Alright which one of you fuckers is responsible for this...

Alright which one of you fuckers is responsible for this, can we not go one day without some new SJW shit blowing up on the innanet. Guys even got Sargon to talk about it

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who fucking cares

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I'm curious what the solution is. No evil characters? Everyone is smart and solves their problems by talking it out?

>"...could develop a LIMITED capacity..."

The game creators just had to throw that one kick to the ass there, didn't they.

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Yes. It will be the most boring RPG ever, where everyone is equal, entitled to the same rights and living conditions, and no one ever goes to war.

What are you talking about user every culture clearly doesn't understand the orcs and just needs to integrate with them. Diversity is a party's strength afterall

The only evil characters are white and have an easily recognizable arm band.

You know you don't have to abide by their shit rules, that's the nice thing about d&d, it's completely open ended imagination and creativity. You don't even have to have a game rule book, just some paper, pencils and dice.

Orcs = niggers
Goblins = Jews? Or are Elves the Jews? Around Elves, watch yourselves?

Orcs arnt human, they're literally corrupted elves; Aka kikes. Look white but arnt.

No you can't. This isn't Nam man, there are rules.

dwarves are actually jews, always at odds with orcs who are really a representation of muslims, and they hoard gold and hide away in the mountains.

no. we go the other way and introduce niggers. who are dumber and more violent than orcs but don't have any of the benefits.
Just gas gas gas until they all fuck off. You can't concede anything to these parasites because once they see you flintch they'll attack destroy everything

You aren't and old fag like me, yes, you most certainly can. All d&d is is storytelling with role-playing thrown in.

What are goblins then? Italian mobsters?

Oh man, orcposting is back in season

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Comparing orcs to niggers is an insult to orcs desu
At least orcs stick to their own race and are capable of building and inventing

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>orc = black/brown

huh? nice projection there pal. really showed your true colors there.

Looks like meme's back on the menu boys!

i think that uruk-hai could be referred to as an infant because it's only a few days only at that point in the movie


Orcs actually offered a military challenge to the races of men.

goblins are muzzies like orcs, the two races always seem to get along and what other group gets along with muslims other than muslims?

>You aren't and old fag like me
Ive been here since 2002 bruh, you aint as old as me

Whatever could have happened?

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Checked. The irony is that these people are the actual racists, because they unconsciously reading into something racist messages that aren't actually there.

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Kinda funny, because Wizards of the Coast kiss liberal ass anyways.

I wouldn't if it didn't always end in changes to established hobbies because the newest batch of people can't handle longstanding tradition, rules, or even basic literature canon.

The only way they could make it better was to introduce "albino" orcs that are more peaceful and more intelligent.

soibois were a big mistake


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they're called elves.
or dwarves.

True. I remember when some friends and I first started in middle school, that's all we ever used.

It's obviously "no intrinsically evil races". Are you even dumber than SJWs?

>communication in the 21st century
Keep your head in the sand and die there, boomer.