Watch Yas Forums grasp for words as they try to refute this

Watch Yas Forums grasp for words as they try to refute this

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seems like he is talking about jews instead

yeah shockingly white societies traditionally favor white people, in the same way israel favors jews and china favors chinese.
how bout you stop living in white countries then dumb nig parasite

But he insists on living amongst white people and demands that we regulate our behavior to spare feels. Not buying it.

> Me, as I enjoy the culture and benefits of white ppl including the internet they built that I use to share my retarded low-IQ gorilla brain nigger opinions.

I honestly dont know what the fuck that means. Is this guy trumps script writer?

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>rich city dweller tells the world he is oppressed while having all of life's necessities handed to him and then some
You're right, we don't understand

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This makes perfect sense because Short:Tall::Racism:White.

What are the benefits of being short? Should short people even exist?

is he talking about white privilege? racism? I can't tell


get a load of this nigger

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The word the nigger is looking for is "racism." If racism only affects blacks then maybe it's something in their behavior and culture causing them to be the only people experiencing racism.

Does shareblue pay by the hour or post?

That might be the dumbest thing I have ever read.

>Me, if I thought
Startlingly accurate.

Shortness is relative to that persons experience. I'm 6ft and am average for where I live. In Japan I'm a giant.

I keep looking for these evil white supremacists that are systematically holding back minorities, but I have yet to find one outside of the weak as beta bitches on this board.

Is it wrong that I just don’t care?

Watch as niggers try to refute this

Why are your countries all failed and why are you parasites on white society

I expect 0 replies

A doctor doesn't have to have had cancer himself to diagnose someone with cancer.

>difference in hieght are the same as differences in race
comparing apples to oranges
everyone knows taller people are superior to shorter ones

Arguing by analogy: when facts fail.

A tall person can imagine the experience of being short, this faggot just leaves out 'imagine' and thinks he has some point. Lets stop talking about everything we cannot experience, like everything besides yourself, fucking retard.

>short guy: you'll never know what it's like to be short
>tall guy: ok, you're on your own then. i can't help you.
>short guy: no, not like that

you white

I expect exactly one reply.

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as a short person, I wish I hadn't been born, and that isn't something in society to be corrected at a behavioral level, except maybe to stop creating people like me (short). so your analogy kind backfires in the end

As a racist person i dont ever remember experiencing "whitness" so why would white people be experiencing it? If whiteness is real then how come only white people complain about it? It seems like racist people would be white sometimes too: wypipo be like

As a white person i dont ever remember experiencing "racism" so why would racist people be experiencing it? If racism is real then how come only racist people complain about it? It seems like white people would be racist sometimes too: wypipo be like

As a white person i dont ever remember experiencing "blackness" so why would black people be experiencing it? If blackness is real then how come only black people complain about it? It seems like white people would be black sometimes too: wypipo be like

Im sorry i cant get it

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Oh wow..such thought...

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Is he saying white people are superior?

What the fuck do I care?
I literally dont, you can all die and choke on cow urine for all I give a shit.
Hows that for btfo faggot OP?


kek black people don't even know they are useful idiots for jewish plots

>I'm 6ft and am average for where I live
can guarantee one of two things. either you are not really 6 feet or you are above average in your area. americans are fucking short. it's rare to see any above 5'10 let alone 6'0


If you said "damn being short sucks. Imagine being black, it's like that" then you would be cancelled and doxed.

Who ever said racism isn't real? I hate niggers.

perfect example of typical nigger mentality. why would a tall person spend any time thinking about shortness or short people problems? should a tall person give up anything for a short person?

This guy is retarded. He wasn't born tall, he was born very, very short and slowly grew until reaching full height sometime between 14-22. If he can't recall being short, he has brain damage. The funny part is he probably thinks this is some genius metaphor because he's black and therefore stupid

Well it’s written by a nigger so it refutes itself

Wow I was shorter when I was young and got taller. Am I going to get dark skim?

Africa is a great place to go to escape racism, nigger

>As a chicken person i dont ever remember experiencing "fried chicken" so why would fried chicken people be experiencing it? If fried chicken is real then how come only fried chicken people complain about it? It seems like chicken people would be fried chicken sometimes too: wypipo be like

I think i cracked it boys.

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