why did we kill the west over this nothingburger again? now China will become the sole superpower

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>China will become the sole superpower
Stop trading with China and they'll starve in 3 months.

2 weeks you smug faggot

what's supposed to happen in two weeks?
serious question; plz no bully

I'd kill the West for less.

Could be to sue China for damages, or for a police state

It's far from over. USA deaths will exceed 250k by this time 2021

Except china was hurt even more by their own reaction and will hurt the hardest after capital moves out thanks to new mistrust.

Paper tiger go burrrrrrn

The modern West is a nigger colony. Attacking it and injuring it is honorable. I'm glad brown people are being hurt. It's terrific.

just larping as /cvg/

>the single, the double, the t-t-triple, QUADruple peak
>beautiful pennant flag
>the bear trap

Op is based. It was incredibly foolish to literally shut down the country for half a year over the flu, especially when the supply of oil is in utter chaos.

It's not over. This is the new normal.

based and redpilled

>no y axis
Aske me how I know you don't have a post graduate STEM degree from an elite blue state university

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fuck off back to /cvg/ you retarded hapooner.

>the country producing 80% of global food and goods supplies will starve

While we in mighty west print more cash and eat those polymer plastics + paper

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>now China will become the sole superpower

Not if you stop sending them food and work, chinks do not produce enough food and their worksmanship is shit, bring your industries back to your countries and see China implode in a week.


The Y axis is represented by the heigh of the colums, hence it's a fucking 2D plane, without a Y axis you cannot create 2D objects.

Do you even know elementary-level geometry?

>Just blame China for everything!

That's what u fuckers get/left

Must suck to be Australian and reliant on the asians huh?

>>the country producing 80% of global food and goods supplies will starve

Well, that may be in your country because nothing in my local supermarket is labeled as being from china, I'm confident saying that over 95% of the products we commonly consume are made in Mexico and the other 5% is mostly imports from Europe and the US.

So maybe if you morons stop outsourcing everything and plow your goddamn fields we can fucking stop China.

Why wouldn't we? China has produced four of the last five pandemics (Spanish Flu, SARS, H1N1 and Covid).

>Release a notherburger virus
>End HK riots
>Deal with dissidence
>Brings the West to its knees
>Takes advantage of the oil crash
>Buys major stakes companies around the world while everything is cheap

How do they keep getting away with it, bros?

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>producing 80% of global food
Are you fucking high? China imports multiple millions of tons of food per year. 10% of their population is undernourished. They only food they produce that even comes close to domestic consumption is grain.

You are using the wrong metric. This graph is the curve that needs to go "flat" and begin to decline. Hopefully we are near the top of the "hill" but until that "hill" begins to decline, then we are still on the same trajectory.

I'm hoping tomorrow to see it get a little flatter and then start to go down the 3rd day after, but every time I expect that to happen it continues to rise.

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gee i wonder why

Asian "males" will be incels forever, China cant help you.

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While today's numbers are promising, the day prior was literally the second highest of new cases added, which is really bad news for (I hate to say it because it's such a meme) 2 weeks from now.

I am praying tomorrow we see an additional day of lower "new" cases

Attached: newcases.png (635x395, 18.41K)

We won't. Numbers were just down for the weekend. They'll start coming back tomorrow and we see our biggest numbers on Tuesday. This literally happens every single week.

If they aren't going down with lockdowns, then something is going wrong.

china produces everything for the whole world
literally every second thing that surrounds us was made in china at some point
it's fucking over
i guess it's time to learn mandarin