
based elon says hospitals are getting paid more to write down random deaths as Covid-19 deaths

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That’s cool. I’ve been say that coronavirus is fake everyday for at least 6 weeks


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Also, a fucking tree!

tree > leaf

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That might apply to the US, but not the rest of the world. Italy is faking their numbers for Uncle Sam gibs? It seems like a small brain take.

Your trees don’t even have syrup in them.

they live all year round tho


Coronavirus was fake in Italy too but I’m getting tired of replying to you people. Just go read a nothingburger general thread if you are somewhat interested in the topic and not a paid shill. Should be some links in there that will tell you the true story.

What an audacious statement. He is based for having the balls to say it as a high profile individual.

yea he later shouted out john McAfee in the replies too

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How is it fake in Italy? I'm not a shill,I want to be a nothingburgerchad. But I can't get passed how Italy is so fucked.

imagine how redpilled musk really is

I really haven't been into Elon up until this point but if he's willing to join the bullshit call out team he will gain my support.

He is woke

CIA asset keeps going off the reservation. He must be nearing "retirement" age.


damn seems like media doesn't really have control of the narrative anymore

Give it 2 more weeks

He got redpilled when a bunch of states didn't allow him to sell his cars because dealerships were mad they couldnt be middlemen for tesla.

this probably goes for just about anyone in the public spotlight

we really think pelosi doesn't hate niggers?

Based Elon

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Me too. The moment I saw those bus drivers driving around those super infected killer virus patients without any protection, I knew for sure.

>you will never hang out with elon and discuss the end of the nwo/illuminati/elite while dreaming of futures where we're seeding planets with life alongside our alienbros
why live

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epstein was pretty based desu

Tesla stock made me lots of $$$
I trust his take. He also said their probability models were shit since they projected a spike of the virus to infinite cases. He deleted the tweet so I’m butchering it from memory


no shit
funny how all these people are saying it now since its safe

this man has the mind and means to become a true supervillain and every day just continues to shitpost instead

kek at living 2040 withur dna in urban areas under 5G elon musk shit + 3 mandatory vaccines with cycles and niggers

Basically every death from someone who has coronavirus become a coronavirus death. Due to antibody test results it seems reasonable to say that at least 20% of people have the virus in Italy if similar to NY. Then we can deduce that most people who die with the coronavirus don't die from it but are just part of the 20% of people with the coronavirus who die of natural causes (old population etc). Coronavirus is then no more dangerous than a normal flu.
If you sum the number of people who die everyday it seems like a big thing but in reality it's a nothingburger.

Was it fake in spain too? I should've known the fucking eternal paellaniggers were behind this shit.

Italian hospitals were overwhelmed in 2017 from just the flu.