What did CERN mean by this?

Attached: Kek collider.jpg (1920x1080, 297.88K)

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i think it's self explanatory

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That it's all one big joke. Welcome to the Galactic Truman Show.

kek is that real?

Attached: fucking_cat.gif (215x220, 2M)


they been splitting time lines kek

the old gods are being contacted

I worked on a project for CERN and got to tour. They have a lot of tongue in cheek jokes like that because they're nerds, many of the guys in power browsed Yas Forums back between 2004-2012, some probably still come here like me lol

named before the meme evolved

You really think this board's culture is its own? Or was it given to you.. as a gift?

Attached: illuminatiCardTheThuleGroup.jpg (640x669, 94.52K)

What did he mean by this?

Attached: mandela.jpg (698x393, 52.02K)

How do I become a wizard?


It means you are all fucked nigger.
Welcome to tartarus.

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>Galactic Truman Show
That's pretty good.

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Fuck the thule and vril they are giga nigger

So particle physics is fake?

I for one welcome our new bosonic overlords

>virgin hadron collider to get digits
>chad pepe image to get digits

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>KEK will cerebrate it's 50th anniversary in 2021

wtf lol

stop posting fake stuff

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glad i wasn't the only one.

Reminder to all CERN employees lurking here, you can’t fool God while you pathetic faggots LARP as him and pretend he isn’t real.

Enjoy eternal damnation you satanic fucks

are you one of the guys in this pic?

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Attached: ycf0yrvwx8501.jpg (674x767, 54.36K)

kek indeed.

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I thought we controlled KEK

CERN is literally Evangelion.
What did you expect?

>Point-Emerging-Probably Entering


They had to split reality in order for us to summon him to this realm.

That's going to be their time machine.

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