Brit/pol/ - Heroic Binfire Edition

>HEROIC Bolton NHS Nurse TACKLES BINFIRE after 14-hour shift

>DEFIANT Boris Johnson 'properly at helm' of No10 to steer UK out of coronavirus lockdown

>Labour Party calls in POLICE to probe claims of a 'stop Corbyn' plot

>Bury Fire Service called to EIGHT WHEELIE BINFIRES

>Greggs is OPENING a small number of branches to test how it will reopen its 2,050 shops

>Youths in Glen Parva set POO-BIN on fire and claim 'it's funny' and 'it gets you high'

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nadiya Husseins willy


drunk myself sober. bored now.

its going off everywhere lads...

Binposter is a very handsome rogue

With the ascendancy of Hindus in Britain, now is a good time to begin dating Indian women in the UK.

They are feminine, highly educated, from good families, tend to work in professional occupations, yet understand the traditional female role and can be EXTREMELY beautiful.

Also, they are very loyal to the UK.

Trade in your Stacey for a Priti NOW!


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Greggs are an essential food. There are some povvos in Newcastle who live off of nothing but food from Greggs.

>warm spring
>unprecedented situation
>economy down the shitter
2011 riots again

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fuck it .. bed

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Evening Bongs

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Norf or Souf Indian?

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Triggered me la.

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i'm quite famous

You again

>Pubs shut
>Yearly trip to Ibiza is potentially cancelled
>All major sporting events are cancelled

How bored are Deano and the lads right now?

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Norf every time.

The lighter the better IMO.

that smethwick is trending on twitter, video is grim like

What part of the SNP are actually National?

Devolution was a mistake, thanks Tone. As was allowing the Scots to stew in their anti-English sentiment post deindustrialisation

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Is it the prods vs catlicks again?

Got a Yas Forums warning last night for posting that I heard a noise outside my house. Did a labour councillor become a janny?
Ah yeah thats the paki tranny, poobro or something, got a kiwi farm thread about him/her/it whatever.

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What the fuck is that?

the state of her tits.

Theyre loving it, mortgage holiday, £800 quid from furlough pay from call centre work, absolute monster fifa sesh with the lads and domino's every other night, only downside is no maga this year OR kavos!

Why do low class girls, especially the ethnic ones, insist on massive hoop earrings when they just look shit on even the prettiest of girls.

You again

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Find out who or what it was?

Does anyone read Scot Nat stuff on twitter?

Fucking hell, they are seriously nuts.

They have a weird grievance with the English that they will never get over.

I think it makes Scottish independence inevitable desu. These people will never cease.

Whats his fucking problem? Stan Collymore was the highest profile thug in the country 20 years ago,

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Once I saw the river clean.

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Nah, had a little patrol for 10 minutes, nothing, so just fell asleep.

Lads I suck at fifa, Deano would mock me relentlessly

One day we lost my mates ferret at the airport

think it is a big wake up call for some people, kid shouldn't of died like that no one should

who cares

Thing is the price of oil now makes independence very unlikely so we have to deal with these treasonous cunts, the jocks who support them, for longer, all while not solving things like the west lothian question and national funding. The UK is not a unitary system nor is it a federal one, all in part due to england just being too bloody powerful

He's also a Celtic IRA supporting c*nt
>Clause 1 makes it an offence to express an opinion or belief that is supportive of a proscribed organisation in circumstances where the perpetrator is reckless as to whether a person to whom the expression is directed will be encouraged to support a proscribed organisation.
>Clause 2 amends Section 13 of the Terrorism Act 2000, making it an offence to publish images of: items of clothing or any other article (such as a flag) which would arouse suspicions that the person is a member or supporter of a proscribed organisation.
>Under Section 58 of the Terrorism Act 2000 it is already an offence to download information that is "likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism." Clause 3 amends this to include streaming of such material, where it is not stored offline.

You need a Serie A FUT, buy Dybala, Immobilie, Koulibaly and Mertens

Doubt it. If it was you'd see a lot more than a few hits. Wouldn't get women screaming "stop it" either.


>They have a weird grievance with the English that they will never get over.
Most Scots have that mindset though.

>think it is a big wake up call for some people
isn't this part and parcel of living in london? it's news because it's birmingham. a city which weirdly nobody ever mentions because it's not norf.

Thats where I read about him/her. He even drank his house mates drinks and topped them back up with the contents of his piss bottle.

Did you check in the morning to see if anything had been disturbed?

>Say a fact about Islam
>Get locked up for 7 years
>Get out
>Say there are only two genders
>Get locked up for 7 years
>Get out
>Say I hate the English
>Get elected leader of the SNP

>HEROIC Bolton NHS Nurse TACKLES BINFIRE after 14-hour shift

Memes are real.

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Hey Sussex, hope you're well lad?

HI mate

Karen, you're back!

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Flodden hurts still, lol

>Thats where I read about him/her. He even drank his house mates drinks and topped them back up with the contents of his piss bottle.
Sounds like a smashing bloke....woman.....thing......dunno

>Did you check in the morning to see if anything had been disturbed?
Yeah checked everything, nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

He was some Paki plastic gangster.

i just think its mad, it must be fucked being a parent in this country

He was OK in the end, good and stinky :)

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Don't laugh it's coming to England too. They are getting increasing desperate to keep the lid on things.

"Scottish independence inevitable"
>the military will somehow give up their strategically advantageous trident and air force bases in Scotland
>the City of London will somehow give up their access to the Faroe Islands/Norwegian Sea and much of their claims to the north sea oil
>England (55 mil) will supposedly not be able to stop a neighbouring population of 5.5 million from gaining and maintaining independence

There was a YouTube video, now gone, of some scot trying to report (as a test), to the police, sturgeon for a “hate incident” regarding anti english sentiment. It was hilarious as the police initially start of very eager to hear it then just brush him off and say there’s nothing for them to look at.


I've done you.



Why do you envy me.



I've done you.

how do you know?

got me arse cheeks open

Was this the one?

You OK mate?

The Scot Nats are well balanced, they have a chip on both shoulders.

Yes thanks Karen, just desperate to fit in.

Yes! I was trying to find it, thought it was gone. Good to see it’s around as obvious proof of the anarcho tyrannic system

You can tell by looking at him in the video