Second Nick Fuentes debate: "Hispasnics commit the same number of crimes or even less than white people when accounting for age, therefore, being against Hispanic immigrants based on crime is dumb"
Did this ever get debunked or did he rape our entire ideology?
Thats likely manipulation of data but even if that is true:
>Hispanic immigrants are not invested in American/European culture
>Immigrants take jobs and reduce wages for American workers
>Hispanics will always vote blue because of free handouts
>Hispanics have no rightful claim to American land
>if Mexico got rich, they would go back in a heartbeat because they only come here to leech off American prosperity
>I know you are wrong but I need to do the research, I wasn't ready for this
>When accounting for age
What does this mean?
Are we excusing minorities that are minors and already have a rap sheet?
Sadly this sociopathic gamer keeps BTFOing all of our alt right leaders.
Even contrapoints is winning the meme wars now
It’s over for us
>>Hispanic immigrants are not invested in American/European culture
Neither are the vast majority of whites in USA. What the fuck are you even talking about "American/European" culture? This is just America and nobody gives a shit about other countries.
>Immigrants take jobs and reduce wages for American workers
Be less lazy and more proactive about getting a job. You're the problem there, not immigrants. There will never ever be a shortage of places which are hiring in this country, in literally any state in the union. Everybody is willing to pay for a service if nothing else. Don't blame immigrants because you're too stupid to figure that out for yourself.
>Hispanics will always vote blue because of free handouts
What? Are they taking all the jobs or whining for handouts? Which is it?
>Hispanics have no rightful claim to American land
America is 2 continents. This is the dumbest thing you've said so far. Nobody is trying to "claim land" either, they just want a relatively safe place to buy a house and pay taxes.
Basically 20-year-old Hispanics don't commit more crime than 20-year-old whites. Probably even less.
Destiny had a study for it and it seems to be true.
Yas Forums got BTFO again and now tries to ignore the thread to death and act like nothing happened.
Steven "Ethical CP" Bonnell is a midget faggot cuckold.
>Basically 20-year-old Hispanics don't commit more crime than 20-year-old whites. Probably even less.
>studies? I don't give a shit!
>I have memes! haha
>a “study”
>meanwhile all general statistics on crime show this is false, as I’ve seen with my own eyes
Faggot cherrypicked some bullshit with a low sample size and ignored the data on the general population which is readily available on
It's a hard claim to believe. Hispanics have sky high crime rates in the native countries. It makes more sense to say studies are bias than say there's some magical reason they're less crime prone after coming here.
That doesn’t make sense retard. A group can’t commit more crime than another group “except when controlling for age”
That literally does not make sense at all
>>meanwhile all general statistics on crime show this is false,
No, they don't.
They show HIspanics commit more crimes, but not when accounting for age.
Whites are simply old as fuck.
Hispanics are counted as white in crime stats so his argument is retarded.
ok retards
Every spic I grew up with had a violent crime record here in NYC by 21
>they just want a relatively safe place to buy a house and pay taxes
>pay taxes
Jesus Christ, do you have an IQ of 60? Older people commit less crimes. White are older than Hispanics, so it's not surprising Hispanics commit more grimes if you simply total the numbers up. If you filter for age, though, it's even.
No, they are not.
Yas Forums is a joke.
Makes sense Spic Fuentes and more and more retards now turn to Christianity because they realized logics and reasoning isn't on their site.
>just accept low wages and overpriced housing
>think of the billionaires you lazy racist
Yea, the fbi must be a bunch of nazis from pol.
Try harder.
If desTINY really said this, he's far dumber and full of shit than I ever imagined
So what you’re saying is beaners are afraid to commit as much crime as they do back home because they don’t want to get deported and stop getting welfare from whites. Until they manage to vote to make it illegal to get deported and then they turn America into a crime ridden shithole like where they came from
The FBI agrees with Destiny. Account for age and Hispanics commit less crimes. Now kys, wignat.
Liar go watch red elephants on youtube. He already destroyed your destiny with facts. Also dipshit crossing the boarder is illegal so add 15 million extra crimes to your spics for the 30+ age group.
Yes. Nice job not doing research in any capacity whatsoever,
>In 2015, Hispanics had an estimated after-tax income of more than $687.8 billion. That figure is equivalent to almost one out of every 10 dollars of disposable income held in the United States that year. Foreign-born Hispanic households made up a sizeable portion of that figure: We estimate their spending power totaled $322.1billion that year.
>In 2015, Hispanic households contributed $101.8 billion to Social Security and $25.3 billion to Medicare’s core trust fund. That included the almost $46.2 billion foreign-born Hispanics contributed to Social Security, and the $11.4 billion they gave to Medicare. Past studies have indicated that from Medicare in particular, immigrants draw down far less than they put into the trust fund each year, making such tax contributions particularly valuable
>"They take all our jobs b-but somehow don't pay taxes because ?????"
Continue being retarded. Don't mind me.
>m-muh Paint image!
Post a link or kys.
Also how about you adjust by age AND class?
Not based.
Epic statistic.
Compare criminality numbers in most southern states 60 years ago before the infestation with those today
Its obvious that these subhumans are more prone to crime. Their low average low IQ is a strong disadvantage in a meritocracy. Pablo Reyes mowed the grass or worked in construction because he came from Mexico so he knows his luck but John Reyes his son wont. So he'll be a criminal because he cant compete.
Go back to where you come from.
This man is a traitor to his racial soul and will be raped by niggers and cucked by Jews soon enough
Our source: FBI crime statistics
Their source: Center for Economic and Social Justice and Reform in Criminal Sentencing.
kys already smelly faggot desTINY faggot, I doubt desTiny was dumb enough to say this
I just woke up. Also see
Also Latin Americans are worthless and should be exterminated before they finish mowing down the rainforest just to grow and remain poor. They’re a cancer to humanity just like niggers, kikes and chinks. I’m surrounded by them. They’re retarded. Assuming what you say is true, the only thing keeping them from committing more crime is many of them fear being deported. All brown people have inherently lower general IQ levels and are a cancer to humanity
why do meme flags even post?
>be on a work visa
>try to start a union
>get fired and deported
Gee I wonder why the middle class is dying
Ok guy
Crime is what country??? This matters a lot. The laws in America are totally different from Guatemala. The laws are enforced less heavily in other countries. Most murders go unsolved in Latin America. Are you fucking kidding me? Is child rape even illegal in Mexico? For that matter, the biggest criminal organizations in the world are police in other countries. The cops in America are so corrupt already that no thinking man trusts them, but they are angels compared to Federales.
Example where hispanics are counted as white. It is not a rare occurrence. How many examples would you require before it is valid in your eyes?
Why do Spanish people pretend they're white?
How can those stats be trusted if hispanics underreport criminal activity? Even by Dedtiny's own argument hispanics commit more crime when unreported crimes are accounted for.
I wouldn’t put it past you that you don’t mean per capita. That’s the kind of greasy ass lying you leftoid nigger worshippers do
The hispanic population that is here is filtered for the best of them. Our immigration system filters out the bad ones.
So if you look at hispanic immigrants, they're going to have on average less crime compared to the general population in the US.
>>In 2015, Hispanic households contributed $101.8 billion to Social Security and $25.3 billion to Medicare’s core trust fund. That included the almost $46.2 billion foreign-born Hispanics contributed to Social Security, and the $11.4 billion they gave to Medicare. Past studies have indicated that from Medicare in particular, immigrants draw down far less than they put into the trust fund each year, making such tax contributions particularly valuable
Now compare it to white contributions.
Statistic doesn't tell you if your data is correct
>Hispanics have no rightful claim to American land
only ones who do are Anglos. the rest of you are freeloaders who only came here after we tamed it and made it great