Why did NS Germany love trannies but hate gays?

>let trannies as long as they were "feminine" enough go to Mutterschule and begin looking after newborn babies.
>let trannies have legal change of sex markers as early as 1934
>let trannies have fake vaginas constructed
>deliberately let a tranny compete in the 1936 olympics

>sends homosexual men to forced labor
>kills homosexual party members
>forcefully castrates homosexuals
>sends hundreds of thousands of homosexuals to prison


Attached: tranny olympics.jpg (568x798, 43.87K)

Other urls found in this thread:


because trannies are less gay than fags

Trannies are based, faggots are ew.

The East German track and field federation invented the modern tranny. God bless those pharmaceutical pioneers.

Gays embrace masculinity. Trannies are disgusting, cut off their dicks, and emasculate themselves. Trannies are just disgusting.

Attached: join_the_s_a__by_nam_stram_gram_d8towgu.png (1541x1388, 476.24K)

Stop lying you flaming fag. Every single book on how to do transgender transition of any kind was literally burned by the SA in the first few months of Hitler’s regime.

Heinrich "Dora" Ratjen wasn't a tranny, it was a genuine hermaphrodite. Different kind of freakazoid.

You absolute fucking moron.

Attached: 1573514266555.png (1148x408, 165.22K)

Ernst Rohm fought against the trannies. Ernst Rohm was later killed (for doing that and being gay).

Attached: homofascism.png (900x1200, 1.22M)

that's not a transsexual, that's an intersex person.
One is a delusion, the other is a real anatomical phenomenon.

All cases where people claim the Nazis tolerated transsexuals are actually cases of intersex people.
The medical opinion in most of the 20th century was that birth-sex defines your gender, but intersex people had the potential for both sexes and both genders and the parents could choose.

Trannies happen for two reasons:

1. Extreme childhood trauma, usually caused by being molested by a homosexual

2.Women failing at their societal role

No, sticking your dick into poo hole is disgusting

Youre literally spewing nonsense. The NSDAP jailed both trannies and faggots.

Why does Iran?

user you should read this:
These people were not intersex and they were allowed to transition, have fake vaginas constructed, and adopt children. Why?

I'm transgender and I was never abused

Does anyone here have any info on why hermaphrodos , klimenfelters, and other freaks are born the way they are?

Trannies reproduce by molesting kids user. Stop lying.

I know you faggots like to pretend you're in solidarity with those with actual ailments like an intersex person born with said mutation, but you only come off the same you turn around and then say you're "for the workers", An actual person born with something wrong or incomplete about their sex =/= a delusional fantasy about being able to make a sexual organ through monstrosities of a surgery, Trannys and faggots get the bullet

Attached: PhasesOfATranny.png (750x681, 463.6K)

/grooming them on Discord

I don't support intersex people. They should be murdered in my opinion. They are genetic failures.

Fake link. Literally just some faggy discord with a few random replies.

It's not a fake link user and it cites actual sources.
>Sources consulted:

>Herrn, Rainer. “Transvestitismus in Der NS-Zeit.” Zeitschrift Für Sexualforschung 26.04 (2013): 330-71. Thieme. Web.

>Weiß, Volker. “Eine Weibliche Seele Im Männlichen Körper.” Diss. FU Berlin, 2008. Eine Weibliche Seele Im Männlichen Körper. FU Berlin, 19 Feb. 2010. Web.

>tries to use men in women's sports to cheat the system
fixed that for you there

Why would they murder this hero for fighting against (((trannies))) but let the (((trannies))) live peacefully, legally change their gender, and get sexual reassignment surgery?

Attached: hero rohm.jpg (936x1280, 734.5K)

The National Socialist League (NSL) was a neo-Nazi organization of gay men in the United States that existed from 1974 until 1984. It was originally founded by Jim Cherry, but was quickly taken over by Russell Veh, a neo-Nazi and transplant to Los Angeles, California from Ohio.[1] Veh financed the party using the profits from his printing business. He also financed the league with a film distribution unit that specialized in Nazi propaganda films, including Triumph of the Will. The National Socialist League had chapters in various parts of California, and implied in their mass mailing on July 4, 1978 that they had established an offshoot organization in Manhattan.[2][1][3]

Just read your headline. Rest of your post is propably bs. They had masculine women in olympics because testosterone made them run faster.

Attached: tenor.gif (498x286, 3.62M)

They had emasculated men compete in the olympics. A man with a penis.

Source other than buzzfeed please

Attached: D4A29B46-6AC1-43A5-BE2C-C63809D55F51.jpg (720x568, 18.58K)

Kill yourself you subhuman shill.

If anything, germany’s hatred of gays and trans fags was only hardened by living through the hell that was weimar.

Sorry, cant read German. Can you post anything in English.

Thanks, for your shit link. I already read it and looked up the two dissertations mentioned .
Both aren't historical dissertations but postmodernist drivel that only references LGBT propaganda or other postmodernist drivel. One is literally titled:

>A female soul in the male body - archaeology of a metaphor as a critique of the medical construction of trans-sexuality

The cases described in your article are so vague, they are impossible to verify and are highly doubtful.

Your claims are fundamentally contrary to Nazi ideology and the views of medical community in early 20th century Germany that they need very HARD evidence. Not a shitty archive link quoting non-historical "sources".

Especially one part is absolute bullshit:The first sex changes in the world were a back-alley jobs by Magnus Hirschfeld in 1931 (!), a figure absolutely despised and actively persecuted by the Nazi movement and those operations had horrible survival rates.
They weren't performed by reputable doctors, they were human experiments by a handful ideologues even in the thirties.


Forgot memeflag

>the memeflag slips
>it’s an Aussie

Can you be less precise please.

The Third Reich in Power by Evans has a chapter dealing with sexual (and other social) politics in the Third Reich.

Trannies are better than gays. At least trannies want to channel their mental illness into an ideal form of the opposite sex. Gays just want to be fucking degenerates.

Gays are worse to put up with than a bloke in a dress that does the cooking and cleaning.