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sargon ages like milk
Who gives
Anyway am I the only one that notice how the mental virus is something that is 90% anglo and american?
I hate millennials so much.
can somebody translate this pls
Problematic. Let’s unpack this shall we?
dear lord there is a whole chapter dedicated to connect orcs with raysism in tolkien on wiki..
I kid you fucking not... these people don't got enough problems in this world so they need to create them
>mid century scientific racism .. which alarmingly spells out the notion of "race mixing" as a great sin
something that is at least 1000 years old obviously a lot older...
you have the old gods racemixing with jotuns/ettins to create monsterous beeings and demigods (Loki, Hela, Fenris.....)
somehow this is about the current year and racism ofc.... God damit I hate these """people"""
Dude that isnt us. We grew up in 3.5.
Big Bang Theory ruins another hobby
I was always feelin them orc niggas but don’t like how they wuz portrayed desu. They need to show them in some better roles like doctors and astronauts and shit. We need this for the community imo. Them dwarves and elfs and whatnot always be seemin some bitch ass niggas if u ask me.
>sexualy desirable
orks dont have genitals they are plant people that reproduce via spores
Egsellen pic
What the fuck is he talking about? Bugbears and goblins are awesome in 5e...
shitlibs are literally doing the "let the orcs into gondor" bit now. incredible.
His name is Kanya...he's a giant, yo
Y'all dont know the pen and paper struggle right now. A group of leftists have moved in, claimed they were always there, and is demanding the invading right wingers leave. Lots of companies are bending the knee to them right now because they think its good PR. The new Vampire book had a line about how its okay to be a vampire (The literal incarnation of rape) but dont bring hate fantasies into the game. The new Call of Cthulu book has a page blasting Lovecraft for being a racist etc. It was my last unkiked hobby and it too is going
Thats warhammer. D&D orcs were/are Tolkien inspired pigmen (now greenskins). They are followers of an evil god in a setting where good and evil are cosmic forces derived from their respective planes of existence. Orcs are evil beings, created by evil beings, that further the influence of the negative material plane.
Also, I believe the first rules for playable half-orcs explicitly listed them as rape-babies.
no nigger some of us were fine with adnd 2.
if your talking about world of darkness or whatever its always been pozzed.
I'm legitimately worried this site is some sort of reality bending SCP type shit and stuff we joke about becomes reality a few years later.
always relevant
Why can't these spineless faggots leave our hobbies alone?
i thought that in LOTR the orks were spirits of old elves that were corrupted. thats they they are created by being removed from the ground
but again is probably diferent in &D
Up until 4th edition half-orcs were the result of orc raiders raping human women who would die during child birth.
SJW shit is almost entirely paraded around by white, upper to middle class westerners.