One question, not meant to dissprove your beliefs but simply a question i would like to know in case the holocaust wasnt real.
Where did the jews and black people go? Where they not sent on the trains or were they sent somewhere else?
Oompa loompa
I don't think your brain would be able to handle an intelligent answer.
they were detained in camps, there were no death camps.
lice spread typhus which killed many including ann frank.
zyklon b kills lice btw
They're still around, clearly
>black people
There weren't black people in europe to begin with
>Where did the jews and black people go?
What black people?
Anyway the Jews stayed around in Europe, while others moved to Israel.
Why do you think their are now millions of Jews infesting Europe?
Ok, havent read basically anything on neither the holocaust nor theories about how it wouldnt have happened. I couldnt think of any other place to ask this.
The went east to Russia and Ukraine and from there immigrated to America or Israel after the war.
Here were no blacks. Gypsies were also persecuted, but when the Berlin Wall fell we were all treated to find out there were oodles of un-exterminated Gypsies still alive and, ahem, well.
Keep in mind, there weren’t all that many Jews in Western Europe to begin with.
I wish they had all gone to Hell or Israel at the very least. Unfortunately a lot of them ended up in the US.
They fled Europe in the years leading up to the war.
You know those >6 million Jews in the camps?
What would you say if I told you that the Jewish population of Germany in the 1930's was only 500,000?
Now black people were dying in the holocaust? Six million of them, too?
Lmao you can dislike Jews all you want but holocaust deniers are clearly delusional and retarded, they never back up they’re arguments with actual facts.
God her surfer hair is awesome. Can't wait til mine grows in and I take my three month surfing tour of Australia
Ay Tone. A wooden door?
Do..uhh..do you think blacks were genocided by Germany in the Second World War?
The camps were real but they werent death camps.
They were labor camps.
Unethical sure, but not genocide
>>black people
>There weren't black people in europe to begin with
erm that's not what my horrible histories tell me man
That's such a loaded term "holocaust denier" I would never argue that an attempt wasn't made, just that it wasn't as successful as it could've been..6m was well within the realm of possibility, but nothing near that was achieved..with practice and good coaching it can still be done right!
Or expulsion to Israel..I would be ok with that, and even financially support that solution
Provide credible sources and evidence please.
I'm joking, Ari..don't be so uptight all the time
Why does anybody even give a shit anymore? It's got to the point where it has passed into legend and nobody is sure whether it was a real event anymore.
Is everyone supposed to just cry about this mythical event for the rest of time?
It's like having an enforced yearly minute silence for Daedalus and Icarus
Dude Auchwitz ‘gas chamber’ has a flimsy wooden door that opened from the inside.
Get with the program, and you might be spared when the tide turns and people start getting angry about this fucked up, ridiculously flimsy lie.
The jig is up. People know. You can’t keep it secret anymore. It’s a colossal scam that just took on a life of its own and grew bigger and bigger. I actually feel bad for you personally, because you are painted into a corner now. You’ll either have to seize total power to enforce the lie, or you’ll need to atone for it somehow.
Contrary to what Jews are taught, the goyim don’t seek to kill you or persecute you. We will likely even forgive you, because we know you guys are retarded, but you need to at least meet us half way.
Why do retarded Swedes like this pop up at Yas Forums? Do I really need to feel ashamed every day cause of my brainwashed people?
By “nobody” you mean Incels in Yas Forums?
There is REAMS of info on this. seek it out. Seriously. Even if you want to hoodwink the goys, you are a Jew. At least be a smart Jew who knows reality. You can still try to rip us off out of ethnic hostility, but at least be Smart about it. Don’t believe silly lies that your old people invented out of thin air. Jews have always lied and exaggerated about persecution. The truth is you are the persecutors not the persecuted. It’s a historical fact. Investigate.
why were there so many survivors, that should help answer your question.
Not a single person I've met in real life has given a shit either.
Not me though, Holocaust memorial minute is prime for dropping the kids off at the pool
“Flimsy wooden door handle” is not an argument, considering heaps of evidence and eye witnesses this should be just common knowledge.
I’m not being a fucking cry baby, many races/nationalities had way more casualties then Jews did.
The thing you need to learn from this event my dear “goy” is the truth about human nature, and what happens when people have too much power.
Same goes for any genocide through out history.
Fuck off dipshit. You read some shit online and think you know something. If the white race can’t handle basic facts and history, with evidence, it deserves to be erased.
the real question isn't where did they go; but where did they come from
Damn you got us op. We did kill all those millions of blacks. the jig's up