Tara Reade is a survivor of sexual assault commited by Joe Biden. Every leftist on this site is complicit in Biden's sexual assault by denying it.
Tara Reade is a survivor of sexual assault commited by Joe Biden...
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of course he did, and that's why i switched my vote to the Biden squad
Trump talks about grabbing pussy, but old men Biden actually does it
Bump, lets round up all leftists, marxists, commies and china sympathizers, tie a brick to their ankle and throw them in the harbor
Why should the democrats care about rape if the republicans don't care about rape?
Trump talked about grabbing women by the pussy who want you to do it. He's talking about consensual sex.
Biden actually shoved his fingers inside Tara Reade's vagina without her consent.
I think it is pretty based that Biden can rape all the women he wants and get away with it.
He has earned my vote.
Who else /riding/
>Why should the democrats care about rap
Because they claim to care about it a lot, so if they don't care about rape then they're all liars and hypocrites.
even more based
also its not the first time a democrat rapist gets into office, remember Slick Willie?
Centrist boomers literally don’t give a fuck since they love him so much. I don’t even know what to do with this country anymore.
Actually Trump never raped anyone, he talks about grabbing a woman by the pussy and her liking it, implying concent. Words are not violence.
Biden actually walked up and finger dipped this girl without her consent, that is actual violence.
Retard tier meme flag shill logic admits the Democrats don't care about rape.
rip metoo
its so sad
you sure about that?
>anonymous sources
how convenient
Tara Reade is a real person
She wouldn't have faced such negative responses to her belief she remembers a physical affection encounter with Joe Biden had public figures like Donald Trump not normalized the objectification and apathy towards women and female social issues.
Trump has nothing to do with this. Joe Biden shoved his fingers into Tara Reade's unwilling vagina. Try to stay on topic.
Yeah, because Democrats play dirty, hire actresses, lie, defame, slander, character assassination... It wouldn't be hard to find some whore to make up a police report, kind of like they used a literal whore to attack Kavanaugh and her attorney is now in prison...
I love it when Magatards think they can take any high ground in this fight.
If democrats allow Biden to be thier nominee in the #metoo #believeallwomen era, they will have no moral high ground left. They will be exposed as morally bankrupt for the world to see.
So much for Listen and Believe eh Dems?
ok joomer
Don’t blame me I voted Bernie
If every candidate for office is implicated in a sexual assault scandal, do the alleged sexual assaults just cancel each other out from a political standpoint? Because it litterally seems like pretty much everyone has some allegations brought up. At some point you almost expect it, and it loses its effectiveness as a tool.
Vote blue every time motherfuckerz.
(except that one)
You're a fucking meme flag, what high ground do you have? You're probably living in a cave in Pakistan using a 4g Obama phone hot spot... Kill yourself nigger.
In MineCraft.
Is it degenerate to put your fingers in the vajayjay? I'm new to Yas Forums.
its almost like sexual assault shouldn't be a crime at this point if everyone is doing it
No nigger, they don't cancel each other out... We have evidence of Tara's mother trying to report this in the 90s...
There is no evidence Kavanaugh even met Ford and as far as Trump and Epstein they are both billionaires who lived in Florida and partied... If Trump didn't have a photo with Epstein that would be more unusual considering their nearby residences, behavior and social class.
Tara Reade is a qt. Of course Hiden finger Biden raped her, lurk more.
>is a survivor of sexual assault commited by Joe Biden.
pretty dramatic embellishing 2bh
Joe "grab em like a bowling ball" Biden is probably getting fan mail from hos begging to be finger banged.
>Trump in 2015 and CPAC telling Sean Hannity Bill Clinton had a problem with Epstein
>The Lawyer of Epsteins 2009 Victims, Bradley Edwards, claims that Trump was the only one interested in helping him.
You know what? That pic did it. I'm ridin' with Biden now!
When do we get to rape a staffer?
In an election between Biden and Trump, allegations of sexual assault couldn't possibly matter less.
>Andrew Cuomo / Chris Cuomo and Epstein
Seems like only Democrats hung out with Epstein
Even Project Veritas released a video of that CBS lady saying they had everything on Epstein and Clinton and they were told to bury it.
It's clear Democrats are all sexual degenerates and rapists so they hire actresses to make up claims against right-wingers to project and provide cover for their own behavior.