Is this allowed? Can you get fired for being a thot?

Is this allowed? Can you get fired for being a thot?

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this is considered breaking news?

You can get fired for anything these days

I wish I could kill women using my thoughts

Someone drop the photos already I need to coom

If she did it on company time or in the uniform, yes.

Yes, you can be fired for any reason at any time in most states. Shes at will, and being a thot is not a protected status.

if you can get fired for saying 'nigger' then you should be able to get fired for fingering your asshole online

if you can lose your job for being racist, you should be able to be fired for being a whore

Why would a mechanic get fired for making an OnlyFans account? There are certain jobs where I can understand where it might be an issue (i.e teacher, public figure) but a fucking mechanic?

At Will Employment.

It’s an at-will state, wagie simp

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Depending on the details
If she was doing OnlyFans shit at work and on the clock then absolutely
If off the clock, you've got some grey area

I’d love to see her work on cars
Probably caused a few brakes to go out

Lol indiana cardealers have more moral than some literal e-whores

I feel bad for her. And hear me out why.
>Be her,
>Be laid off from work from wu-flu going on
>Probably couldn't get unemployment
>Waiting on Trumpbux, bills piling up, in need of groceries
>thought process.jpg
>Show bobs and va-gina for $$$ to make ends meet
>Boss at work mad about it, fires her, now she can THOT it up and make 50 times more than what she was making at jenky-ass mechanic shop with a C-rating anyway

Some thots made tens of thousands of dollars in weeks because of the virus. It's not a good thing either, but blame the kikes for this. Anytime STHF on anything, always and I mean always blame the kikes for it.

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looks from the picture she's doing it on company time in their gear
moonlighting is enough to piss off an employer
moonlighting with company equipment is another
and lets not kid ourselves, we both know this cunt never does any actual work

She did

there is no gray area. wagies can be terminated for any reason at any time, not even the US justice system recognizes your humanity

Shut the fuck up faggot that cunt got what she deserved

Car shops are still open, they're essential.

See what they should of done is print out the only fans onto a big poster, Put it up in the workshop then ask if it was worth it and how much respect her coworkers now have for her

>Some thots made tens of thousands of dollars in weeks because of the virus.

These are paid advertisers for OnlyFans. The truth is coming out, very few women make any money doing this shit. They're sending their nudes out into the ether for a pittance.

“Thot” is a bit of an understatement.
A more appropriate descriptor would be “Digital Prostitute”

you shouldn't be fired for what you do in your private life but this is the world that SJWs want.

Who TF would let a woman work on their car? That like hiring a dyslexic to do your taxes.

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>the kikes
Why? If there's anyone to blame is the simps and thots.
Kikery is just a result.

He who calls one a faggot is a bigger faggot. Enjoy your anal-plug, twink.

We’re gonna reach the point where every woman in the US is going to do some sort of porn.

Strap-on Tools

guaranteed she was a "technician" not an actual mechanic

Shut the fuck up Ian.

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Heh nice one kid

yeah, she was fingerbanging herself in uniform

>Be whore
>Try and work for someone to represent their company
>Said company doesn't want whores to represent them
>Muh oppression!
A reminder OnlyFans is funded by Jews. Every fucking time.

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I'd love her to tighten my nuts

Probably just got fired for being in her work uniform while doing it. Sensationalist news article telling half story.

>be thot
>get a job answering the phone at a mechanic shop
>completely useless
>constantly flirt with customers
>create massive drama among coworkers
>post to social media while on company time, in company uniform, with company name and logo clearly visible
>tell coworkers about your OnlyFans, content becomes a huge distraction
>boss is tired of your useless ass
>fires you for wasting time, breaking company policy regarding social media

“They fired me because of this one thing that’s not even against the rules.”

Many such cases.

We have morals in the hoosier state, you don't have the right to drag your employer through the mud via association.

A minor victory, but a victory nonetheless. These women must be discovered and exiled if the world is to reclaim its righteous self from the toxic embrace of the whore. Cast these types out, publicly shame them, and strip them of any social standing. A woman who works in such ways has no place in the civilized age, and she should be made an example of for all to see.

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