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Are you really a fascist?
I don't have to take this test to know it's full of loaded questions to steer you into a position of non fascism.
this is a retard test
the test makers seem to believe this as this was included in my results.
>In your case, it would appear that your political outlook shares more than a few of the core doctrines of fascism. Since fascism is really a mix of communism, socialism, conservatism
muh anti fascism is fascism
67% nigga
Isn't fascism right wing socialism though? Can never really find a real definition
Nice try CIA.
fascism is the furthest right you can go
Sounds about right
Bongs btfo lmao
Portugal syndrome
I thought it was feudal monarchy or a theocracy. Fascism is still right, but not the hardest right
I'm a bona fide fascist.
The fundamental question one has to ask himself when deliberating his own political view is whether or not an individual's happiness precedes the happiness of the overall community he lives in.
He who understands that the community, or society, outweighs the whims of the individual is a true national-socialist at heart.
Libertarianism is for faggots.
bona fide fascist baby
im actually more of a national socialist though
Pretty dumb test
It's really "How often do you align with the opinions of historic fascists on selected issues"
Recognizing the relative value of different societies for example isn't fascist.
>libertarian means libertine
Midwit opinion
Op here I’m starting to think the test site is just retarted
If you scored less than 75% on this test you are a leftist soiboy cuck zogbot.
Guess I'm an optics fag
so you believe the state should break the law in order to preserve its power and that the state should come before the individual. So based.
Crypto-faggot more like.
Da fuck is a Crypto-Fascist? Just some fascist who's to pussy to go all the way?
Looks like I need some work, slacking over here.
Fucking based
Didn't make me 100% fascist, so it probably is biased towards non-fascism. Questions are loaded and try and push you towards non-fascism.
68% suck my dick bitch nigga
>You are 51% Fascist, which makes you a Crypto-Fascist.
Fuck does that even means
Sup fellow bonafides
>fascist in denial
>fascist in the making