Rank each race on how human they are

Rank each race on how human they are

Attached: The five races of Mankind, 1911.jpg (1158x1600, 355.09K)

is this photoshopped or has that indian always been the spitting image of Justin?

Attached: trudeauheadress.jpg (620x349, 117.53K)

whites 1
everything else 0

>We're all one race, the Human race
>pictured in the middle

based injuns and whitey

They're all humans, dummy.

1. whites
2. jews (the ones that don't worship Moloch)
3. Jomon japanese
4. arabs
5. other gooks
6. poos
7. natives of non-europe
8. niggers

Attached: 1587235817109.gif (490x360, 3.39M)

Whites: 10/10
Nips: 9/10
Injuns: 8/10
Poojeets: 4/10
Taco niggers and dindus: 3/10
Jews, chinks, and abos: 1/10

Attached: 1122423-1568912560.png (146x144, 35.73K)

human is a species not a race.

Just like a fucking Rottweiler and a Poodle are of the same species

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the get confirm it's accurate

whites 10/10
japs 4/10
rest 1/10
niggers -13/10

White: 1488%
Others: 0%
Niggers: -25%
Jews and Libs: -666%

Attached: D3EbHhQUwAERT1v.jpg (1158x1600, 259.52K)

Attached: betweenherslantedeyes.png (561x740, 123.66K)


The Arabs of the Islamic Golden Age were pretty based, with their discoveries in surgery, algebra, cartography, and alchemy and other stuff. Then that all went to shit. What the fuck happened to them?

never change, Yas Forums

Attached: 1432757801293.jpg (533x388, 177.37K)

>yes, I am autistic, how could you tell?

Go back to your desert Ahmed no one likes you


post the original pic

Attached: 65h5h6.jpg (924x1298, 265.31K)


big brain 141 iq

Attached: 1583726361260.png (477x796, 351.63K)

>What the fuck happened to them?
They stop conquering lands that had achived sometning and that lead to scientific stagnation, inbreeding and mudslimes being retarded semi-domesticated half niggers today.

Attached: mudslime scholars2.webm (362x640, 448.64K)

>Caucasoid 10/10
>Mongoloid 5/10
>Negroid 0/10
>Mix of 2 or 3 of them together -10/10

>Islamic Golden Age
that was all persians not arabs

Attached: one word.webm (360x240, 322.54K)


Every race is 0% human except for chosen people of G-d.

Whites aren't human.

Whites are something even greater.

Natives from America
every other native

Jews are human , goyim are cattle


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They started having eyes for their relatives

who's that?

all races are equaly human. But not all races are equal. Racial differences are important to secure the human race. We must protect all races for the sake of humanity.