A hyper happening with Oil prices right now and not a single thread.
ITT: We discuss oil prices(the real happening) and argue agaisnt corohoax.

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is it going back up?



Overall oil it's still really low.

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Sorry what? Nevermind. Webm completely distracting. good job faggot.

call me when it pumps to I can dump my oil stocks


coffee thread

Attached: 2015-09-03 Denisse Gomez - Perfection_.webm (1080x720, 3M)

because you faggots are all focused on corohoax threads, and since your coomer brain can't see anythign else.

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Yea gas prices are halved.

How much of the United States of Mexico's oil industry has been privatized? How much money is it losing and what effect does this have on oil prices and gasolene theft?

I've seen this girl a million times but never asked, who is she?

I have an erection.

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That's because you are a beta or an omega. If you were an Alpha you would have a Penetrator.

there's nothing to really discus about oil. it's a bunch of fags in the middle east/russia driving up supply + the corona-hoax cutting all demand.
all you can do is buy low sell high

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Don't talk to me while I'm hard. It's weird.


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Why does the girl on the right have such a dark face while the top of her bosom is white?

God gave me a brain and a penis but only enough blood to operate one at a time.

Relax bros, production will slow just enough so you can pay through the ass next winter. All is well if you're not poor.

it's a sun tan.

OMG they are both adorable. I don't even want to fuck them, just boop their noses and maybe cuddle.

On the inside of her ear?

Maybe she used a tanning booth?

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Is oil prices good for you?

Buy UCO and USO before it's too late.

>ugly meme sandals
when are women going to realize men want to see them barefoot?

The fuck does it matter? Oil is a non issue.


I hate women

this made my wiener hard

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