How did Arabs conquer the Romans and Persians simultaneously?

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Other urls found in this thread: Persian conquest of Jerusalem in 614CE compared with Islamic conquest of 638CE.pdf


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A theocratic authoritarian state can crush any bureacratic state given enough footing.

God favored them at that time.

>Chad Ayyrabs vs virgin meds

It probably had something to do with jews. idk tho.

Romans and Persians were too busy fighting and wearing each other out

Persia and Byzantium lost millions of men and materials in their decade long battles. Islam just cleaned up what was left.

Black plague wiped out 1/3 of Europe's population mate

Wasnt romans. It was byzantium at that time. They and the persians had been fighting and were both weakened at the time.

The roman empire was going through like eight disasters and conflicts at once.
>Big earthquake
>Split into two empires
>Food shortage
And some I'm forgetting.

Your made up god favours noone and does nothing and none have ever talked to the maker.

>Spit into two empires
Didn't that happened several centuries apart?


Exactly, the Arabs could have never beat them at full strength. That’s why it was such a humiliation and why the Persians were especially sore over it. The Arabs saw them as worthy adversaries who fought well, but the Persians felt zerged by an inferior race.

Because both empires employed arabs in their ranks and arabs, being a kind of jew, betrayed them and opened the gates. Also it took almost 40 years to conquer persia and by then most persians had taken over the arabic bureaucracy and were the ones actually running the 'arab' empire. Within 3 centuries the arabs were functionally irrelevant in 'their' empire and spent the next 1000 years being kikes trying to control people from the shadows while turkic and iranic chads did the actual ruling.

>wasn't romans

westoid cope

he's confusing them with the avars

same shit different centuries

You mean Satan. See Jesus' temptation in the wilderness, it's Satan who is the ruler of the world with the authority to make its Kingdoms rise or fall

No i’m a deist But i dont believe in these l Ron hubbards of the desert that have no evidence of any contact except their own accounts you delusional faggot.

loll funny how whites use all the excuses YET rejecting the Main point the Intelligence and Strategic behavior .

but no , whites are the only one who win wars with using brains. others non-white got there victories thanks to plauges , food shortage and all othter crap , kekekekkek

fucking Crackers ..

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The mongols or some mutts of were a constant variable.
Point is that whole list had the romans a sitting duck.

Unironically Jews.
> Persian conquest of Jerusalem in 614CE compared with Islamic conquest of 638CE.pdf

Have a read of that and it will all make sense.

It wasnt. The roman Empire had stopped existing at that point faggot. It was called the byzantine Empire. That the Capital was still called constantinople was the only roman Empire thing about it.

Muslims were the real deal

fuck off shilll
muh islam
muh mahoun
muh shaitan
muh muslims are not a jew cocksucker v3.1b

honestly why do faggots like you post shit like this?
what the fuck are you really trying to prove or do than just fill the catalog with shit

The black plague happened hundreds of years after the first caliphate stomped Persia and the Byzantines in Anatolia. Mate

The romans and persians just ended a 2 decade long war in wich the persians managed to occupy almost all roman provinces east of Constantinople only to be crushed by Heraclious some time later. Basically, they both fucked themselves, they both lost almost all their manpower, their agriculture and economy were fucked and plagues were starting to pop on across their empires, the arabs used this opportunity and invaded.

What a fucking retard.. Arab invasions happend in 7th century AD, the black plague was in 12-13 cenutry AD
Typical American uneducated retard who doesnt know shit about history outside his owns pathetic 300 years of existance

Way later go back to lurker longer

Excuse excuse excuse!
Islam was the reason, Arabs were nomadic tribal shitheads before Islam, and the pure Islam was practiced, the conquer from sunrise to sunset. The filthy Arabs are now degenerate and traded their principals with worldly life, hence they’re cucked. Insha’Allah one day the glory of Muslims will return

>Rome in mortal danger in the third century
>Severus and Constantine both obvious students of recent history
>fortify Constantinople to such a degree it will only be stormed 1200 years later when it's severely undermanned and facing great cannons
>be Sassinds
>see Rome sack Parthian Ctesiphon
>see Rome sack Ctesiphon on your own watch a little later
>do nothing
>never fortify
The difference of fate between the Sassanian and Eastern Roman Empire boils down to this:
Open up wikipedia's pages for Constantinople and Ctesiphon then ctrl+f: "wall".

Nobody ever called the Eastern Roman empire the Byzantine empire at that time, thats our modern name for it. They referred to themselves as Rome and Romans.

Agreed it’s embarrassing. If I know pretty much any fact from history before 1776, people here think it’s strange and anormal. Fucking loony

Splitting th3 empire in 2 was a good thing.. It helped decentralize power and deal with the problems much better.. Thats why the eastern part lived 1000 years longer

Romance countries called the ERE Imperium Graecorum during the medieval period.

Get a fucking history lesson.. Mongols invaded in 13-14th century. Avars were 1000 years earlier

But wouldn't it cause a lack of effefency to defend at full-force?

Imagine being such a fag you agree with some third worlder. Look up the "Plague of Justinian" you fucking retards, the term "plague" doesn't have to mean "black plague" and the plagues in general have existed for thousands of years. Fucking slav brainlet.

>pathetic 300 years

As opposed to 1000 years being ruled by everyone else?

Romans and Persians didn't believe in heaven, Muslims did. They fought like they wanted to die

Mud race with no soul. It is a scourge of mankind where they continue to reproduce and attack and reproduce and attack until the humans are annihilated.

The real reason is that Arabs had the will and drive to do it. Christcucks and Fersoids had weak and degenerated spirits and were easily conquered by the vigorous will and spirit of the Arabs.

In subsequent centuries, Arabs also lost their spirit and were themselves conquered by Turks, and then same happened with the Turks.

Because only weak men masturbate.

Those empires had just finished a long and exhaustive war before the Muslim Arabs arrived and defeated both Empires.

>plague doesn’t mean Black Plague
>original post begins with ‘black plague’

Im taking the wild random guess you’re a tumblr nigger who uses twitter for their daily news. What a faggot god I can’t wait to leave this embarrassment of a country. The empire is dying and you’re part of the decaying process

Big dick energy

Ane here we are
the stupid ALLAH PIG dicksucker
Youre nothing but retard abrahamic rape babies
With no birth right and all the pride of a bastard
Fucking loser Pisslam faggots
Jesus is talked about more in your shitty book than your false prophet
Christians have your Abrahamic Messiah
Christians have your covenant and birthright
youre nothing but wild dogs begging for scraps
Muhammad will be hanged eternally on judgement day

Says the mutt, all you fuckers do is eat and attack.

The thing is if the empire was kept in one piece the whole thing would collapse.. Eastern Rome just handled things better and managed to repell the savages. And thats why Justinian I (Eastern Roman Emperor) managed to reconquer Italian peninusla,north africa,parts of hispania and south france in early 500s. He pretty much restored Rome but it didnt last very long.. All those wars drained their budget and since than.. They were in constant downfall except a few wars against Saracens.. But even than they were helped by the French,Italians,English and what not.

While strong men write about masturbation.

He literally said black plague you blind piece of shit.

Problem is the Romans spent too much time fighting amongst themselves with civil wars and usurping generals, and not enough time fighting invaders

Why would satan allow Christianity to flourish?

Romans were in the seat of being eternally whittled away with no allies to help them out. They also had little control over the non-greek parts of their population, and the size of the army they could muster with their core demographic was very small.

Basically overextension.

Constant downfall? No, the Macedonian emperors pushed back against both the Western Barbarians and Eastern Muslim armies before the Turks/Crusades happened.

because byzantium was not rome and it did not have the warrior culture of its forebearers. Meanwhile arabs are IRL orcs, all they do is kill. The Byzintine empire was politically fucked, ecenomically struggling and militarily pussified.

Also old world arabs and modern arabs may as well be a different species all together

Yes.. There were a hundred different reasons why rome fell though.. We could even list Christianity as one.

Those empires were much older and at the lowest point they had been in decades.

As the Arabs are superior to Turks and Iranians.

Romans and Persians were kicking the shit out of each other nonstop ever since the west of the empire fell. Knock on effects of devastation from Justinian’s plague were still being felt. Arabs had some brilliant and ballsy generals. The rest is history.

It’s historically true that both of these were severely weakened from idiotically fighting eachother when the muslims following the charlatain Mohammeds bs religion emerged from arabia to war with them. Infact the muslims first attacked north africa and spain cause the persians and byzantines were too Big of a deal for the damascus Steel weilding head chopping rapists. So they waited till Later.

Besides nothing good comes from these bastard desert monkeys or their bullshit made up gods. And when humanity stops existing in a few hundred years nobody Will miss it either or monkeys like you who glorify running around in the past beheading and raping cause you cant figure out anything else.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing.

Fish and crab fighting, only to be caught by the fisherman.

I mean teritorial downfall.. They never had as much territory as in the time of Justinian I. Sure they had some success and won wars in the Balkans and Anatolia.. But in terms of territory they were always being reduced or flip floping with slavs in Balkans and turks in Anatolia. The final blow was 4th crusade and sack of Constantinople. After that they were doomed.

Are you allowed online during Rubadub? That's a stoning for you my friend. Bismillah!

Ancient Allah-fearing Arabs were based and islampilled, not these fat kike cock sucking cowardice who got their leaders lynched everyday on their own streets. Just shut the fuck up

No, fuck you.

What glory a bunch of lunatic pedofiles who followed a conman who said he talked to an Angel. Muslims are so stupid they think their religion is correct if they kill those who disagree. Yes, that low iq. Why else they follow an obvious conman. And with Jews it was conman Moses. And then conman Jesus who tried to overthrow the priest class.

There are no gods for or against you. God does not care to talk to garbage humans so you make up your own.

Because the Romans and the Persians did all the heavy lifting on one another before the Arabs showed up and took out the upper crust.

Wow that was really funny.

It’s hilarous watching all these idiot monkey snackbars relish in their bs religion made up by a conman and celebrate being lunatics in the past.